Morally Conscious

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Tuesday, October 4, 2011

Remember When...

Click on the Eight Ball above to go to, they don't preach, they give you the facts and an opportunity to get and stay off methamphetamine and far away from Tracy Johnson's main tool of torture!
Well do you?

Listen, I am the last person in the world to tell anyone how to live their life.  I used and enjoyed crystal meth for a long time and then I decided, because of Tracy Johnson and her family, that it was the catalyst for so much more than I bargained for that I decided to stop. My best advice to someone that has already been implanted and electronically communicated with is to stay away from drugs.  Tracy uses you as a pawn to curr favor with the police department.  Call it sexual profiling, call it a hate crime, call it illegal, until Jeffrey Katzenberg and I take this information to the media it will continue because nobody will be brave enough to stop her at the police department.  That is just the fact.  The system of electronic surveillance has been in place here for over 12 years and it won't come to an end with just this blog or the evidence I have collected...until then this fat bitch drug dealer will continue to follow and harass you the entire time.  She'll call the police if you won't steal things for her fat ass and if you use drugs she will use a police officer to shake you down and arrest's just the way she is.

Things aren't as bleak as it may seem.  Tracy has a lot of problems coming her way.  She has defrauded banks out of millions of dollars and purchased properties in Steven and Sheree Frey's name...and, of course, since microwave hearing is called, "the Frey effect" she thinks she is going to blame all of this on Steven's family....the bottom of that line is that there is no way Steven could be behind this or he wouldn't be in jail...and in millions of dollars of debt.

She has problems with the Larson Justice Center and cases of electronic harassment victims being case related to Steven Frey.  She has multiple ID's for electronic harassment victims with the same Driver's License numbers.  She has had courts issue warrants for civil cases without required hearings...

She has me...raped and investigation covered up with so many holes in it that my attorneys will never let her get away with it.  She has police going on "air" saying things that they should never say in the middle of an investigation about rape victims that are illegal to make.

She has my two best friend's with full knowledge of this crime and she has pissed off one of the wealthiest families in the entertainment industry.

She has stolen mail from every member of the parent coalition...she has pretended to be them online and through the U.S. Postal Service....and most importantly

I love Christopher and he won't let me down....

So until then...go to some information...and if you want, help me throw Tracy and her family in jail once and for all...for all of us!!!