Morally Conscious

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Tuesday, October 11, 2011

Who Lived in This Crack House???: The Johnsons!!! During the Mikey and Jessica Era!!!

This is the home where Junior Johnson stole everything I owned, at the time, and had it moved, ala Jonathan Mendenhall, into a storage unit where he took everything.

Mark Finley will be able to provide police with the information about whom he called, Steven Frey's friend, "Edgar" aka Junior Johnson, whom provided him with a key to this home.

I believed the home belonged to Kavin, Mark's then boyfriend, but the reality was that it was a squat home for Mikey and Jessica's gang.  There were crack pipes all over the place, the house was in total disarray, and the entire place stunk like Junior Johnson, whom I am certain trashed the residence.  It is now a good looking home, but police need to check into the prior owners of the home to see whom owned it at the time just prior to the current residents.

Stolen articles from this residence ended up in the home of Jonathan Mendenhall...I have video footage of the stolen items in his condo from this home which means that he knows whom stole these items and where they were stored when he picked them up and moved them into his home...

The rule to be learned from this experience, as always, is, "NEVER STICK ANYTHING IN A JOHNSON (HOME OR OTHERWISE)