Although it may look obvious and take away from the story line in a movie, I have absolutely no problem using shameless promotions as a way to tell you my story. This is what we call "raising support for my executive producers" before the project is inked. If you want to watch the newly recorded VLOG: I'm taking this to trial, simply click on the 7-eleven logo above.
If you do, you will see why Laurie's continued stalking in support of arrest approach is one of the worst ideas that she could possibly have. Apparently she thinks that ONLY HER issues would be dealt with in a courtroom, not the reason why it is very smart. You see if I get arrested for ANYTHING, I will deal with that "workplace violence" warrant (misdemeanor) that arises from a whole bunch of mistakes that make her and the police department look very suspicious. I won't let them dismiss it, I WON'T plead guilty, I have a right to take it to trial and I will use it to point out the crimes committed against me to have it issued in the first place. That's a really bad thing for Sgt. Anderson, Rae Fernandez and Lt. Rey-ass.
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