Morally Conscious

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Wednesday, December 11, 2013

Firecracker Films Pilot

Okay folks here's the latest. 

I got a message today from the producer of the pilot television program from Firecracker Films.  She seems very interested in my story.  As most of you know, I have spent a lot of time on this project and this is really my first foray into the prospect of bringing real attention to my story...our story.  It has to be done right.

As you have seen on the flyer for their production team, they are interested in real stories of electronic harassment and are willing to help investigate.  I have told you all the story about the man lost at sea that prays to God to save him.  He turns away life jackets, rafts and other things hoping for God's grace missing that God sent him what he needed; I don't intend to do that.

Part of what makes me, me, is that I have a story that has a lot of unanswered questions where the police department is concerned and then there is their lack of security for those of us that have reported lots of crimes committed by the operators of this system.  I have a huge responsibility to get this done correctly, but you know what our police department is like.

I am willing to tell them the story and let them know about what is going on here, and once again, I am put in the position of sticking my neck out.  I am not afraid of doing that because of what I have been put through and because I love Christopher so much.  We have tried innumerous times to get Laurie and her brother to stop harassing and following us and she says that, "...she simply can't or won't stop".   "She's just got this thing in her head..." blah, blah, blah and will not stop following me and ruining my life under any circumstances.  I think that is a true sign of mental illness on her part.

This is really hard without Christopher and Anthony and Jonathan.   They have been really supportive of my efforts in the past and encouraged me to continue.  I know that there is a reason that they aren't around me any longer and I think it is up to me to do some soul searching as to how this is going to play out.  I have lives to save.  I have children to consider.  I have a right to show people in our community what happened to me and what happened when I was raped.   This isn't something that will go away without my full attention and it isn't hard, it's extremely hard.

There are a lot of great pieces of evidence that need to be addressed by the police:
1.) My arrests without any convictions
2.) 911 calls being provided to a convicted drug dealer after we were informants
3.) My rape investigation and all of the lies.
4.) Child pornography and Anthony Dabiere's Case connected with Steven Frey
5.) Mortgage Fraud and Steven Frey's IRS Tax Lien
6.) Police comments made on the television news.
7.) Restraining orders for Riverside County employees
8.) Ken Frank's admission as an operator of this system and threats.
9.) Threatening postcard with my picture
10.) Threatening flyers posted at my home
11.) Guns pointed in the face while walking home.
12.) "Mollybondhus" and the arrest of Christopher Monti
and many many others with respect to Jonathan Mendenhall's death.

This is a project intended for Jeffrey Katzenberg and DreamWorks, but even he wouldn't turn away help if it were offered.  I know in my heart that telling my story of gang stalking and electronic harassment will be helpful to stopping the current policy of using falsely obtained informant  for entrapment arrests if nothing else and that should help us to live better lives if nothing else.

I will also be providing this team the names of the individuals that Jonathan Mendenhall told me were Lisa and her brother so that they can do what the police won't.  Investigate Laurie and Brian LaTweek...