Morally Conscious

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Tuesday, January 13, 2015

But You Know Better Don't You Rae Fernandez....You Know It's True!!!

Let me preface this whole post with this idea:

I would never take the message of electronic harassment to the level of hurting another human being...I have no doubt that what Myron May did was wrong, but...if anyone has ever suffered through this crime like I have and wasn't me, I can surely tell you that I understand why he went through what he did.  Nobody understands what Laurie and Brian are like...they are torturists....Palm Springs is a ticking time bomb of victims that have been mistreated by the police and Laurie for decades...and they've been infected with HIV.  Nobody believes them...but I do.

This is Myron May, a former New Mexico PROSECUTOR, not a stupid man....remember Aaron Alexis?  Here is another example of what targeted individuals are pushed to when nobody does something about what Laurie does for "a living".  For the second time a man comes forward...tells you the truth about what the PSPD knows to be true....and ends up trying to make a point by making a statement with a gun.  I can guarantee you one very important thing...this is what the PSPD knows is happening....and we've got more victims in our area than anywhere in the world.

Here's what he reported to the least his voices weren't telling him to "open the door with the key under the mat" (which amazingly were there, wonder why) or "go next door and take a shower"...but then again, our police don't acknowledge that this is possible:

How many innocent people have to die Rae Fernandez before you and your asshole department realize that you are part of a terrorist network that is targeting gay men???

To read about this man and his violent outburst that he "didn't want to die in vain for" click here:

I have sought a non violent and peaceful end to our problem here in Palm Springs, California, but the police seem to think arresting us and putting us in jail is safer than arresting the two siblings behind these implantations.  Can you believe our own police officers sit silent while innocent students are being shot in Florida...when they could have exposed this crime decades ago?  Sad commentary on what our cops will sacrifice for a paycheck isn't it?

Think about the parents of the victims of this man...think about the parents of the victims of this crime in Palm Springs...I don't know how the means justifies the ends but to me, protecting Laurie and Brian would seem to me to be one of the most terrorist acts that law enforcement has done to date.

Here's the link to another great site for Targeted Individuals of intelligence