Morally Conscious

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Monday, October 10, 2011

I Wonder How They Feel Now...after Doug, Jeffrey, Robert, Christopher and I chimed in on this (Reposted for my Hollywood friends)

Here is the news interview I gave when a rape investigation was supposed to STILL be ongoing....DNA results had not even been back in almost 3 appalling this interview is knowing that both my boyfriend, my best friend and possibly two twelve year old boys were infected by this person...What kind of police department would do something like this to a rape victim? Male or Female.  I tried to warn the public about this and the police department wanted to quell the rumors...HUH????

This interview came long before the police told me that there wasn't DNA on the bloody clothing that they submitted nearly two years prior...I am posting the ACLU letter that was never fully addressed and in the world did Sgt. Mitch Spike make such comments on the news and in print...This clearly shows the non investigative tactics of this police department when it comes to protecting the operators of this remote neural monitoring.  A gay man that got hep c from this incident means absolutely nothing to them, but a sick child porn making pervert means everything to them. You can click on the two pages below and see what the ACLU had to say years before this interview.

After I did the TV Interview and didn't even name a suspect this was posted on my apartment apartment that nobody even knew I lived at...wouldn't this lend credence to my being stalked at the very least?  Whom would post this other than my stalker?