Morally Conscious

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Tuesday, November 18, 2014

Little Miss Big Mouth

One thing I've always tried to explain to people is what it looks like when Laurie is clammering at you to do something for her.  This .gif above is a good example of what this is like right behind my eyes...that may be hard for you to understand, but it is kind of like what it is like to have your television on too loud to hear a person in the other room talking to you in person.  You know that they are saying something to you, but your brain is occupied with two conversations at once.  Focusing on one or the other will allow you to hear what they are saying...but you still have the other conversation to deal with.

Electronic harassment is really not that hard to understand even if you aren't a victim of this just have to find a way of explaining it to people.  Your mind is constantly sending your body signals as to what it wants you to do.  When you start experiencing artificial thoughts from someone else, although the signals are somewhat familiar, you know that they aren't coming from you.  They don't feel organic to you...they feel forced.  Then there are the voices that you know you haven't ever heard your thoughts sound like before.

Usually when you think of something to do like, "pick up that pen so you can write something down and find a piece of paper" your mind doesn't use a voice to talk to you...if it does it sounds like a "silent you" telling yourself to do this.  Electronic harassment is someone else literally sitting at a microphone telling you what to a walkie talkie in your head.  You know it's a real person and you know that they are communicating with your brain and your thoughts because they are answering your thoughts...but their real voice is answering you.   It's like thinking, "my favorite color is green" and having a walkie talkie in your head using another person's voice saying, "I know, but green is not my favorite color".  The words never came out of your mouth...but the other end of the walkie talkie knew what you were thinking and responded with their voice.

Ever had too many people talking at you at one time?  Look at that picture at the top of this post...which voice would you be listening to?  Can't tell?  That's because your mind, although it can hear all of them at once, can usually only concentrate actively on one, maybe two at a time to discern what each is saying.  If a person is talking to you in person and you are thinking about what you are hearing from them and what your thoughts are on them...that's a conversation.  If that same conversation has Laurie interrupting, that's electronic harassment...and it is what confuses most people about this crime.

The hardest part, I think, and the most interesting for people are the "voices in the head" aspect.  You literally hear something in your head and not through your ears...that one is getting easier and easier to explain now that technology is catching up with the times.  Crowd disbursement is one of the areas that military and police are using microwave hearing to do this...I can show you examples all I want, but until you experience it for yourself, you probably won't understand what it is like to "hear with your brain".