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Thursday, February 20, 2025

I Have Lots Of Friends That Lori LaFond Attacked In Palm Springs, CA and Elsewhere: Would Love To Have The Military Help Us Remove These Chips Safely!!!


"I know Kevin Bond, I went to high school with him," Lori Jean LaFond always tells people that she is about to lie to.  Even the statement that she "knows me" is subject to discretion.  I know Lori LaFond on several levels, none of which are conversational or in-person.  

I know what she does because I've lived in the same area of California as she did for many years.  I can tell you that drugs, lies, rumor-mongering, expulsion, sexual immaturity, mental issues, violence, guns, and many other things are associated with Lori LaFond's name.  I know of her work because she tried it out on my father and several others while she lived in our area.  False accusations of fathers molesting other people's sons.  All cases went to trial, and all were acquitted but with one similarity...Lori LaFond's false accusations and contact with the child's parents.  Lori LaFond is a serial false police reporter.  It is a hobby she's had her whole life.  Committing crimes and then blaming someone else for them.  If that doesn't happen she dreams up a crime and then tries to make it fit her fantasy with false evidence.  In other words, Lori frames more than a contractor...or an artist's paintings.  Lori is a framer.

I know Lori because I've lived through her false accusations since I was about 10 years old.  My mom has received them.  My sister has heard them from Lori.  My father has been the subject of her lies and has heard from Lori herself.  Lori doesn't seem to understand that her reputation isn't just that she's a lesbian, nope that is the unimportant part.  Her reputation is that she is a LIAR to the police!  She PRETENDS to be someone she's not!  She has AIDS and spreads it to everyone (and other STD's).  She is a fugitive that escaped her punishment.  I know Lori's actions because I know who she did it to.

Know her is kind of a misnomer for people to understand.  I know who she is.  I know the things she's done.  Do I know her like go to her home or invite her to mine, NO!  I met her first day, the first period of junior high school.  She was in our 7th grade science class and by the end of the week she was removed for her sexual antics towards the teacher and the way she treated the students in that class.  She was supposed to be a teacher's aide, but she was more of a disaster.  She was kicked out of school shortly afterward.

The next time I saw her my father's case was over and he was fully acquitted in a jury trial.  The other people she accused were similarly acquitted; they had other cases.  Lori's imagination ran wild in those days thinking that all parents molest other people's children.  It was a lie then and it still is.  Oh yeah, the same attorney represented all these defendants including Coach Steve Fabian from Palm Springs High School.  He also knows Lori Jean LaFond and her mental issues with children, sex, and teachers.  I'm sure he can enlighten all of you.  

It was my first day of high school and from what I understand, Lori was still serving a suspension from the year before.  It was likely for shooting at my friend Paige and her mother.  Nevertheless, Lori knew my father was fully acquitted so she planned to stalk me from the very first minute of my first day.  She accosted me and my friend, Kim, and made me understand that she was a completely violent homophobe.  My friend Kim didn't forget it either.  It was then that I decided that talking to her wasn't going to ever happen.  It never did.  So, "knows me from high school" is a bully's way of saying, "Oh yeah, I kinda tortured him with homosexuality because I am a huge flaming lesbian that is still in the closet!"  That's what she means.

I didn't like her then, I was right not to.  She would later prove that I was right about her homicidal tendencies when she shot up a freshman girl's slumber party while she was a few months before graduating.  Lori likes the younger girls.  She followed up that slumber party shooting with another shooting at the same home two or three nights later.  In other words, she isn't the kind of crazy person who learns lessons about shootings.  Oh yeah, she tried to blame me for these actions, but I was not in attendance for either.  Lori's so crazy that she dreams of me in these situations.

So, yeah, I know her, but I do not pretend that I'm any kind of friend, past, present, or future.  Neither is my sister, father, or family.  We once lived across the street from her aunt, her father's sister, and that is how Lori became obsessed with my family.  That is all it took.

That last incident cost Lori her freedom, or at least it should have.  She got in big trouble for pushing one of her "friends" behind a moving vehicle that was backing up fast (Lori had a gun after all!).  This plus the first shooting saw Lori LaFond cop a guilty plea and she was to spend a significant time behind bars, but she got a self-surrender date and skipped out on the sentence.  That means that she was a fugitive from justice the entire time that she was living in Palm Springs, CA,.  They were literally taking calls from a fugitive who stole this communications computer from the military and was a convict from a school-related shooting.  Lori lies.  All the time.

It was a huge mistake for Lori LaFond to tell people that she knows me from high school but apparently using me that way allowed her to meet up with people who normally would have balked at the idea.  I'm a presentable and friendly person to my friends, so if someone claimed we were friends, it is completely normal that they would respond positively.  However, once Lori meets them, she can't resist going bonkers on them with lies about me and my family.  Christopher, how is that video?  Can this prove the point I am making?  I'm sure it does.  I know Lori can't ever keep her mouth shut about me and if she opens it, it's going to be a lie.

You see, there is absolutely no way that I would be obsessed with Lori because I've known since the sixth grade that she was obsessed with me.  It's something all kinds of people know about here where we live.  I'm pretty sure that Bryan Anderson knows how Lori is because she's been obsessed with him before too.  She still is.  She's told my friends that she was "married to" Bryan, was cheating with him on his wife, "has children with him", and that she "works with him on the PSPD special forces unit."  All of this is untrue.  Lori made it all up.  Nobody I know would be surprised.

