Morally Conscious

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Tuesday, December 17, 2013

This Isn't Anthony, This Is Proof That She Was Stalking Anthony and Me in Arizona

Okay folks it is time to break this one down for what it really is.

First of all, Anthony Dabiere DID NOT WRITE you can tell by the "Jon" reference again.  He NEVER calls Jonathan "Jon"...this is another email...sent to me seven times today from Laurie which, when proven to be from her IP Address at 209.85.XXX.XXX (a stolen iPad) will show one thing...she IS the person that was stalking us in Sedona, Arizona.

I've already told you in the "how cheap is my stalker" post, that Laurie had Jonathan steal our first night meal that Anthony prepared...pasta, as she tells you in the email.

One thing that all of you should know and do know if you know Anthony is that he is a marvelous cook.  In fact, he's incredible...that's why I GAVE HIM $100 to buy food for us...because he was going to prepare it.  As for the "put him to work" portion of this message, that is a fucking joke.  Anthony LOVES TO COOK...that's his passion.  Laurie has always thought of Anthony as someone to "cook and clean" for her.

I will remind all of you this...this vacation was a "thank you" for being my friends in Palm Springs during the difficult period following my rape.  They were and are my friends.  Any characterization that this was anything different or that I wasn't a good host is preposterous.  I paid for the vacation condo, Jonathan's gas to come seperately, and all of the food while we were there.  Laurie would like you to believe otherwise.

As to all of the comments about drugs...have any of you seen me?  Laurie, whom talked to both Anthony and myself V2K the entire time was drugged out of her everloving mind...which you will see when you find out about all of the syringes that she purchased while stalking all of us to Sedona, Arizona.  If anything, I want to be clear on this, Anthony's involvement with her in any way there would be considered a crime if he knew that she was luring or lying in wait for the suspect in my investigation to harm me, a police informant, in Sedona, Arizona.  There was a gun there, a chainsaw, duct tape and plenty of knockout drugs.  She also ended up with a key to our timeshare.  Anthony had nothing to do with her...she summoned him one night to go over to that rental and he asked and borrowed my car to get doubt she is lying again.

As for the Shawn Parrish comments, that is something that Laurie was pretending while there and shows her utter obsession with him too. She wants me to question as to whether he is dead or alive...I've heard dead.  I've seen no sign of alive.  I have text messages to prove've seen storage receipts with his name on them...and Jonathan's.  I told Shawn about this project.  She stole lots of things from his home via unlocked doors...and quite honestly, I have no idea how awful she was to him.  I do know that she sold GHB to them and that she is obsessed with his friend D.J., whom I consider, for now, to be a friend.

I don't know what the deal with Jonathan's age is but I do know this.  I have known him for a VERY long time...probably twenty or so years.  Far longer than Anthony or most everyone.  She's obsessed with how long I've known him but if I've known him that long, by her calculations, he would have been 12 years old.  I assure you he wasn't.  He was living with his boyfriend Jared in a condo that he continued to live in long after his death. By my calculations he was with Jared well over 10 years.  You will notice in the obituary that Jared isn't even mentioned.  That is something of a mystery to me as they were VERY CLOSE.  Only Laurie kept Jonathan from seeing Jared at the end of his life...and he resents her for it.

I am not disrespectful of Jonathan's memory, I am simply questioning if it should be characterized as a death...or that he is dead to Laurie.  There is a tremendous difference.  If you will read the email above, you will once again see something that the petitioner in the La Quinta restraining order said that we all know isn't true..."made up people in my head"...just like "Junior" and Christian.  Well we all know that the petitioner said, "I don't know anyone named Christian or Junior, but we all know that Christian and Junior are living with her right now.

Junior is what she calls her brother Brian...Jonathan even refers to Brian's disgusting jockstrap in a horoscope calling it "Junior's Jockstrap".  You have seen Christian refered to in a text to me "any good ones of Peter, Christian and me" these references have their merit in FACT.  The other fact is that Anthony left the condo the night before we came home in a good mood and came back FURIOUS.  NOT WITH ME, but with the person or people he met...and that's a fact!!!!

What you are seeing with this seven times sent a moody bitch woman trying desperately to create friction between me, Jonathan and Anthony...what is really here is another "u r a deadman" text trying to light up Anthony as a person that is threatening to me.  Why?  Well, just as in Steven Frey's case, a threat to me would put Anthony in jail...not going to happen.  He didn't send this.  Anthony, as you know, was jailed BEFORE I met him and the reason for this is simple.  He was approached to market child pornography for Laurie and her brother...and when she saw what he wanted to do after seeing it, she had him arrested.

Lt. Reyes spoke to me about this pornography and told me to "send him other witnesses".  When I told Anthony that, his face lit up.  He was actually ASKED TO MARKET THEM...SO HE WENT TO THE POLICE OF HIS OWN VOLITION.  Laurie likes to say I forced him to do this.  NO FUCKING WAY...he did this on his own.  He filed a police report...and that was because of what he witnessed.  Laurie has had it out for him ever since.

If and when you see these videos, you will be sick to your stomach.  They involve the drugging and violating of innocent little is heart rendering...and sick...There is a star and there is a camera woman...and little boys.  That's what this email is about.  Period.