Morally Conscious

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Tuesday, December 17, 2013

What Laurie Calls "Investigating Me", I Call Harassing A Police Informant and Stalking

I want police to know something about your big mouthed "informant".  She has, for years, told people that she works for the Palm Springs Police she is telling everyone that she is investigating me.

I want you all to know that there is a total difference between investigating and stalking.

When the City of LaQuinta had me restrained for workplace violence, like it or not, I abided by the order, because I respect the order of a court.  What I do not respect is being stalked by the person with the order or restraining orders being used as a way to hurt an informant.  Now Sgt. Anderson you know good and well that Laurie knew that both Christopher and I were informants.  You heard from her the day we did the informant work.  Like it or not, my team can prove that.  You know that there was a restraining order for the City of La Quinta that was suspicious if not totally illegal.  This is getting very sticky.  You have one option here.  You have to persue legal ways of arresting this woman.  You really have no choice.

Not doing so could really impact your life in a negative way.  I wouldn't like that.  I don't know how to get this across to you in any other way than to just tell you.  We can prove this whole thing and I think you know it.  Why make me the bad guy any longer.  This bitch is crazy.  She's dangerous.  She's obsessed with my family and probably yours too.  If you retire she's only going to follow you for the rest of your life and make it just as miserable as mine already is.

I am not doing anything more that appealing to you...please do something to put her behind bars.  The rest will have to take care of itself.  I don't want to be the guy that hurt my sister's good friend.  That's not me.  I may not like you right now, but redeeming yourself is as easy as being honest.