Here's the thing.  I was told that my friend who was involved as a victim in the high school shootings could talk to General Etnyre about Lori.  That's good.  She's back.  She's been at my father's home near General Etnyre's home.  She is stalking me.  She has implanted and infected more of my friends than I can tell you about.  I want to work with Generaly Etnyre to bring these people to the base to have these chips removed.  They can't bring themselves to do this without knowing they won't be ridiculed by the local hospital that seems to have some ties to Lori LaFond too.   See my broken skull?  The ER in Palm Springs deliberately missed my skull MRI on two occasions and EVERYONE CAN SEE THAT IT WAS SMASHED!!!

I am absolutely certain that my friend is tired of running into Lori LaFond and the ambush that ensues.  Can you imagine if I had gone to that high school reunion?  We need to be certain that she is stopped at the door before ever being let in.  Same thing with her own classes' reunions.  Lori like guns and a mass shooting is not out of the conversation.

I'd like to get permission from the base to bring out some of these victims to retrieve the evidence from their heads.  These were the property of the USMC, but we need them to prosecute the citizens who stole them and put them into the heads of gay men and women.  I'm pretty sure there are more victims than anyone knows.

This promotes goodwill between the USMC and the LGBTQ+ communities and will promote anti-terrorism all over the country.  I know I can help!  It's just a matter of getting the word out.  Anthony Dabiere could write an article for the G&L Times and I can help with the logistics of these appointments.  It's time that Gen. Etnyre and I work together to stop Lori LaFond.  It's been a long time coming and we're already friends.

My friends allegedly have a database of the victims that Lori LaFond has made and put on this system using her father's ID card.  Pretty much anyone put on the system using her father's ID over the years is a victim anyway.  It's not hard to figure out how many people Lori and Brian implanted, but we do want to make sure their privacy is maintained.  It's not the same experience for everyone, but mostly the range is "horrible to dead."  Nobody walks away from Lori's system without the feeling of being raped and invaded.  Everyone wants to know who she is.  I repeat, she told everyone that she "knows me from high school."

There are many ways to stop Lori LaFond these days, pick one!

Human Trafficking Of Military and Non-Military Minds: Nothing Political About It, Just Americans Looking Out For Other Americans!

Although the FBI has come under fire for some allegations against them, I have worked with the FBI in the past, and let me tell you, I didn't think politics was even mentioned.  That is simply because the cases they looked at involved many victims.  United States military and citizens of all backgrounds were involved.  In these cases, the FBI was instrumental in stopping the victimization of real honest, and hard-working Americans.  I was one of them and still would be today if Lori LaFond's domestic terrorism hadn't seen fit to try to kill me, then blame it all on something else that she made up.  

This female has problems understanding who she is and what a fugitive like her is about to go through. Here is what I know the FBI does for victims of human trafficking.  We are the victims of this crime, not Lori LaFond:

So let me explain more about trafficking the thoughts of Americans in a chat room where military secrets and civilian thoughts are put on display for anyone who wants to pay a domestic terrorist for a login and password.  My thinking is not for you to look at.  I certainly didn't want anyone to look at what I thought, but Lori put it there for everyone to pull apart and try to come up with a way to hurt me.  I don't like being hurt more than anyone else does, but that is the job of a law enforcement informant who was illegally put in this position long before I agreed to work for law enforcement.  It isn't easy.  It takes a certain amount of legal knowledge to even embark on such an ambitious plan.  I have it, and so does Christopher, so we began to expose Lori LaFond and her friends. 

I had to have legal standing to write and say the things that I wanted with authority.  I needed to show that I had the kind of background to do this type of informant work against a terrorist organization that has a leader who never stops telling people that I know her from high school.  I, like Lori Jean, spent years studying how to do what I do.  I graduated from college at U.C. Riverside and studied at UCSD to become a paralegal.  I then worked for an attorney service to learn court procedures.  Then I began working for the federal court in San Diego.  First in the files, then intake, and then the courtroom.  That only took me about five or six months.  It took others years and years to get into the courtroom, but I worked at it.

So while Lori was learning how to impersonate Officer Rae Dallas/Fernandez on the phone, I was learning how to prosecute women and men who did this.  While Lori was robbing banks, my court was sentencing bank robbers.  While Lori was selling drugs, I was in court with drug dealers on a much larger scale.  I was doing the opposite of Lori LaFond because we are not the same person.  While I was in a trial against a person who possessed child pornography, Lori was at home creating it.  The list goes on and on.

My life has been loaded up with Lori LaFond-isms and I wanted to protect people from her.  This is why she tells everyone, even though she is supposed to be the authority, "Make sure you don't tell Kevin I called."  I don't think I've ever said something like that to anyone.  I certainly wouldn't do that as a courtroom deputy for the judges that I worked for.  This is the kind of thing someone says when they are lying.  I've never understood why Lori thinks that is so effective.  I guess I have to do a better job of explaining that Lori is a fugitive.  Her calling you is no different than a prison escapee calling you.  You don't have to do anything she says and if she calls you, you should be calling the police.  You can always tell when it is Lori, she's always saying something bad about my father, my sister, me or all three of us.  That's how you know.

Monday, February 17, 2025

Someone Asked Me About Morgellon's Syndrome Often Associated With Electronic Harassment Victims In Our Area: Here's What I Know!


One of the things that I've never talked about but have experienced was Morgellon's Syndrome.  I am NOT a hypochondriac.  It isn't a mental disorder.  I can tell you why.

Over twenty years ago, while living in Palm Springs CA, I was sitting in my bedroom and experienced something baffling. It did not scare me because it was not painful, but it was shocking. After taking off my shoes and rubbing feet, I noticed that underside of my feet as they needed to be shaved. It felt like there was razor stubble on the bottom of my feet, which I had never experienced before and found quite strange.   It was on both feet and I kind of forgot about it.

