Morally Conscious

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Sunday, September 2, 2012

When Did Her Story Become More Important Than Ours?

Jeffrey, when did this attorney and her husband become more important than Benjamin and myself and all of the others that suffer?  I have been patient and I have been understanding now for two and a half years while she stole my work product and allowed a warrant to be illegally issued while she and her husband earned a nice fat paycheck at my expense.  I have heard all of the bullshit that I am willing to take from her and him and I want someone to be responsible on YOUR end for once.

There is no possible way that what the two of these attorneys are doing is legal.  There is no way that they have done anything for the victims of this crime except your son and that is a shame.

I have had it with the both of them and want my work product returned to me immediately.  Keeping my diaries from me is a crime.  She has not done one single thing that I have asked her to with regards to Christopher and myself and I am unwilling to work with her in the future.  You need to get a hold of this situation or I am forced to go to the US Attorney and explain my position with all of this bullshit.

I have put up with enough while these two attorneys allow a rapist and attempted murderer sit steps from my home without any type of legal proceeding.

I need something to be done about her right fucking now.
