Morally Conscious

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Monday, October 14, 2024

The Insane Problem With The Lesbian Mafia's Leader, Lori Jean LaFond!


They are just two teacups, Lori.  Missy Erickson isn't using her golden globes to take attention from you.  Lori can't seem to get her mind out of her pants.  Oh, she claims that ALL MEN are like she is, but we all know that it isn't the men she raped that are responsible for Lori's promiscuous activity that led to their infections.  Lori likes to think of rape as a sexual encounter.  I can tell you that if she feels that gay bashing and covering it up is a sexual encounter, then she needs to be held accountable for it.

From the time I first saw Lori in junior high school to this very minute, she is convinced that she is in some kind of competition with someone who is keeping her from being popular, pretty, or desirable.  It is never Lori's fault.  It is never her behavior that caused Lori's own problems.  It's really just someone conspiring to keep Lori from becoming a celebrity.  That's just not true at all.

Even when she brought a firearm to a girl's home and shot out the windows of that home twice in one week, she still tried to blame me for her actions.  I was nowhere near that home.  She told everyone that I was there and that I'd driven a car that ran over her "friend".  Not that she pushed this guy in front of a moving vehicle.  Not that she did this twice in one week.  Not that she thought that saying I was there was the reason for her violent behavior.  She wasn't responsible because someone else made her shoot up that house, but there wasn't anyone for her to blame.  SO, once again, she blamed me.  She always blames me.  I can't tell you how disturbing it is to still have to deal with her sick mind and criminal behavior all these years later.

Lori loves to force people to accompany her on her hair-brained schemes, then, when it goes horribly bad, she blames them for doing what she forced them to do.  It's nothing new for her.  She's been doing this for decades with drug addicts especially.  No matter what, she will use any drug problems when it gets bad enough for her to pull it out.  She will literally make stuff up just to deflect attention from her.  She should know about everyone's drug problems, she sells them to everyone and spies on the rest.  Even when you are twenty years sober, she still thinks she can recall drug issues from two decades ago.  It's just more Lori LaFond than anyone needs.  Now, it's Missy Erickson's fault because it can't possibly be Lori's.   The reality is that BOTH women thought they could fool people into believing that they were the "good party girls" they weren't.  They got caught with their hands down our pants.  That's the truth.

Sunday, October 13, 2024

Tim McGraw Comes Up With Another Timely Song! Way To Go Faith and Tim, You Are The Right Kind Of People!!! "People Like Us"


What Kind Of Supply Were YOU To Missy Erickson and Lori LaFond??? What Role Did Lori and Missy Plan That YOU Would Fill???


So you wonder why you?  I did for a long time too.  The truth is that someone with malignant narcissism can target you for a variety of reasons, but it doesn't mean you are a shit magnet either.  You are who you are, but what they see is something of an advantage for them, even if you don't know who they are.  For some of these people, not knowing you is a huge advantage.  This is why I wanted to expose the people involved in Lori's organization so that you knew what they were up to.  Here are the reasons I got from . It may help you understand your role in Lori and Missy's sickness.

Money – they want it and it’s a whole lot easier to take yours than it is to work for their own.

Sex – they want it and they are so passionate, and they make it safe because you are differ­ent from anyone else in their lives.

Eye candy – have you noticed that many victims of narcissistic abuse are beautiful.

Your mind – they love to snag a smart person. Because if they really were an evil
abuser wouldn’t this smart person be smart enough to see them as they really are. You are their cover for normal.

Your assets – having a home or being financially secure is VERY appealing.

Responsibility – if they are not responsible then they need someone that can be that for them, make them somehow responsible by proxy.

Idealist – If you are a dreamer and believe there is good in all people. They quickly see you will give them many chances and believe in the good they will initially see in you.

Good listener – You show compassion for others and listen and empathize with people they begin the storytelling saga to pull you in.

Loyalty – being loyal to people is something that we easily show on our sleeve and a narcissist will make you loyal to them and then as they manipulate you, your loyalty will be held in question and they will use it against you to give them a second, third, and 20th chances.

Integrity – If you stand up for what is right, keep promises, and act consistently with good values, principles, and beliefs, they will consider it a challenge to break you. They believe that you will stay longer because you have good values.

Forgiveness – if you display signs that you believe in forgiveness and you can let go of some­one’s mistakes then once again, they see opportunity. They have now stamped the box that
you will forgive them repeatedly.