Years later I would read that it is common with some electronic harassment victims to be susceptible to Morgellon's Syndrome.   This is a syndrome which for some odd reason causes microscopic fibers to grow out of your skin.  It isn't really hair, it is a fiber.  On my feet, it felt like a beard that needed to be shaved!  There are various explanations for this to happen but it also reminded me that along with Lori's voice, microwave skin burns, and headaches, came a whole lot of other problems that she gives you when you get a shot of her blood that gives you HIV.  Her blood is full of other pathogens that can cause other diseases.  She is septic from years and years of using dirty needles and reinfecting herself.  We also know that she NEVER sees a doctor!

Some of the things that her intentional infection has caused many people are Bell's Palsy, shingles, foot fungus, nail fungus, tongue fungus, and other things.  She is a nasty bitch that gives you other diseases without you contacting her, but Lori uses a syringe while you are knocked unconscious.  Additionally, with Lori LaFond you CAN get exposed to tuberculosis, Hep C, HIV, and bacterial staph which she puts in your lungs by breathing into your mouth.  It's disgusting and it can take a long time to get rid of.

I've not had this happening to me for a long time, in terms of the Morgellon's.  It went away.  I just recalled that this is something that Nick from had and it put him in a wheelchair.  This was before the advent of the HIV meds that work came out.  I don't know Nick's status with HIV, but I do know that he told me he had Morgellon's when he was in his chair.  Hopefully he is okay now.

There is much speculation about what causes this disease but there are videos on YouTube that could be helpful if you suffer from this.  Also, there is a shingles vaccine.  For Bell's Palsy, I took something called Famciclovir, an antiviral that helps heal the herpes infection of the seventh facial nerve where Bell's comes from.  Hep C is curable.  Tuberculosis is curable.  Bacterial staph is curable.  The last three are deadly, as is HIV if you do not seek a doctor's attention!  So wait until you develop symptoms or go before you do, the choice is yours.  Personally, I decided to prevent it before something worse happened.  You should too.

In the meantime, can someone please get an order or warrant to draw Lori's blood so that she can be rendered untransmissable for these diseases?  She kills like a biological weapon with a sex addiction for knocked-out rape victims!!! Come on Jeffrey, it is way past time!!!

Sunday, February 16, 2025

Chatty Cathy: Lori's Mind Reading Chat Room Isn't Going To Last Much Longer


Before I dive into the chat room discussion, I want to inform everyone to be on high alert! This morning, while Lori was trying to keep me awake, she pretended that someone had entered her online "mind reading chat room" and started deleting the people she had secretly added to this military system.  Apparently, there are some people out there who don't understand how this whole thing works.  This is what I know.

The people that Lori LaFond raped and implanted, are all human trafficked through some online chat room.  Our thinking, once only privy to the people who had the stolen mind-reading computers, is able to be seen in an online chat with a "situation room" extension.  The victims' information is edited into our profile so that Lori never has to look it up.  All the tiny, but important tidbits of my life are on it.  Why a military computer would be able to put a civilian's thoughts on a chat room's edit is unknown, but I don't belong there.  I am not military.  I am not consenting.  I am not happy about it.

For a price, you can log into the chat room and steal information from thousands of victims all across the country.  This is human trafficking at its most devious and preventable.  Someone needs to contact the chat room organizer and shut it down as it is part of a terrorist scheme that allows complete strangers access to our thinking.  As the informant on this site, I think it is important for people to film what is on that chat and where it is receiving its data feed from.  Lori's living room no doubt.

Christian was heard saying that he was pissed off at someone for trying to delete nearly 35 years of his "editing" of my thinking.  Can you believe that someone actually has spent 35 years editing my thinking so it is easier for people to terrorize me?  It also makes it easier for Lori LaFond to understand what I am thinking about and all the things attributed to that thought.  For instance, let's say that I know someone named Carl was raped.  I have proof of it and know who the witnesses are to the sexual assault.  Christian and his editing can allow all things related to my knowledge about Carl's situation, witness information, their locations, their phone numbers, emails, etc. so that every bit of information can be covered over by Lori and Christian or whoever is helping Lori to intimidate her victims.

So I am actually disappointed that a military communications computer is actually sending a live, real-time feed, to some AOL chat room somewhere that looks like I am talking to her when I am really just at home thinking about the thinks that she is screaming at me.  It's really one of the reasons that Lori thinks people are talking to her when the reality is that they are being forced to think about what she is screaming into a microphone.  She does the same thing when she is raping a person.  She puts a chip near their brain, starts torturing them, and then runs into the other room to see what they are thinking about while she is doing it.  Pretty sick stuff, huh?

Here's the prosecutor's takeaway from this:
Rape victims' private thoughts, all of them, are being put into a public chat room for sale.  Lori required a login and password for a price, but it is still on a public chat.  She also uses this chat to organize gang stalkers to follow us around until they contact the police.  Then she uses the chat to call off the stalking until law enforcement finds nothing.  As soon as they report nothing found, the stalking continues...only bigger.  Here is where our human trafficking is found!!!

Now to the "lollipops and letters"!  I have spent enough time on this investigation as a victim and a police informant to know that Lori does something that many people who illegally use this system don't do.  She contacts the victims and their families.  She has two that she just loves to use.

The first is the "adult is a pedophile" scheme where she manufactures evidence of child molestation so that she can have the adult arrested.  Her favorite thing is to send a greeting card with a message from the adult to the child.  She likes to practice the adult's handwriting so that it sort of looks like it is real, but in effect, it is just Lori LaFond pretending to ask a minor what the adult would do to them if he was a lollipop?  Lori then plants the greeting card someplace where the minor's parents or employer or whoever will contact the police.  This is a scheme she has used over and over again and she thinks it is foolproof.  The only problem is that she has used it so many times that it is really just a pattern of false accusations that cost a lot of money to prove.  

