Morally Conscious

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Tuesday, October 11, 2011

Electronic Hacking: My Experience

My Buddy Chad Hunt, one of the collateral victims of Electronic Harassment

If you have taken the time to read the excerpts from Robert Stansfield's email to me OR if you are Marie Monti or my parents you know that this type of harassment has something to do with cell phones and the perpetrator's ability to manipulate the phone system so that calls don't go where they are supposed to, bills to the account holder are odd or unusually high, phone numbers are forwarded and so on and so forth.

I first noticed this phenomenon when I was talking with NBC news reporter Nathan Baca.  Although I had contacted him on his Palm Springs Cell Phone number, when I received a call back from him my caller ID read, "Pacific Virgin Islands"...I asked Nathan if that was where he was and commented to him that the call appeared to be from the PVI...he said that was odd since he was still calling me from the Palm Springs area at the time...which means that his phone was being routed through some pretty odd channels to get to me...this would ring up very large cellphone charges....

Second, I purchased a brand new cell phone from Verizon and some type of billing plan that was something on the order of $49.95/per month and like 600 minutes of time...but when I got my first bill I hadn't used but 300 minutes of time on the actual phone...which keeps a record of the minutes used, but my billing statement was for $600!!!!  This was quickly reported to Verizon and the FCC because there was no explanation for a bill that high...UNTIL YOU START UNDERSTANDING THAT THE PERPETRATORS OF THIS CRIME HAVE ACCESS TO THE VERIZON WIRELESS SYSTEM BY USING OPERATOR SETUP DISCS STOLEN FROM VERIZON STORES THAT ARE NO LONGER IN EXISTENCE...somewhere along the line the Johnson's got ahold of these discs and used them on personal computers to execute this crime using real Verizon customer's accounts to foot the bill for their essence the are manipulating the Verizon system to conduct this torture then passing the bills on to the consumer....

This really tickles Tracy whom loves the thought of the victims paying for their own torture...why pay for it when you can get it for free, she'll tell you!

Okay there's more...think of what a false operator of the Verizon system has access information for customers in good standing....access to the phone numbers of actors and actresses that have the financing to steal and won't be missed...Tracy and Junior can simply go into the billing tabs and take down the credit card information used on the account to secure cards and credit lines in the names of the real account holders and go to town on their credit rating....

The RFID chips inside of the police officers and the victims are also assigned cellphone numbers...and someone has to pay for these too....with the ability to assign cell phone numbers to these chips from the set up discs Tracy and Junior can create a wireless human cellphone...they can also used Verizon "Relay Stations" to conduct this torture....I know this because my own friend, Mark Finley, was told about this technology and accidentally mentioned this to me one night while communicating with me....

So for MKO and Paris Hilton this is what happened to me....

A few weeks ago I couldn't find my password to my blog, so I went into Window's Live and there is a place where you can have an emergency passcode sent to your cellphone by putting in you cell phone number....the code is supposed to be sent to your phone as a "one time" login...but Junior looks for this text message and can stop it from getting to you thereby stealing your text message (He can also use this system to send text messages from other cell phone numbers that look like they are coming from the origing account holder....thus spoofing a text the death threat that I received from Steven Frey) I also have in my possession other text messages that were supposedly from Steven and Sheree Frey that admit to crimes that were committed by Junior Johnson with regards to a breakin at Steven's  home and as to his sister's relationship to him...neither were sent from Steven or Sheree but both admit to crimes committed against them...obviously the perpetrators of this crime are using this system to their fullest extent...a huge crime!!!

So celebrity cell phone break in's are done in this manner....David Katzenberg can fill in Paris and MKO about the rest.

The worst part of all this cell phone manipulation is the forwarding of when I try to call Christopher's mother...Junior sits at his computer then forwards his mom's phone so the call goes to Tracy's answering machine with the same recorded message from Marie Montis phone...only it picks up on the first ring...therefore Marie would never get the message....and Christopher could never call her...cutting off all lines of communication between mother and son....mother and sister....and friend and mother.

You have to realize that Christopher and I would have been together years ago if Tracy hadn't been able to keep us from calling each other...but this is exactly what she did....extra painful...isn't she funny?

Then there's Chad Hunt...this one is even buddy above is an adult film actor that Junior is in LOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOVE he simply steals my cell phone and starts calling him....just to hear his voice or spread some rumor about me to him which Chad would never believe...just to talk to him...kinda sick huh?  It gets worse...Junior and Tracy also do this to the parents of the electronically harassed, to create a negative image of their son to their parents by pretending that they are law enforcement officers, druggies, anyone that a parent will believe...SO DON'T BE FOOLED, IF YOU AREN'T HEARING FROM YOUR SON...IT COULD BE BECAUSE TRACY IS PLAYING GAMES WITH THEIR CELLPHONES....