Responsible – if you are the type of person who takes responsibility for personal choices, once again this will be used against you.

Spiritual – spiritual people are generally compassionate and trusting. They might claim to be spiritual to hook you but display no traits of a spiritual person.

Empathic and compassionate – if you are empathic, you are perfect bait because all they must do is build a story that tunes into your empathy. An empathic person feels others' pain and does everything possible to improve it.

Your career could be a vulnerability – if you have a good job/career, you will be better able to provide money and assets.

Your kids – If you are empathic, caring, and kind, they get the trifecta to serve their needs. You will also make a good mom or dad for the children they will use only as cover as a good family man or woman. Without you they would not know how to parent, they use the kids as a reflection of themselves. If the kids are great, they take credit, if there are any issues with the kids then they have you to blame – no responsibility on them.

Friday, October 11, 2024

I Wonder If It Doesn't Ever Get Tired Of Jeffrey and My Friends Making Me Out To Be The Bad Guy? I Didn't Desert You...


Guess I shouldn't have expected them to bring the boat back huh?

It's only been 15 years...

Can You Imagine The Size Of The Rug The PSPD and OTHERS Must Have Trying To Sweep All Lori's Crimes Under There?


Crime lab reports, witness testimony, cell phone texts about murders, videos of Lori confessing, pornographic child depictions, bank accounts with names misspelled, admitted relationships with decision-making cops, and so much's hard to believe that anyone would want to help Lori LaFond continue to threaten me and others.  Yet, day after day, Missy Erickson continues to try to find the people Lori committed illegal acts upon to terrorize them into silence and when that doesn't work, she pulls out Jeffrey Katzenberg's name like a "get out of jail free" card.  There is no such card.

It's truly disheartening that I exerted so much effort to preserve evidence, which, disappointingly, is not being utilized to deter a woman who seems intent only on committing murder.  It's frustrating to have invested so much time and money emphasizing the importance of the people involved, only to have them leave the rest of us in the lurch.  There was a great deal of enthusiasm about Lori's trip to Sedona, Arizona being her last ditch to try to kill witnesses to testify against her. Over the past fifteen years, that enthusiasm has diminished. It has become nearly forgotten in the Katzenberg household. Once again, she has evaded consequences.

Now there is some new movement to not say a word about anything.  I just wanted to let you all know that this is the exact opposite of this investigation.  I guess that blackmail and extortion are parts of your daily life when you have money.  They aren't part of mine.  I think that pushing off your serial killer or rapist on to me is a shameful act.  I also think that there should be penalties for anyone that knowing and willingly does that.
There was really no way of foreseeing the types of bribes and threats that would come from our own parents.  It's sad to think that your own problems, caused by you, are more important than the families that were never told the truth.  In fact, you relied on the lack of transparency just like Lori's Lesbian Mafia did.  It's sad.  There aren't enough jail cells for some people.   

There is a massive cover-up going on in this investigation.  Someone has usurped all of the factual materials necessary for a conviction.  The lack of transparency with the U.S. Attorney in San Diego about my own shooting is part of that cover-up.  There is no reason in this universe why someone couldn't have made the effort to tell a police officer, defense attorney, or an AUSA.  The ONLY reason this hasn't been done is because of greed and apathy.  What it has done is put a hole right through the middle of my family.  When I think of friends and family, I no longer include the same people.  It isn't a good idea to do more for someone who would do far far less for you.  Life lesson learned.  Helping rich people is not worth it!  Period.

How much time would it have taken someone to say, "Kevin was shot in San Diego on the orders of Lori LaFond.  She told her convict/fugitive brother to do this.  He even has admitted to pulling the trigger?"  I ask you, how much time would that have taken knowing that Kevin told you exactly who to talk to?  Why isn't that enough?  It just makes every single person that I know, hurtful, and not who I thought you would be.  It will never be enough to know this has happened.  That will never change.  What I was forced into was terror for the last fifteen years.

I think when people realize how avoidable the last fifteen years has been, they will also think about the needless loss of life that occurred, the needless loss of money that happened, and most of all the needless and horrible way that friends reveal themselves to people that showed love.   It isn't appropriate for me to comment on what other people decided.  So I'll leave this here.  If I did what you did, would you still think you did nothing wrong? 

