Laurie is stead fast in her belief that the only reason that her remote neural "special forces" police officers are telling her to stop bothering me is because they are "speaking in code". Is this the truth or is it just the meanderings of a mind that is wasted to the core on meth? Laurie swears that Rae Fernandez wants her to do something to me to stop me from writing on my blog. Laurie also swears that she's working places that she doesn't and that she was once a famous movie star too, so, believing Laurie is something that most people with a brain wouldn't do.
However, there is one thing that police officers need to know. She is monitoring all of search of just one that agrees that she should be stalking me and trying to cause great bodily harm to me. If she can find just one ambiguous thought from one of you, she will use that to try to convince her brother to kill me. This is how little miss stupid is. She's not the kind of person that hears a no as a a rapist. A no to Laurie is an opportunity to do something that someone else doesn't want her to...and that thrills her.
I would suggest to police officers that they adopt something to think about that clearly tells Laurie that she isn't wanted in their heads or an arrest warrant or a search warrant for her, her brother and their home computers. These kinds of messages are a very clear NO that can't be misinterpreted. Laurie spends all day long trying to show people how, "I promise I'll pay you back" turns into a battle cry when she's ripped another person off jokingly saying to the dupe, "I told you I'd pay you back". It's semantics on crack...and any ambiguity, like sarcasm is taken out of context every single time. With Laurie there is no room for must send a clear message....NO MEANS NO!