Morally Conscious

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Monday, October 10, 2011

Kurt Powers: My Friend Can Identify Tracy Johnson


Shortly after I met my good friend Kurt Powers, whom, incidentally was at Jonathan Mendenhalls where Jonathan begged him for a plane ticked to Denver, Colorado to the Democratic National Convention....was stopped in a Grocery Store Parking lot by the enormous Tracy Johnson and her brother Christian.

Tracy, wanting to watch her brother, get it on with my friend, offered her brother and a baggie of meth if Kurt would follow them home to her apartment at La Palme.  Kurt, having better taste than a Johnson can deliver said emphatically, "NO!", but the event did not go untold to me by Kurt himself with Anthony Dabiere present.

This goes to show you that Tracy used me like a porn star to try to find men to have sex with her family so that she could watch!!!

I call this encounter with the elephant woman, "The Gift Without Purchase".

Incidentally, Tracy drove Kurt's husband to jump off of a balcony where he severely broke his back!!! All true!!!!

Christopher and I love you Kurt!!!