When you go looking for me and my swept under the carpet life that all of you decided for me...don't be surprised when I'm not there to help you explain an of it.  I've grown tired of your constant need to hurt me.  Sorry, I take that so personal.  It's me afterall.

Laurie Johnsons' Email to Me...This IS Lori LaFond Writing To Me! Threatening Me As A Witness In My Father's False Accusation Case!!!

 Does this nonsense sound like someone we hear all day and night?  I know it is Lori LaFond.

Read it.  This is what she has tried to do all my life.  She is a complete psychopath.  I just have to do everything by myself.  This is ridiculous.  I have to do what nobody else even thought of having to do.  I'm over working this hard for nothing!  Read this from 2013, three years after Jonathan's alleged death and three years after Christopher's mother got rid of my support.  Read this an understand this is the false accuser of my father trying to threaten me into changing the truth for her.  

Here's the second email from "not" Laurie Johnson.

Tuesday, October 8, 2024

This One Is For The Kids and Adults That Want To Know What Is Happening In Today's America With MAGA!!!


For those who need help understanding the significance of a Donald Trump-led MAGA movement, this one is for you.  This is an old ABC After School Special that aired when I was a kid.  The point was to teach modern 1970s kids about the rise of the Nazi movement and how one thing turned into another without anyone paying attention.  It's called "The Wave" and it is spectacular for teaching children about our current political world.

I tried to teach a class about this last night.  If you didn't get a chance to hear me, ask Benjamin.  Ask anyone that did hear me.  I wanted you all to know that being an individual is still the most important thing you can do in a time like this.  

Anyone who denies the Holocaust might just deny the infection and implantation of more than a thousand gay men in women in Palm Springs, CA.   If you think that Lori LaFond didn't use the police to enforce her program of control, think again.  If you think she didn't have two arraignment Commissioners doing her bidding at the Larson Justice Center, you are just plain wrong.  If you think that the victims of this crime weren't revictimized over and over again, you are twice as wrong.  Rape victims deserve better, the criminals don't.  The families of the victims of this crime were exploited many times.  

The crime of electronic harassment must be stopped to ensure everyone's right to mental privacy. It is unnecessary for anyone, particularly misguided individuals involved in substance abuse and trafficking, to have knowledge of our thoughts.  It is time to put the convicted criminals in jail and to put the criminals in jail.  We all have the right to be free to love who we want.  Let's not let Lori LaFond take that from us ever again.

Monday, October 7, 2024

My Favorite Song From The Unstoppable Mariah Carey! She Shows Strength...All Our Love To Her and Her Family!


Lori LaFond and Friends Have Lied Themselves Into A Corner! Now They Are Trying To Lie Their Way Out!


My family is one of the many that Lori LaFond chose to make up ugly lies. I have to warn families of victims and witnesses to her hate, to be ready for some of the most outrageous things that you will ever hear someone say about you.  It is most common for Lori to tell one person one thing then someone else something else.  Whatever suits her needs to keep her from being found out.  Lori loves to treat people like she owns them and her constant cell phone terrorism is the key to her "success".  Really it serves only as evidence in a criminal case against her.

When Lori filed that bogus "workplace violence restraining order" against me, claiming she worked for the City of LaQuinta, she was doing just that.  She loves to play the victim when she feels she can use it.  Don't be fooled.  I spent the first two-thirds of my life forgetting all about what she had caused in the past.  It, in fact, was Lori LaFond who sought me out to exterminate my life.  Truthfully, I don't think she ever got over lying about my father and his innocence being proven in a court of law.  She honestly believes that if she lies enough, she will get away with murder.  I honestly think she is crazy for that position.

What Lori was doing with that restraining order was nothing more than a smoke screen to get it to her "friend" at the Larson Justice Center.  Commissioner Best is that "friend".  Though he may believe that Lori is a police officer or something, the truth is that she is the criminal my team has been looking at for years.  Since I've seen her lies firsthand, I wanted to warn others that she is still on the loose and her stolen technology is still terrorizing innocent victims of this crime.  I also know others who will tell you the same things I know.  Other families that Lori lied about and put through Hell.  It is Lori's sexual allegations against honest innocent families that usually makes her squeal with excitement.

