Morally Conscious

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Sunday, December 8, 2013

Nothing For Nothing

I want to be very clear about my intentions.

There are two women that were chosen for my team that flatly refused to help myself or Christopher under any circumstances.  Both of these women allowed crimes to be committed against my family while fully understanding that Laurie and her brother were involved.  These two women refuse to do anything for anyone but themselves...they wouldn't help my family, my sister, me or my boyfriend.

Now the two of them insist on taking the Lion's share of the attention for this project and they simply don't deserve anything.  They don't deserve your consideration nor do they deserve your sympathy.  They refuse to report crimes that they know have been committed by Laurie and her brother in favor of their own financial gain.

If it were up to me, they would not be a part of my team and it is my intention to seek prosecution for the things that they failed to do.  I do not want them to financially gain in any way from this project as I feel that their behavior rises to the level of criminal activity.  Neither has done anything with information about stalking, my shooting, my rape or anything.  They are simply using my project to further their careers.

I want them taken off my team immediately.

Jonathan Mendenhall asked them for help many times and they refused knowing full well that I was a police informant that asked Jonathan for help.  These two women are ruthless and a bad example of what Laurie likes in women.  Heartless and loveless for anyone but themselves.

They are NOT friends of mine or my family and will not be welcome in any capacity into my life.