Of course, the child "victim" is completely caught off guard because there IS NO SUCH ILLICIT RELATIONSHIP BETWEEN THE ADULT AND CHILD.  Secondly, the adult "perpetrator" is nothing more than a target of Lori's sick plan to make them look like a pedophile when, in actuality, there is NOTHING LIKE THAT going on.  She tried it several times on the military base before she was caught and thrown out of military dependency.  Both the fake victim and the fake perpetrator are victimized by a sexual sadist who likes to hurt straight men and innocent children.  The child "victim" never says anything like this is going on as does the adult.   The police are forced to file a case until enough of these false accusations are found.  Then the police are obligated to find the woman behind this sickening accusation.  Both the child's family, the child, the adult's family, and the adult are hurt professionally, personally, emotionally, and financially.  This is the reason why, Lori LaFond always knows more than anyone else about this crime.  She is the perpetrator, a liar, and a massive pedophile, herself.

It is her attempt to make her fantasies a reality...only it isn't real, it's all in her mind.  Ask her mother if she does this and she'll tell you the same thing.  Make sure you ask in person though because any other communication is probably something Lori makes up.  Oh yeah, see the emails sent to me by Laurie Johnson (aka Lori LaFond) if you don't think that she is the actual accuser and what she wanted me to say in the courtroom instead of the truth.  I told the truth and that pissed Lori off!

The other thing Lori loves to do is cause a divorce or a marital split.

Lori has never seen or heard of a relationship that she didn't try to ruin.  To do this, Lori makes up an affair between husband and wife.  (You can substitute boyfriends, girlfriends, friends, or whatever you want as long as two people love each other).  I've seen her do this between employer and employee, teacher and principal, teacher and assistant superintendent of schools.  Mothers and fathers.  Sisters and brother-in-laws.  So on and so forth.  This is where Missy Erickson is a real help to Lori.   Missy also loves to fuck with couples.  It has to do with self-esteem issues and their own parents.    Lori likes to tell people in a relations personal things that aren't always known or factual to cause a breakup.

She sends letters, makes anonymous phone calls, leaves voicemails (her favorite), spoofs text messages and emails...whatever she can to create just the tiniest bit of doubt.  She's used online dating services too.  Lori just loves to make shit up.  Lori has also combined the two lies together.  For instance.  If your parent was falsely accused of molesting a child, she will then tell people, not involved, that your "boyfriend's father is a convicted child molester".  She's used this in court filings.  She's told this to married people.  The TRUTH IS THAT LORI MADE UP THE FIRST ACCUSATION AND IT WAS EITHER DISMISSED OR A JURY CAME BACK WITH A NOT GUILTY VERDICT...BUT SINCE IT WAS LORI PUSHING THE ISSUE...SHE LIES AGAIN TO MAKE IT LOOK LIKE IT WAS A CONVICTION.  This is supposed to cause a breakup in a relationship.  Ask Christopher and Jonathan if they have one or more of these on videotape if Lori starts to bitch about what I am telling you.   They have the proof and I know it.

Now that Lori's chat room and her false accusations are under scrutiny, I want you all to know that this is something that I've dealt with my whole life.  My sister too.  My family too.  Lori's father knew she did this.  Lori's mother knew this too.  Pretty much our entire community knew that Lori made everything up, but her continued stalking of my family hoping this can be somehow made true, is her plan.  It isn't a good one.

If you are an operator on this system, get ready for some legal action to happen.  I would never log into that chat ever again and forget that you ever did.  I am not going to tell you that you can't be found because you have been already.  Do not help Lori LaFond or you will be in legal trouble bigger than you know.  Only people in my investigation are allowed on at this point without problems.  They have the legal ability to do this without prosecution but only as it pertains to Lori LaFond, but remember, lots of you have used Lori to set up your targets.  You too could be charged with terrorism. Cease and desist.

Oh yeah, if Lori LaFond threatens any kind of lawsuit...remind her that active fugitives can not file lawsuits while they are at large.  They can't show up to court. She "doesn't have a dime to her name". It is illegal.  Lori is not in custody but should be.  I'm done with all the threats from a rapist and convicted criminal on the run.  If she calls you, call the police.  Contacting her rape victims and their families has become a favorite pastime of Lori's.  It's her way of getting back at her father and the U.S. military for telling her not to.  Someone told me a judge ordered her to stay away from my family...she's done anything but that over the years while she has been on the run!!!

Saturday, February 15, 2025

Mysterious Deaths, Covered Up Rapes, Odd Behavior In Apartment Complexes, and Violence Towards Landlords/Their Families? Not The Zizians In Palm Springs, It's The "Zizters"!!!


Man, oh, man!  When I started this project to find and arrest the person who shot at me in San Diego, CA., I had no idea it would lead to the kinds of things that my team has found out.

When you watch this story about "The Zizians", I want you to understand that Lori Jean LaFond and the Lesbian Mafia of Palm Springs, CA., have been operating in the Southern California desert for over 45 years.  I knew about this "girl in Palm Springs that infects gay men with HIV and turns the infected into the police" because of stories I heard about in San Diego and Los Angeles.  I wasn't living in Palm Springs but I am from this area.  I, too was infected without having had sex or using needles.  I couldn't have caught HIV when I did.  I was 19 years old.

A shot rang out in San Diego while I was working for the U.S. District Court, Southern District of California, as a federal agent.  I had been working there for 10 years and was being stalked by people that I couldn't explain.  If I said something to anyone, they would stop for a few days.  Then they would come back.  It was almost like they knew what I was saying to people when I said it.  They followed me everywhere.  I was doing nothing wrong and wrote diaries about this while it was happening.  They stopped following me one night, and that was the night someone took a shot at my car with me inside.