For example.  When my father was accused of sexually assaulting a student, he was also coaching with Steve Fabian.  Palm Springs residents should note that this is a highly successful and well-loved teacher/coach at Palm Springs High School.  There absolutely isn't another person that I know who is more like my father.  The two have an uncanny knack for teaching students.  They are both happily married men with families.  Lori didn't like him either.  This is why, years after falsely accusing my father, Lori tried it again.  I believe that Lori may have even tried to tell the student in the Fabian case that she'd done this before.  She neglected to tell this poor girl, her efforts didn't go unnoticed.  My family knew it was Lori LaFond.  In the Fabian case, Lori probably used a fake name, but the charges were essentially the same.  Steve even used the same lawyer as my father.  Same result too.  Not guilty.

Both cases were nothing more than Lori's sexual fantasies being played out in a real-life courtroom.  With real-life consequences for both.  The only person that didn't get hurt was the very person that made up the whole thing!  Lori LaFond is that person.

From what I understand, Lori likes to find a student who is near the teacher and then uses them to make a false allegation.  In both cases, the student denies all of the stuff Lori dreams up.  In both cases, the district attorneys have to go forward simply because the accusation was made.  I would also like to add, both the teachers' and students' lives are destroyed.  It's an awful position for anyone to be put in.  Lori just sits back and laughs at all the problems she causes; not to mention the money that is spent.

There is more too.

Lori has done this with other families.  She did it on the military base in 29 Palms and she tried it with the Duke and Collins families in between my father's case and Steve's.  Sure the allegations make the news, but the destruction is completely defamatory and libel because it is usually Lori calling the paper to tell them what "she knows".  It's a sick game of "catch me if you can".   Gotcha, Lori.

The other crimes that Lori will eventually be charged with are equally as horrendous.

I'd like to show you the truth about Lori's "fear of me" in one way.  If Lori LaFond needed a restraining order against me for workplace violence, then why, right after she filed it, did she and Missy Erickson end up in Arizona on MY VACATION.  Same place.  Same time.  She even contacted the people I traveled with.  This was stalking, not fear that Lori was suffering from.  She stalked me for so long that she thought she would follow me out of state to quote, "Finish the job," she started in San Diego, then Palm Springs.   Those were her exact words.  Lori brought her whole fake "family" to Sedona, Arizona.  They engaged in a week-long series of crimes.  They also bailed her out when she was arrested for them.

Lori is living in a world of sexual violence.  She has caused many lives to spin out of control through no fault of the innocent.  In these cases, families that she spied on and hated.  Her words.  Everyone that I know seems to think that she has this problem with spreading lies too.  She is more than that.  What she did to make her fantasies come true is disgusting and filthy.  It is only now that we can expose why she knew just enough truth to make her lies work.

Saturday, October 5, 2024

Sisters, Who Do Lori AND Missy Think They Are Fooling? Sisters Come In All Sizes...Little, Like Missy And Lori...and BIG SISTERS!!!


I'm being "sistered" to death by Lori LaFond!

Everyone knows the roles that are played by Missy Erickson and Lori LaFond.  Both are narcissists competing with each other for attention from Jeffrey, but now that the curtain has been pulled on their scheme, Lori and Missy must find a new supply of "sisters" to help them.  Naturally, they think they have some more in the victims' families. Having sisters from the victims' families allows the girls to have someone close to the victim support them.  I'm not convinced at all. After all, there are two types of sisters. The "little sisters" often carry baggage, such as Leah Fauntleroy, Missy Erickson, and Little Sister From Hell, Lori LaFond.

It is HIGH TIME that the role of the BIG SISTER comes into play!  I know my big sister has been used because she didn't have all the information, but if she did, these girls would scatter like rats when the lights come on.

We must talk to our big sisters, like Dr. Alicia Elmore, Dr. Jessica Erickson, and even Maddison, David's sister.  There is very little chance that with the proper information these sisters, including my own, will never support the slightest bit of contact between the Lesbian Mafia and our families.  In fact, I once wrote to the families of the friends I have and told them that the LM uses people to further their cause.

We all know that Missy Erickson is the head bitch in charge of using her femaleness to attract more women into subversive behavior.  Missy tries to find a common "sister" threat with other women so that they will do her bidding.  Lori thinks she has this quality, but she is so socially inept that just having a vagina isn't enough.  You know the type of ladies.  "We are women and we can overcome anything if we put our heads to it."  A fine enough statement, but let's face it, one size does not fit all when it comes to women or men.

