Morally Conscious

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Thursday, January 1, 2015

And Now For The Real New Year Message From Me!

In 2015 I hope to see the beach again for the first time in 11 years...with Christopher and without Laurie!

Happy New Year to everyone and rather than wide eyed optimism I'm going to wish people what I really want for them.  I want the end of this investigation to culminate with a federal indictment for Laurie and Brian LaAssholes. Isn't it interesting that the only ones that are partying tonight are Laurie and Brian LaLosers; celebrating ANOTHER YEAR OF GETTING AWAY WITH MURDER...allegedly.  Thanks in most part to the efficiency of Lt. Bryan Reyes and Officer Rae Fernandez whom have chosen to put their own lives in front of the public that they swore to protect and serve...punishment apparently.

Are we better off now than we were a year ago.  Yes!  We are definitely better off. Some of us.  I have successfully spent another year off of drugs and out of jail despite the Palm Springs Police Department's best efforts...and Laurie's constant bitching about how awful I am to hoo hoo.  Brad Pitt made a movie called "12 Years a Slave"...Jonathan and I are going on our 20th plus years a slave...and nobody's making a movie about that yet.

Spending most of my time trying to carefully word my allegations based on facts to keep myself out of jail, I haven't seen Christopher in six very long years.  A year and a half of that he spent in jail.  If you think that makes me happy, you'd be half right...some people aren't even alive any longer...some are infected with HIV and don't know it and even more are being targeted for identity theft so that Laurie can keep her dream alive.  That doesn't sound like success to me.

Tonight I am watching New Year's celebrations from my work with people dressed up, enjoying music and happiness not knowing what I am going through...for another year.  When I think back at all the times that I did enjoy those kinds of nights, even then I wasn't free...I was still a slave to Laurie and Brian.

On the other hand, this is one of the first years that I can say that I'm going to live.  HIV/AIDS will find a cure in the coming year from what I am hearing and Hep C also is looking curable now too.  Barring a bullet through my car window from Brian or Laurie...I might actually live long enough to continue to be a slave for the rest of my life.  Whoopee!!!  There is small consolation for the victims of this crime and I am one of the luckiest of all, even though I'm the one Laurie hates the most.  I have a home, a family, babies and a job...that's so much more than Rae Fernandez and her goon squad allows other people to have.

On a happy note, Rae Fernandez and two other cops are defendants in a civil rights lawsuit that all of us are hoping that they lose horribly.  Here's hoping that that goes to trial and the police are found grossly negligent and that the Nichols family will be restored to the level of human beings...I've always felt that if this police department were investigated by the feds that their practices and policies would turn out to be a horrific display of power completely mismanaged.  This is only one of the lawsuits that will name Officer Fernandez and others for civil rights violations in the future...I can promise you that we will be doing the same with the same caliber of attorneys.  That is if they don't get indicted before we can file the suit.  Something to look forward to.  What this department needs to realize is that they took away our liberty, our ability to maintain a life at all...and let so many gay men and women flounder without jobs or hope...they did it...they need to be held responsible.  For now I am grateful to have a home, a bed, food and income, believe me, Laurie would take that away if she could. Officer Fernandez can rest assured that I will give Ben Meislas, Esq. any and all information that I have to help his case!!!

Mrs. Monti, Mrs. Mendenhall, Ms. Sunderland, Mrs. Finley and Mrs. Bond as well as Mrs. Katzenberg all still have sons enslaved by a woman that they will learn is as horrible as any they have ever read or heard about.  What horrors are in store for the five or six of us, nobody can be sure...but the year is only one day old.  Laurie never sleeps...her plans for hurting one or all of us always looms large.  Without any police action taken against this terrorist...she is feeling powerful again...and that is a shame!!!

Civil Rights, gay marriage and police tactics seem to be what will drive the new year for all of us...let's hope for once that our police department starts to realize that what starts as a drop turns into a flood faster and swifter than anyone realizes.  You are already under federal scrutiny...the answers these officer supply now could mean a huge problem for them in the near future.  Wouldn't it have been easier just to have arrested Laurie and look better than a bunch of stupid cops?  I told you this would happen.

On the brightest note of all 2014, blog wise, was superior!!!  This blog has more worldwide attention now than ever!!! You can see that December 2014 was the second highest rated of four years...missing the top number by about 40 hits...that is freaking awesome!!!  Receiving more than 3200 hits last month I am blessed that you are reading and that you are seeing what is happening in Palm Springs, California.  I love that you read this blog and promise to keep you as entertained as possible in the new year.  Here are the final year ending stats for the EHPCPS blog...four years ago we got 35 a we got 3200!!!  That's incredible!!!