My brother-in-law had been shot and killed in 29 Palms, CA., about a year and a half earlier.  His death was caused by his drug addiction and a rage that began for no reason at all.  I knew and loved him very much.  The person that killed him was the uncle of Lori Jean LaFond who was one of my sister's friends.  I knew that my brother-in-law was getting drugs from Lori LaFond in Palm Springs, Ca., after years of sobriety.

After my shooting, I decided that it wasn't safe to work for a federal judge because of the people who were stalking me and took a shot.  I resolved to go back to where the stalking began to look for the girl who infects people and tattles to the police.  That girl, was Lori Jean LaFond.  I went to junior high school with her and later high school.  She was mental then too.  She had a way of knowing what people were doing even though she was never around.  Later I would learn that she was suspected of stealing a computer system and the microchips used in electronic surveillance.  I was able to hear her voice for the first time since she verbally assaulted me in high school about being gay.  She did this many times and her voice isn't indistinguishable.  She has a very distinct way of talking.  Babylike and immaturere.  I then learned that it was Lori that had been lying to my brother-in-law causing the confrontation between Lori's uncle and him.  Lori started the ball in motion and it led to his death.

Lori was also behind my shooting.

The Lesbian Mafia of Palm Springs is led by Lori Jean LaFond who has a very big problem of telling everyone that she "knew me in high school".  She was on the microphone for this crime telling people to hunt me down and assault me.  When that didn't happen, she did it herself inside the home of a friend using her own frozen diseased blood to try to infect me with her sickness.

There is so much going on in my story that it is easy to think that I am the only one, but nothing could be further from the truth.  There are well over a thousand victims from Palm Springs, CA.  When someone radicalizes a group of people in a minority into a cult-like situation, this is what happens.  Just like the Zizians, the LMOPS, is a radicalized group of lesbians and lackeys that Lori has implanted and threatens to commit crimes for her.  Lori is a killer with crimes in Arizona, California and all over the United States.

Let us hope that we can prevent what happened to the victims of the Zizians in the future.  They appear to act very much like the LMOPS.  What we are doing is looking for a peaceful and non-violent solution to a vigilante group with ties all over America.  They don't just operate on the LGBTQ community, in fact the majority of victims come from straight white America; mostly females.  Lori just puts homophobia into it because of her sexual sadism towards gay men.

Bad people are bad people.  It has nothing to do with their gender, sexual preferences, skin color, religious beliefs or anything.  They use that as a tool to seduce people that don't fit in...or incels that sit on computers chatting in rooms where their collective consciousness becomes violent against others.

This is America.  We may never integrate everyone into a place where we all live peacefully together, but we can make damn sure that we enforce laws that protect all Americans from people like this.

Frankly, the LMOPS is far worse in their endeavors than anything that I've read about with the Zizians; they've been at it longer and can track their victims everywhere until they can make them disappear.  Our story is even similar in that the deaths of Jonathan Mendenhall and his father Ed were both reported online and Jonathan's in the newspapers in Michigan and Arizona.  We don't believe that Jonathan is dead.  We know he is a huge witness against Lori Jean LaFond and her lesbian gang.  He was a member of my team when he disappeared and then appeared to be dead.  I told you, these females are ruthless.  Maybe Christopher can shed some light on Jonathan's life status and his father's.

Her name is Lori Jean LaFond, remember it.  She is a domestic terrorist that does not care who she hurts...just as long as she can hurt someone.

Friday, February 14, 2025

Happy V-Day Lissa and Lori...Or Is That Lorissa? Christopher and I Dedicated This Song To You Gal Pals Hoping You Are Hungry Like The Wolf!!! Only Two Close Sisters Like You Would Know


Wishing Lori and Lissa a Happy "V" Day...I think we all know what the "V" stands for Lori...

I didn't know what to get the girls, so I asked my pal Billie!

(Lissa, pay particular attention to the "shower" lyric, perhaps you could help Lori?)
To get you both in the mood, I'm sharing my favorite Billie porn!

Thursday, February 13, 2025

Domminick Dunne's Portrayal of Lori LaFond-like Rapist. Look At The Similarities and Ask Yourselves Why Isn't She Incarcerated By Now?


The only rapist that got the approval of the police, that I know of, came from Palm Springs, CA., her name is Lori Jean LaFond.

Whether it was an attempted murder or an intentional infection, Lori LaFond videotaped her beatdowns of gay men like she wanted to create some kind of porn business where real rapes were normalized.  There were plenty of children too, but unlike most places where an 8-year-old child tests positive for HIV, nobody in their department started an investigation into who was behind this crime.   Why?  The police officers were more important than the victims of these deadly attacks.

Take a look at the manhunt of Mr. Andrew Luster, the Max Factor heir that thought he could drug, rape, and videotape the women he brutalized.  Why don't people seek out Lori for these same crimes?  We sent the police an absolute witness to these tapes and the Chief of Police did nothing about it.  He asked me personally to send him someone that knew about them.  I did.  He ended up jailing this witness.

What this Chief of Police did was choose himself over the safety of the people he swore to protect.  It is an absolute crime of indecency.

Terrorism's Safe Haven? Why Isn't Someone Finding Lori Jean LaFond's Training Ground When It Is Only Miles Away From The Base She Robbed In The 1970's?


Laurie Bembenek she is not!  No, Lori Jean LaFond is not a convicted felon escaping prison to try to clear her name.  Nope.  Lori Jean LaFond is a convicted felon who keeps pretending to be someone else and gets let out on bail or a self-surrender date that she just doesn't seem to show up for.  There are plenty of victims of Lori Jean LaFond and many of them hear from her on her microphone, through a military chip placed in their heads, so that she can keep track of them.  I am one of the many.

