Morally Conscious

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Thursday, September 29, 2011

Wes Hempel, Christopher and Me...

Dear "David" aka Marie Monti's Husband,

I just wanted to let you know that when a single mother asks me to take care of her baby boy that moved all the way across country whom was in the midst of a horrible dilema with a bitch named Tracy Johnson and her horrible family of rapists and thieves, that I make good on that promise until he is safely delivered back into her loving arms.  When I am told that I am the "Lifeline" to her son, I don't give a fuck what you or anyone else has to say about the situation, in fact, I am so confident that you are an asshole that I will tell you that to your face.

You obviously don't know the lengths that I have gone to to protect this young man from the throws of drug addiction and electronic harassment. I've spent every spare penny I have trying to keep him and my other friend Anthony safe and secure from the horrors of this family that has tried over and over again to drug and rape the two of them and myself.  I am the first person in the world that would love to get over "the past", but the past is still the are being stalked, boys are being raped and filmed, and drugs are being sold into the gay community by a family of remote neural voyeurs that would do anything to steal money from Christopher's mother...and I would also point out that YOU....ARE NOT CHRISTOPHER'S FATHER....I answer only to Marie and Christopher's father when it comes to his safety and well being.

I am also responsible to Amanda...whom I also have spoken to on the phone before...I promised this family that I didn't even know you were a part of to protect their youngest son.  I am fulfilling a promise to a sister that, like my own, has watched her brother fall into something horrible and if you think that I should move on from the past, perhaps you need to get ahold of the present.  Christopher is my responsibility while he is in California and I will take care of him as I see fit.  If that includes informing his mother of all the things that I am doing to help him then I would suggest that you keep your fucking nose out of it.   This is not your son, nor is he your boyfriend so I don't see how any of this would be your business at all.

You obviously aren't aware of my contacting his mother in the past on behalf of Christopher and at his request.  I was also willing to pay to send him home to her at one point when things got too bad out here for him....I doubt that Marie would have thought that to be too intrusive as your letter was to me...

Frankly, I know whom I am really writing this letter to so lets be honest Tracy...why don't you go hag some other fag because I do quite well without a fat girl sending me veiled love letters...I don't want you...I don't want to have sex with Jonathan or your brother or Junior or your father...and I doubt that Christopher does either.  Quit trying to shove a needle in his arm or GHB down his throat so you can finally be in the room while your family sexually assaults him for your pleasure...he doesn't want any of you...nor do I.  And for that matter quit sending me letters from Pastor Mendenhall and emails from Anthony Dabiere...I doubt any of them want to be sexually assaulted go back to torturing your fat self with food and stay out of our lives...

I love you Christopher, Marie and me throw this bitch, Jonathan and Junior in jail once and for all....
