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Tuesday, December 30, 2014

I Saw This Coming About 8 or 9 Year Ago: Sony's Hackers "Guardians of Peace" Just Gold Diggers Trying To Hurt People's Feelings

So you want to know how things like the hacking of Sony Pictures can happen without anyone really knowing how it happened?  It's something I saw many years ago in Kenneth Charles Frank's apartment.

Remote Neural Monitoring of an employee provides outsiders or even the employee himself with the opportunity to steal.  Let's say there is someone that has been illegally chipped like myself and I work for Sony, pretty much everything that I learn at work or use on my computer would allow an outside source to log in as me or another employee.  It's pretty standard fare for most of the Palm Springs operators of this system to use our passwords to log into our email accounts.  Look at the PSPD email accounts, Laurie logs into them on a daily basis from her cellphone...and nobody does a thing about it.

She sends and receives emails not because she's hacked their system, but because she's illegally logged into it.  Don't give her credit for being smarter than she is...she didn't design some backdoor signature program to hack their system...she used a login and a password from a cop that is implanted, duh?

Another Sony possibility is that an operator chipped himself then went home and gained the information that he saw at work but didn't remove in his briefcase.  I see it all the time when I work at a hotel.  A guest will hand me a credit card, and if I should type the cc number in by hand with expiration date, Laurie will then steal the number and use the card online.  I no longer take cc's over the phone and refer all calls to our reservation line and if a guest comes in with a card, I swipe it.  I don't look at credit cards...I don't even know what my numbers are and I put a strip of duct tape over the numbers so I never know.  If I read it, then Laurie will steal it.  And remember folks, even if she wasn't paying attention, there is a live transcript that produces on her computer of my every thought so she could easily go back through the transcript and find it with just a word search for "Visa", "expiration date", "PIN number" or whatever she is looking for.

As for the movies, Ken Frank was working at my producer's home...then I was at Ken's apartment with Mark Finley and saw him downloading unreleased films from what looked like a bit torrent site.  I saw him doing this and I retained some of these movies.   So I know how these films have been stolen.  Someone logged in from a remote location and took them.  It wasn't a hack per say, it was a stolen login and password.  A hack designates some kind of complicated hacking program and sophistication...this is simply stealing a person's login and password and knowing the name of the site.

To the "Guardians of Peace", come on...the name isn't fooling anyone.  You are just trying to make people mad and frustrate them...but if you put your family's income on the line for the movies they produce you would be better off having left those emails and movies alone.  Money is money....ethics are something far different.