Lori Jean LaFond has been playing this game of "Catch Me If You Can" for so long now that she thinks she can get away with it by living right where she grew up and was convicted.  She actually pled guilty to charges as a 17-year-old, then escaped to Palm Springs, where she took absolutely no time in continuing her criminal career.  How do you know it's her?  It's simple, ask her victims.  We all know what she sounds like and who she hangs out with.  She talks about them.  They make appearances for her.  They praise her and always have nothing good to say about me, my sister, and my father.  This is who Lori Jean LaFond is.  She is dangerous and highly volatile.   Only people that are involved with her have anything good to say about her.  Only people that don't know her whole story.

Lori is constantly talking about "her family" and "her sisters" and is often known to pretend to be the sister of her victims.  She thinks that women are basically stupid and that men will do anything for sex.  Lori's entire life is fugitivism and the only way she can survive is by stealing from her victims and their families.  It's really strange when you get to this part though...the families let her get away with it.  I guess as long as she isn't stealing from them, at the time, they pass her off to another family that isn't suspecting what she does.  My family, on the other hand, is her go-to family.  She's spent well over 45 years stalking us and she has caused deaths, robberies, attempted murders, and so much more.  I've tried to warn all of you, so my conscience is crystal clear.    I told you she was a killer, and everyone is surprised when she tries to kill again.

You don't understand who is living in that drug den and the lives that have been ruined by the six people who control so many other people's lives.  One man thought he could take over my investigation but he's since pussied out and can't do a thing.  Not surprised.  He's been known to hurt rape victims for decades.  Even Harvey Weinstein liked the way Jeffrey turned away complaint after complaint, actress after actress, that said anything about his friend, Harv.  Jeffrey demanded proof from the actresses.  When he was presented with undeniable proof from our victims, that standard was changed.  Just like Jeffrey to cause another problem without any kind of solution in sight.

First of all, I am certain that Lori's mother is very well aware that she is a fugitive from 1985.  There is absolutely no reason for her to be in contact with her mother, but they've been seen together at a memorial for a friend that I attended.  There is no reason for Lori to ever be where she is living.  If she isn't harboring a fugitive and she isn't aiding/abetting her, then why is she there?  The same goes for her son, Brian.  

Why are Lori's friends showing up at my family's home begging for my money to be taken out of the bank to be put somewhere else where they can steal it?  This is all the same game that Lori has played her entire life.  Telling anyone that Lori is planning to steal someone's bank account and remove the money is extortion and it is a crime.  Whether this was done in a nice way or by constant harassment, it is a crime.  These people who did this are criminals and should be charged as such.

The extortion techniques used by the criminals in this crime are hideous, but the results are always the same.  Lori doesn't go to jail for it, and the victims that were raped, suffer again.  It happens over and over.  Why anyone like Jeffrey continues to bury his head in the sand is a mystery.  Why he would sit idly by and try to involve my family members is something that the courts need to consider.  Why would someone with the kind of wherewithal that he has, do nothing?  I've heard that his attorney is to blame for his careless attitude.  I've heard that Jeffrey forces his own son to speak to this attorney who is giving him bad advice.

Perhaps we are seeing the new world order at work in this case.  Rich people control everyone else.  Poor people just have to take it.  Evil people control the rich.  Is that the way any of you see it?  I do.

I've been involved in the process of issuing bench warrants, arrest warrants, fugitives, and so forth for many years.  In fact, when Lori ordered to have me be killed "by her birthday" in San Diego, CA., I was still doing that very job.  I would still be doing that job if it wasn't for her constant meddling with my therapist and the information I gave him about my mental health after the shooting.  Lori has gone too far on many things, but for professionals to have listened to her and done things for her as a fugitive, is just careless and irresponsible.

Finally, I'm moving on from her latest attempts to try to bring me back into her world of drugs, crime, and death.  I don't want to be involved with anyone who is taken in by her constant need for attention when she is clearly someone who has gotten away with murder.  What is wrong with people today?  They simply do not care about good people.

Monday, February 10, 2025

I Agree, The Reason That Lori LaFond Says She Hates Me? "He's So Nice To People," Lori LaFond Tells Everyone...Isn't That Sad? Cheer Up Lori, It's Just Jail!!!


I guess to be hated for being "too nice", is a quality problem, right?

Better than trying to start a fight between people every day of her life...get happy Lori.

Wo-Mens Rea, Refers To The Guilty Mind of a Female Criminal; We Know That Lori LaFond's Wo-Mens Rea Usually Comes With An Infected Needle and/or A Frozen Bowl of Her Own Blood!


It's easy to think that Lori LaFond will make a play for the old "mental defect" defense, but I want you all to consider something else.  

You don't take a bowl of diseases filled frozen blood to thaw out at a crime scene only to put it inside of another human being's body without premeditating that horrible act.  Similarly, you don't take a dirty syringe full of the same material to a crime scene to inject yourself, you could do that at home.  No, you take things like transmitter/receiver microchips and tainted bodily fluids to do two things.  One is to make the person sick, the other is to watch while they get sick and die.  Lori also likes to watch what a victim is thinking while she is committing the crime against them.  It's like a real time look into what a victim is thinking while they are being raped or killed.  What serial killer wouldn't want that?

Lori is already known to take trophies from her victims, but why not keep what they were thinking too.  It is already a given that she photographs the rapes and videotapes them, but isn't it more exciting for a serial to remember exactly what her victim was thinking while she was beating the crap out of them?  There is only one problem with that happening in my rape however, I actually know who Lori Jean LaFond is, and I tell her so.  I also tell her that she is still, "the ugliest girl I've ever seen."   This is all my recollection of the rape and it is recorded.  This is the victim's identification of his own rapist.  To make it worse for Lori, she doesn't know that I know it is her until she looks at a computer screen, so she screams out that she's "Lori LaFond"  a hundred times during the videotaped rape.

