Morally Conscious

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Wednesday, September 28, 2011

You Need Me To Do This

To the Officers of the Palm Springs Police Department:

I have to say that I'm relieved that I no longer live in your jurisdiction and that I am free to tell you the truth about this situation from the victim's perspective.  You need me, for without me, Little Ms. Liar will get you in more trouble with the community than ever before.  I write what I know to be the truth and without my Blogs you'd have to rely on a drug dealer whom manipulates your every understanding of the truth.  How many calls did you go out on that didn't pan out for Tracy Johnson and her family?

How many times did you think that the situation was strange?

You need to trust that what I am telling you is what I know to be my experience with this family of manipulators and know that if I wasn't concerned for your jobs and your safety, I could have just taken care of this problem without telling you anything at all and let you all fall down.  What I have given you is the opportunity to set it right and make yourselves look good.  You have the benefit of uninformed may have consented to it's use, but you were uninformed as to the backgrounds of the operators of this system and how it is actually performed by using Verizon Wireless Communications illegally.  None of your numbers to your implants are paid for...certainly your department is not paying for's like having a cell phone that uses Verizon that nobody is paying for except the taxpayer...without knowing it, you are illegally using the Verizon system and that is a crime.

This is not short wave radio transmissions, it is satellite communications and I can prove it because I was in an airplane at 30,000 ft and still communicating with Christian Johnson...cellphone towers don't reach up there....only they didn't tell you this?  You should seriously read Dr. Hall's book and know that what it contains is the key to solving your mystery.

Without me, you will continue to unknowingly arrest drug criminals created by Tracy and Junior is entrapment...and it has been going on for a very long time.  The plan was to implant a whole lot more gay men too...wait until you find the gallons and gallons of GHB manufactured in Sedona and stored somewhere in a storage unit.  This wasn't just for sale...first of all GHB is cheap...about $30/ounce...and you don't use it like meth....this is the knockout drug that Junior planned to help him implant a city....and he's got the neural tranceivers too....they wanted to make the first remote neural city...and they planned to use the gay community to do it.

This is why my story is going to be a major motion picture....we know the truth.  Make your department look good and be the first in the country to stop this type of criminal.  Make them an example or you will make yourselves one...the choice is yours....clearly I'd rather you be the good guys for once.

Don't arrest the person that is trying to save your department...arrest the woman who's made you look like gay hating bigots...for her pleasure.  I'm gay and I want to like you.
