I wonder just how many times this police department let her get away with things like this before I came along? It would seem to me that everyone from the MRI people at the hospital, to the reporting officer, Kelly Fieux, to the detective first assigned to the case, Det. Browning to Lt. Reyes have all had something to do with what I told them was going to happen. Someone at that police department or a lot of someones must think I am stupid or something.
Didn't they realize that I knew I'd been raped? Didn't they think that I was going to be furious that they didn't do anything for me that they do for a woman? Didn't they think that the way I was treated from the second Kelly Fieux showed up at my doorstep to the minute asshole Bryan Reyes called me and lied through his teeth about the test results that I was going to fight this department? These idiots actually think that I am going to allow their dirty little secret snitch to follow me around for the next thirty years to rape me over and over again? They are fucking nuts!
Contrary to what Officer Fieux and Det. Browning think, gay men don't bleed profusely from their ass. I never reported being in a "car accident" at the hospital because I didn't even own a car...but Kelly Fieux thought I was going to let him bully me into his version of what Laurie told him happened. First of all, I have no memory of what happened...I was knocked out at a friend's home and woke up bloody...very bloody. This dickhead cop had the nerve to tell me that I was reporting being "fucked by a Coke bottle", huh? That's not what I told this dick at all...I told him that I was raped...there was a bloody Coke bottle there...and he turned it in to some kind of "faggot fantasy fuck" or something, like that is something I would be in to...then he lied about my hospital visit. I don't know whom this guy thinks he is, but I think he's an asshole...a fucking piece of shit dirty fucking cop that likes to hurt gay men. The ACLU believed me...and the cops couldn't come up with one single reason for why this dick head acted the way he did....that's just who he is. Well who he is, is a bigoted piece of stupid ass...fuck you Kelly Fieux, you are worse than most of the criminals I saw in court.
If some rapist knocked your son out and shoved a Coke bottle up his ass while he was asleep...I hope to God a cop like you comes along and treats him the way you treated me...remember asshole, you are the stupid piece of shit that allowed this same woman to shove a chip in your head that allows her to know everything about you...so don't pull that "it could never happen to me" crap because it already did!!!
For the life of me I can't understand how Lt. Reyes could forget that he showed me the preliminary test results from my clothing that showed more than my own DNA on those jeans and then he thought I would simply forget he showed me? HUH? Is this man stupid? He even had two men in to test for matches to that DNA and told me about it. Did he think I was going to forget that too? He is obviously another one of these bigoted piece of shit cops that thinks they can say and do anything they want...and get away with it. How in the world can you live with yourself knowing that you completely threw away my life in favor of a drug dealing rapist? Aren't you a fucking cop? You told me that you weren't going to do anything for me...fuck you too!!!
You've created a perfect breeding ground for people to think your department is full of bigots. What will happen to you is exactly what you deserve. I have provided your department with more information about a huge crime than any other person ever has and I did it without a single solitary benefit to myself or my boyfriend whom your department arrested and threw in jail for a year and a half. You think that you have problems with civil rights and informants now, just wait until the federal court gets ahold of your treatment of myself and Christopher Monti. You'll be lucky if any of you get anything more than a jail sentence yourselves. I've had it with your little snitch Laurie...she's been following me for thirty years and all you have done is allow her into my life further than I could ever done myself.
All a stalker needs are cops like you, a stupid fucking district attorney, a dumb assed court clerk and a bullshit commissioner to create a crime so hideous...that any parent that hears the truth is going to want more than your job in the balance. You handed her my life...like it was yours to give. Now I'm going to get serious and fight you harder than anyone ever has. You should never treat a rape victim of any gender the way you treated me...and you are going to pay for it dearly. I am not a violent person, I'm a smart person. Every smart person I know has seen what you've done to myself and Christopher as punishment for being honest with you. What happens in the future is all on your shoulders.
I still think that you assholes that did this to me should realize one thing...I reported that rape at the insistence of Sgt. Bryan Anderson, the "four year boyfriend" of a City of La Quinta employee, whom told me to call and report it. I then became an informant for him with Christopher Monti whom was also raped in April/May of 2008 in San Diego. So Kelly Fieux, Det. Browning and Sgt. Reyes you three can kiss my ass as to the validity of what I told you was the truth, because I did it because it was a crime. What you did with it afterwards is an even worse crime to everyone that got raped and infected afterwards. Did you do what you did because this is Bryan's ex-girlfriend? It sure looks that way to our team. If you only knew what she was really like.
I don't have a single shred of information from this police department that shows that they have ever done anything right...not one. My intent to move forward is looking like working with the Geragos lawfirm on another civil rights case vs. the PSPD and the City of Palm Springs...
This police department is so full of cover ups they should work for a cosmetic company or photoshop.
I've often wondered how dirty a police department could be...I think we have a winner in the Palm Springs Police Department...by far the dirtiest I've ever seen.
I still think that you assholes that did this to me should realize one thing...I reported that rape at the insistence of Sgt. Bryan Anderson, the "four year boyfriend" of a City of La Quinta employee, whom told me to call and report it. I then became an informant for him with Christopher Monti whom was also raped in April/May of 2008 in San Diego. So Kelly Fieux, Det. Browning and Sgt. Reyes you three can kiss my ass as to the validity of what I told you was the truth, because I did it because it was a crime. What you did with it afterwards is an even worse crime to everyone that got raped and infected afterwards. Did you do what you did because this is Bryan's ex-girlfriend? It sure looks that way to our team. If you only knew what she was really like.
I don't have a single shred of information from this police department that shows that they have ever done anything right...not one. My intent to move forward is looking like working with the Geragos lawfirm on another civil rights case vs. the PSPD and the City of Palm Springs...
This police department is so full of cover ups they should work for a cosmetic company or photoshop.
I've often wondered how dirty a police department could be...I think we have a winner in the Palm Springs Police Department...by far the dirtiest I've ever seen.