Wo-mens rea goes to the guilty mind of the female criminal.  What you will see and hear in our case are a whole lot of immobilized men, women, and children that can't escape while Lori LaFond and her brother, Brian, torture them.  This is what this technology can do as well.

Think about what a "mind reading" crime is going to do in court against the rapist.  It's impressive.

Lori's wo-mens rea also thought about creating a separate Riverside crime lab report that took her off of it and filed a restraining order for a place she can't work (she's a fugitive) because her mind knows she is guilty.  So if Lori is criminally insane, she sure does know a whole lot about getting rid of evidence and people that know she is guilty.  Doesn't seem too crazy to me...but that is a legal determination.

Sunday, February 9, 2025

To Clear Things Up, This Is How Lori LaFond Got Involved With Jeffrey Katzenberg; It's Not What You Think!


It has become clear to me that no matter how much sense I make, Lori LaFond believes she can deceive you again simply by putting on another mask and lying.  People who fall for these schemes are often surprised to learn that I have been warning them for years about her true nature. Lori LaFond imagines herself as someone else, but the truth is that no one else shares the problems Lori faces.

It is my understanding that Lori and her friends have been stalking the Katzenberg family for many years.  I did not live in the Palm Springs area when she was chasing their kids around Palm Springs High School.  Marilyn's entire neighborhood was being surveyed to monitor the Katzenbergs.  Neighbors and friends were approached, undergarments were left in their mailbox, and Lori and Brian LaFond once entered the home across the street from the Katzenbergs to surveil them.  This seems to be the time that Benjamin Katzenberg was molested and falsely imprisoned because of his neighbor, David, and siblings, Brian and Lori LaFond.  The case went to court.  Only Brian LaFond was charged with using a false ID. He was convicted and given a self-surrender date but then fled to San Diego, CA, where I was living.

Lori LaFond was a "Jane Doe" in that molestation and false imprisonment case but was not identified by her brother who was pretending to be someone else.  Benjamin thusly testified, got a conviction, and was immediately targeted by Lori LaFond for revenge.  It is important to note that the neighbor, David, did not testify in this case and instead chose to hide away until it was over.  Today, David resides with both Lori and Brian LaFond in a home in Joshua Tree, CA.  This is not a coincidence.  He was an accomplice in this molestation, and in subsequent crimes committed in Arizona and California.  Lori's revenge is always what her fake "family" is focused on.  I should know, she's done this to my family since 1979.

At the very least, Lori Jean LaFond is a thief.  She uses this technology to steal money from people using the information she gleans.  Bank account numbers, PIN numbers, CDL numbers, Social Security Numbers, false IDs, and pretty much everything she needs to impersonate another person.  She is still just herself, a thief.

It is well known that Lori LaFond stole about $150,000 from a business account that was held by Benjamin, David, and Laura Katzenberg.  She used fake IDs to secure that theft.  She's done the same thing to my own sister, stealing insurance money left for my relatives after Lori effected the death of my brother-in-law.   Benjamin, smartly worked with our friend Martin to find this missing money.  When they found out that I was working on this project for the police department, he sought me out and asked if he could help.  This infuriated Lori LaFond.  Imagine, the kid she molested and the guy she bullied since high school now knew each other and were working to stop her.  I knew nothing of the Katzenbergs or what they did for a living.  I don't really care, but it does come with notoriety.  This is when Lori decided to tell people that she was "working with Jeffrey Katzenberg" investigating me.  It is one-upmanship at its worst.  

The truth is that Benjamin is a super genius and anyone like him offering help would have been acceptable, but his accomplishments made him the best candidate.  Though this is a blog for the parents of the victims of this crime, it really does not matter to me what the parents do for a living or how much money they have; I do not accept money from victims or their parents.  That would be exploitation of the victims; it isn't savory or moral.

Lori has this problem with people that she has raped, implanted, infected, and harassed.  She thinks of all of us as "slaves".  She even lists us in a log that she calls her, "Book of Slaves".   In her book of slaves, she has Martin and Benjamin.  This means that the best friend, Eagle Scout, friends have been raped, etc.  This makes them prime candidates for the plan that I executed.  I needed people on the inside of Lori's system and people on the outside so that we could legally record everything that Lori LaFond does with her friends.  It was a brilliant choice as I am a formal police informant along with Christopher.  I am on the outside doing this, and Christopher is on the inside doing his part.  We agreed with each other to record these conversations via party line, so everything is on the up and up for law enforcement.

Lori also thinks, like slaves, that she owns us.  I have a real problem with anyone thinking that I am her slave.  I am not.  That is why I told everyone that I have never worked with Lori, she is a self-proclaimed enemy of mine/my family, we have never been friends, and she is illegally stalking me and my friends.  I told the police many times who I was working with in emails to my police contact...Lori likely deleted them, but some cops got the message.

Since Jeffrey's money was the real target of Lori's devious plan, she decided to do what she always does, put her girlfriend Melissa close enough to him to try to torpedo this investigation.  Melissa, Bessie, and David the neighbor did just that.  Unfortunately for them, it only exposed what Lori did to try to derail anyone investigating her.  Fortunately for us, Lori can't seem to keep herself off drugs, out of trouble, and out of various jail cells in California and Arizona.  Escaping each time by using fake IDs, but committing crimes nonetheless.

Exposing the WHOLE crime is what we are looking at doing now.  Lori's destructive jealousy is a trait I've seen since I was about 10 or 11 years old.  I am 56 years old now.  I have a particular skill when it comes to her.  Call it a bullshit-detector or just experience, but she is trying to make someone believe that fugitives, like herself and her brother, could actually work for Jeffrey Katzenberg; someone who she thinks she owns.  She does not own a Katzenberg.  They are probably not happy with that tone from her.