I think Lori is just looking for a sexual adventure with our sisters.  This isn't really a good idea when you consider that most of our sisters are not lesbians trying to sell drugs.  It's offensive.  Lori also likes to drug and implant women; some of whom are on my own team.  We have to be more transparent with our big sisters to let them know that we care about their safety and their well-being.  I am confident that with the correct information, our BIG SISTERS are more than capable of handling these baby sisters' whining and crying about working for Jeffrey Katzenberg.  We all know that they don't.

The other factor is that unknowing women are also targeted.  This is where we have difficulty finding and informing these girls of the kinds of problems and indictments currently facing the LM.  Missy, Lori, and others are already in big trouble and nobody needs to be tricked into helping them hurt other people.  Nothing feels worse than being used by the LM.  I appreciate and love women very much but our BIG SISTERS and all sisters should be respected and treated as individuals.

I really would like for the Real Dr. Elmore, the Real Dr. Erickson, Amanda Monti, and even Maddison to talk to my own sister to let her know what the truth is.  Nobody should be put in danger when you know what the truth is.  It is much safer to share truthful information with each other while Missy and Lori make up more lies to hurt our families.  It's time for Lori's own sister, Jackie Palmer to do the same for these women.  She knows her sister is a fugitive with unstable mental faculties to say nothing of her violent behavior toward all people.  Staying in touch and communicating keeps women, men, and children safe.

Lori, Missy, and Leah, let's have a moment of clarity here.  A sister is NOT someone that helps you bury the body.  A sister keeps you from killing the person in the first place because she puts you in a drug rehab.  A sister tells you not to stress out Mom and Dad.  A sister doesn't attack someone else for YOUR problems.  A sister isn't automatically YOUR sister just because she has a vagina.  Women don't really like the way you treat them like some kind of gender lemmings that follow you off a cliff because you have boobs.  Get with it.  You are worse to women than any women I have ever seen.  Treat them with respect.

Let's hear it for the BROTHERS that protect their sisters from YOU three!!!

Friday, October 4, 2024

Why Harris Vs. Trump Is More Important Now To Lori And Her Friends Than Ever


Anyone who knows me knows that there isn't a chance in Hell that I would vote for Donald Trump.  Never, in my life and studies as a history major, have I seen anyone the likes of Adolf Hitler, until now.  If elected, Mr. Trump will destroy everything I believe in that comes with government and create another society that I already live under.  A ruthless dictator who tells everyone what they are going to do; or else.  

I reside in an America governed by a merciless and uncompassionate woman named Lori LaFond, alongside her billionaire financier, Jeffrey Katzenberg, whom Lori refers to as "her father."   It's understandable. Similar to what Lori's real father did, he released her. Allowing her to integrate into society and cause turmoil among the gay men and women as well as their families. Jeffrey, just like J.D. Vance, will do anything he can to support her lies and finance her dirty deeds.  Repeating over and over the crimes that she's committed but denies publicly.  Simply put, he's hired her to kill off members of my family.  He's even contacted my sister in person.  I can't imagine the lies that he told her.   To this day, Lori continues to try to force me to ask my sister about this money, again and again.  Whatever lies they set up, she wants me to live it all over again.

I have news for Jeffrey Katzenberg and his friend Lori LaFond.  I will NEVER talk to her about it again.  I will NEVER put my sister through that again.  My sister is still worth more to me than all the money in the world.  No matter what lies Jeffrey supported in telling her, I will not ruin my relationship with my sister.  She has been put through way too much because of her so-called friend, Bessie Smith.  She is now raising two more kids because of what Missy Erickson promoted...I'll let Jeffrey tell you that one himself.  Ask him what Missy Erickson supported and helped along with drugs and lies.

So when I look at this election, I am firmly on the side of Kamala Harris for president because I've already lived through two ruthless, heartless, cruel dictators.  Trust me when I say, it can be so much worse than you know.  They don't give two fucks about you or what your life is like.  Donald Trump is Jeffrey Katzenberg trying to escape from his crimes by ruining a perfectly legitimate investigation into his actions and Lori's.  He wants to be completely absolved of working with domestic terrorists because he's rich.    There is only one choice for free people to make, but surprisingly, there is one, and ONLY ONE, upside of a Trump second term.

