Morally Conscious

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This website is amazing and comes with lots of information for people from credible sources. It's one of the best I've ever seen and Ella is a really great Podcast host as well!!!

Thursday, November 8, 2012

What it used to be like, what happened, what it's like now

Years of diaries from San Diego will describe the torture and shooting that Brian LaBitch put me through before the period in Palm Springs, California.  I want to move to the second part of the torture in Palm Springs that came after that so that you all can understand why I have the most bitter taste in my mouth towards the PSPD.

You've already heard that I was being told that Steven Frey was a "protected drug dealer" for the PSPD for which I, with my parents, went to Sgt. Anderson's home and talked to him about.  What you don't know is what was being done to hurt me for doing that.  Given that Bryan asked me to be an informant against Steven at that time, I was being told that if I wanted to be safe and work on Steven's "security team" I would have to perform an initiation to see if I had what it took.  Cautiously I told Sgt. Anderson "no" that I wasn't ready, but the truth was that I was putting together my own investigation into this system that I knew he wasn't being completely honest with me about.

I will wait until tomorrow's Vlog 8 at 5:00 pm to get into the specifics, but what I will tell you now is that both the police and Lisa and Brian participate in a very humiliating and overtly sexual game with these gay victims of EH that I know isn't unique to me.

My story involves tremendously criminal police conduct...and I am always left wondering exactly what these police men and women won't do for Lisa's sexuality...there is no doubt in my mind that Lisa has made sexual comments to these officers, in fact I know my team can prove it...but what always astonishes me is what Lisa tells these officers to do that they actually do.

I've had a gun stuck directly in my face...I've been accosted, I've been humiliated by Kelly Fieux in front of other officers, I've been practically naked in the back of a police car...I've been sexually felt up...and there is so much more...

To have reported it to this police department would have been like singing to the choir director...nothing would have happened, but my diaries of these experiences that were stolen by Lisa and recovered by my team will prove that this did in fact can be proven by transcripts between the arresting officers and Lisa, between what Brian was telling me and what my account was in my diaries that I haven't had access to in there is no doubt that they are undoctored and true...

Humiliating gay men...EH victims....people that Lisa and her brother hate...and especially me, the guy that her brother tried to kill in San Diego, a federal agent at the time, was key to my decision to take a year to investigate this crime before going to the police to be an informant against Steven Frey...Lisa, whom was pretending to be Sheree Frey had made it very clear that Steven Frey, was "the guy"...and that he was at the center of this electronic harassment storm...when you see the docket from the Larson Justice Center with Anthony Dabiere's name and Steven Frey's know that it was completely looks like Steven is the center of the being an informant should have ended it.   Although it ended the did not end the warrants or the threats to my safety by officer's Villegas, Dougherty and Reyes...that got worse...then they fucked up my rape investigation and lied....

You can say i got sober during this time but much of what I was doing was putting myself in places to see if Lisa, Leah, Brian and Christian were still up to their old tricks...and they were...more dealers went down...Billy, and others...because they followed me around...

I built up my investigation and talked to victims and secret sources and now I am ready to tell you all just how horrible this police department really is in their quest to keep what they did to me and others quiet.

Watch tomorrow at 5:00 pm on the LIVE V-cast...and you can hear, in my own words, what really goes on at the PSPD with me and others...all for Lisa and her brother...

Now I am poised and ready to testify before a federal or state grand jury with complete confidence that I will prevail...

One thing that I want to make perfectly clear is this...I am not saying that these officers were "coming on to me" I am saying that they were intentionally groping me and being sexual with me hoping that I would do something that would allow them to charge me with another crime...even more humiliating....this is a sexual turn on for Brian and Lisa whom have cop sex fantasies that I do not share.  I don't know how many of you out there have been arrested and put in the PSPD's holding cells told about some "COP SEX PARTY"...but that is what Brian was telling me was going to happen...he wanted me to make sexual advances toward these cops that he watches all the Officer Fieux, which would have ended up very very badly for me, I am sure.  I didn't do what he told me to...but all of this is contained in my lost diaries as well.

I have absolutely NO COP fantasies at all, especially towards an asshole like Kelly Fieux...I find him to be disgusting and tremendously vicious...and I expect that the recorded portions of his interview with me will bear witness to his sexual discrimination of a gay male rape was horrendous the way he treated me...someone should ask the other officers that were there what they thought...though I doubt they will tell the truth.  However, lying would prove very costly for cops that aren't honest...since my team can prove otherwise!!!

I was a federal agent PSPD officers...not some dumb assed uneducated derelict drug addict walking the streets of Palm Springs...I know police...I know police work...I was never on drugs when I was arrested...NOT ONE TIME...AND I'M NOT MENTALLY UNSTABLE; I HAD FUCKING GOVERNMENT CLEARANCE TO WORK WITH FEDERAL JUDGES...THAT DOESN'T HAPPEN WITH THE MENTALLY ILL...THEY'RE THOROUGH...SO WHEN I TESTIFY AGAINST YOU EXPECT EXPERIENCE...CONFIDENCE...AND TRUTHFUL TESTIMONY ABOUT WHAT YOU ARE REALLY LIKE.