Lori's one-upmanship is stupid.  The very first blog I wrote about this crime talked about her illegal relationship with two Larson Justice Center Commissioners, Best and Cribbs.  Yet when Lori went to file a restraining order about THAT BLOG she went directly to Commissioner Best to get him to commit an illegal act.  Issuing a restraining order against me for a crime that he is involved deeply with.  That is judicial misconduct and exactly what I needed her to do.  This time, Lori LaFond even put her name on the restraining order so no doubt seeks a criminal act from this Commissioner.  He issued the order during a federal stay of the matter and did not allow me due process to fight it in court.  Then Lori stalked me to Arizona to try to kill me, Jonathan, Anthony, and possibly Marilyn and Benjamin Katzenberg.  All noticed members of my team to Bryan Anderson; our legitimate police contact.  Bryan knows Lori LaFond and was her neighbor in high school; he knows she is crazy and not reliable.

So if you want to know how Lori got involved with Jeffrey Katzenberg, it wasn't as a personal assistant, it was by raping his youngest son and stalking his older twins.  This isn't a case of Lori the businesswoman, it is a case of Lori the drug dealer lying to anyone who will listen.  Come on folks, do you really think that anyone would work WITH Lori using this system that has that kind of pull and money?  No possible way.  It is the fastest way to lose that kind of wealth.  This is a prime example of false advertising by Missy Erickson and Lori LaFond.    Jeffrey's silence is deafening to our victims.

Once again, Lori is attempting to claim she's not who I say she is by doing exactly what I say she does.  That's the same as robbing a bank to prove you aren't a bank robber.  Ask yourself this, why isn't Lori Jean LaFond telling everyone she is Lori Jean LaFond.  You don't see her on Facebook telling everyone she is herself.  No, what you see is other people talking about Lori LaFond in a way they never would.  It's just Lori on their accounts pretending to talk nice about her.  She better be careful though, my friends don't ever talk shit about me, like she does.  It's a dead giveaway.

In an attempt to make herself look smart, she's trying to repurpose smart things that I do, but putting her name on them.  It's just theft of my intellectual property, human trafficking of my thoughts and actions so that she doesn't look like the dunce she really is.  Lori LaFond is a multiple fugitive.  The crimes that she committed were violent and with a firearm in some cases.  There are plenty of victims of these crimes, and they should speak up.  The reason that Lori LaFond isn't herself on Facebook with all the permissions that everyone else gives is because she is a fraud that all the victims of this crime would recognize as the fake "Jessica" instead of the real Lori Jean LaFond.  She can't be herself because a fugitive on Facebook can be located.

It is also imperative to note that Facebook fugitives using their services are likely to be caught by the agencies that are looking for them like Arizona law enforcement, the U.S. Attorney's Office, the U.S. Marshal's office, and anyone else that has a beef with Lori LaFond.  Being herself isn't a good choice, and pretending to be someone else talking sweet about her, doesn't happen.

A fugitive from justice or several live with Lori.  The only hope that some of them have is proving that Lori LaFond framed them for the crimes that they have escaped from serving time for.    Those Commissioners seem to set these outrageous self-surrender dates to "get their affairs in order". Well, I have news for all of you.  The crimes that this guy gives these for are egregious.  They aren't for petty theft and NEVER get self-surrender dates.  The only reason he gives them is so that the defendant/friend of Lori LaFond gets a chance to change their identity and pretend to be someone else.  It's a dangerous game of "catch me if you can" but I'm a former courtroom deputy clerk, a professional at that very game.  All of our fugitives were caught by the U.S. Marshal.

I have a distinct feeling that Lori LaFond and friends are trying to use the Katzenbergs to sell their mind-reading system to legitimate businesses using Jeffrey as an example.  It is not a good idea to turn him into her poster business person to sell terrorism to big business.  Someone should make him aware that this is her BIG PLAN!!!

Saturday, February 8, 2025

You Can't Teach This Kind Of Psychopath, She's On Too Many Drugs!!!


This is Lori Jean LaFond's entire game.  If you talk to her, in your mind, she thinks she has you.  If you refuse, her friend Christian will bring her name up over and over again until you say something.  (That's for all of you out there that tell us to "ignore her")  The fact is that this tech is wirelessly so close to your brain that you hear her no matter what.  What you take to heart, is entirely up to you.

I've shown people how to change their EEG's with music, by watching patterns on their screensavers, going gambling (casinos were made to change a person's EEG's), and so much more.  There are lots of techniques.

The fact is that Lori is such an ego maniac, she could literally talk about herself to you or anyone, night and day, for years at a time.  She is still talking about what she was like in high school and the people she was stalking and obsessed with then.

You can always count on Lori LaFond to think of herself only.  How she can hurt you to make herself feel better.  I would have to know her better to even consider hating her, I'm more of a "she's mentally ill" kind of person now.  It has really helped my understanding.

If anyone thinks they can talk to her about her problems and Lori won't use them as someone she can manipulate, that person is totally wrong.  She uses way too many drugs and is way too crazy to go back to being a person who just hides her mental illness.   I've heard her body is covered with syphilis contusions, scars, track marks, and open sores.   I can't emphasize enough the waste of time it is trying to get through to her.  If you know how to stop her, never tell her.  Just do it!!! In the long run, it will be far more beneficial to have her in custody than to have her speaking on the microphone.

No need to warn her...she expects to be arrested.  What she is doing is illegal.  Stopping her is by far more important than anything else we can do.  She needs to see a doctor for her very contagious diseases.  She and her friends are a walking breathing epidemic in waiting.