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Friday, September 30, 2011

When Ian Hutton Talks...Lisa Listen's and Johnathan Steals...Parrish the Thought

Okay, someone must be interested in this post because it has been hit 18 times in the last 30 or so days so in case you missed it...I already told everyone about this situation...

Before Jonathan died, I went over to his home and both Anthony and Jonathan were distraught about an incident as our friend Shawn Parish's home. 

It seems that Jonathan and Anthony had been removed from the home by one of Shawn's friends and "Life Coach" Ian Hutton.  I don't know Ian, but I hear that he's a really nice guy...any friend of Shawn's is a friend of mine. Anthony was really upset because he'd been doing a lot of work at the guest house and didn't like the situation...but Jonathan was furious!

He told me he was getting a restraining order...which I thought to be an okay solution until I found out that he was planning to file the restraining order on behalf of Shawn and himself...huh...this sounds very "Lisa".  First of all the location of the restraining order was at Shawn's home and the order was to keep Ian away from Shawn too.  HUH?!?!?!?  At this point Shawn was staying with Ian whom I assume was looking after him...a cool thing...and with Jonathan's reputation for stealing things I can totally understand why he, as a friend, would want to remove Jonathan from that home.  Jonathan had a key to the home which he wasn't supposed to have...and the home had been broken into right before Shawn moved in.  My understanding now is that Anthony, because of the work that he was doing for Shawn, had a key and Jonathan stole the key and made a know where this is going....

Junior Johnson apparently received the copied key and took his little brother to the home while Shawn was away and looted the house of very expensive kitchen appliances. He also liked to break into the home while Shawn and his roommate, my friend, DJ were at the casino to steal other things.  The kitchen appliances stolen during the first robbery of the home are at the home of little miss bigmout Tracy Johnson...all new and all hers now...right down the street from the police headquarters....and where Jonathan is living....

I actually pulled the petition for the restraining order and it would appear that Jonathan was doing even more finger pointing at Ian requesting that the judge in the case advise him to "Stay off the drugs"...which I found to be the pot telling the kettle to stay off the black. I should say that I don't know Ian and I don't care if he parties, but anyone that wants to keep someone away from my friend Shawn that is stealing from him is okay by me.  Nice job Ian.

It would appear that "Lisa" wanted to keep Ian away from Shawns home which would leave it empty when he left town and this would allow Junior to break into the home innumerous times, at will, and steal his property....this happens alot with Tracy fact, I have even heard that Jonathan's storage unit is full of property  of William Doyle and his family that Junior stole from the residence that Jonathan and Anthony were evicted from....

Anthony looks suspicious in this situation...but I want to be very clear...I know Anthony and I know that he is not a thief...he is trusted by people and Jonathan used him to acquire the keys to the places where he works then rob the owners...any suspicion would go to Anthony....if I were Anthony I would contact William Doyle immediately and tell him all about Jonathan's storage unit.  To my knowledge a dead man can't have one of these and if the police a so slow to look into it, Junior will find some idiot to change the records or move the objects....

Call him Anthony and insist that he look into this protects you....