Morally Conscious

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Tuesday, December 10, 2013

Miss Promiscuous: Laurie LaTweek

I'd like to take a moment to make you all understand something.  Laurie has spent decades telling the police department just how promiscuous all of these gay men are.  First of all let me define promiscuous for all of doesn't actually mean that there is penetration with lots of's all about the pursuit and preoccupation with sex that makes a promiscuous person.  So while Laurie runs around telling people how promiscuous Jonathan or I was or am, there is only one person that has pursued sex to her own demise and that is Laurie.

Her never ending pursuit of someone to satisfy her endless search for what has become the "hour long orgasm" usually focuses on my friends.  How misplaced could this woman be?   My friends are almost exclusively gay and none of them have ever wanted to have sex with her.  Then there are the cops whos pictures of their penises she kept and the female cops that she talked about their nipples constantly about.  Then there are the thousands of gay porn movies and we won't even get into the shape of her "holes" as she calls them.  She's a disgusting mess of promiscuity and it has nothing to do with how many partners she has to do with her preoccupation with sex in general.

True story...I once knew a guy in high school that broke up with his girlfriend....actually she broke up with him...just so that he could sleep with the easiest girl in high school...that was Laurie LaTweek.  How do I know this?  He told everyone that was what he was doing.  I write this with confidence that he would back me up on this...he told everyone that he only drove her home just to have sex with her because so many guys recommended her as the easiest.  He thought better of it though and swiftly went back to his hot girlfriend.  No sex.

To this day, Laurie tells everyone that that was her boyfriend...and she is still obsessed with him...fake facebooking him and writing herself messages from him on other people's facebook pages.  Like they are friends or something...

To this very day she still tells everyone that he was her boyfriend...Sgt. Anderson, can you guess who it was...and this time it isn't YOU.