Donald Trump has pledged to implement the death penalty for drug traffickers, presumably referring to major dealers. However, the severity of a crime such as intentionally infecting individuals with the AIDS virus and then pursuing them until their demise could be considered even more heinous. Lori and Brian LaFond are drug dealers on this system. It is difficult to envision a punishment for this crime other than the very same one that Missy Erickson and Lori LaFond would have wanted for their victims and their families. Trump has pledged to implement the death penalty for criminals of this nature and for those involved in such activities. The federal death penalty for drug-dealing domestic terrorists is irrevocable and non-negotiable. There was a time when a peaceful, non-violent resolution to this crime seemed possible, but Jeffrey rejected the idea.

I absolutely hate the death penalty.  In the case of electronic harassment and drug dealing in Palm Springs, California, I have made my exception.  How could you want more for the criminals than they ever wanted for their victims and their families.

Monday, September 30, 2024

Ok Taylor, You Know How I Love To Parody! This One Is For You!!!


WTF? What Is Going On With Lori LaFond Calling Everyone Her "Sister" and Jeffrey, "My Father", It's So Cringe!!!`A Million Times A Day!!!


We all know that Lori Jean LaFond is such an angry little girl.  She's actually 57 years old.  I can hear you gasp as I type this.  How can someone with the problems that Lori has last this long without going to a mental institutions, prison, or graveyard.  The answer is simple, she had lots of help.  Lots of it.

The gay community already knows full well that the police and courtrooms are contacted by Lori pretending to be whomever she is.  I've even heard that Lori told the City of LaQuinta's lawyer, M. Katherine Jensen, that she had a "friend at the courthouse"; nothing new there, I said that in the first post, I ever made about this crime.  That was 10,000 posts ago!!!  Lori then used her connections with two commissioners to secure illegal and discriminatory rulings against the gay men and women that she raped, thereby punishing the victims once again.  It's so funny for Lori to be able to continue to hide her crimes by using law enforcement...but not to the families or the victims that are victimized over and over again by her friends.  These five friends and a few others are the people who keep helping Lori to get away with these crimes.

I offered a solution and three of these friends pushed their way right into my investigation and cured favor with the father of one of my team members.  That caused an extra fifteen years of problems.  We could have stopped her 15 years ago when she snuck back from Arizona after raping two more boys.  It's a sad story, but that's not the topic of this post.

Lately, it seems Missy Erickson and her friends have become like "sisters" to Lori. They claim they're not, yet their actions suggest otherwise. Lori LaFond frequently refers to herself as a "sister," often omitting first names and simply saying "sister" here and there. Typically, this is met with a denial from the person she's addressing, saying, "I am not your sister, Lori!" Despite this, their behavior implies a sisterly bond. Lori's actual sisters are known, but they are not the ones residing with her.

I have yet to meet any female who thinks of Lori as "her sister" or her "newest best friend", like she tells them.  She uses her "femaleness" to try to make up some kind of camaraderie between women which I think is demeaning to all women.  For any woman to be compared to Lori LaFond is an insult.  She uses this "sister" garbage like it is supposed to find her companionship to help her with her crimes.  Nobody that I know would ever do this, especially the women that she pretends to be.

Using the victims' sister like they are some kind of dullard unknowing fools, Missy Erickson and Lori LaFond seek out and find our real sisters and lie their asses off to them.  They make up stories that aren't true and try to relate to them on some kind of, "You have a gay brother and so do I" level.  I have absolutely nothing in common with Lori's brother Brian.  Yet, she still thinks she can relate to our sisters in a manner that will make them more like her and us more like him.  That's just impossible.  Or is it?

If you look at who lives with her, there is Brian, her brother.  Then two more males, David and Christian Johnson.  Both of whom spend more time trying to be a brother to Lori than anything else. Christian's sister was kicked with steel-toed boots in the face until she was almost dead.  I guess she didn't want to be Lori's sister either.  Sickening.  Tracy Johnson's brother, rather than turn Lori in for the attempted murder decided he loved drugs more than his own flesh and blood.  He is the worst example for Lori to live with because he gives her hope that some of us, her victims, will do the same.  Not going to happen.

David, the other male in the home, is similar.  He put his own sister in harm's way by loading up a home with drugs and letting her find them.  When she turned them over, she instantly became a target of Lori's hate.  She is in danger and she doesn't even know it.

You see, Lori is the youngest of six children.  She is recreating her own family in the image of a organized crime family.  Three brothers and three sisters.  In that home where she lives surrounded by disease, drugs, and dirty needles, she has three women, all lesbian, and three men, two gay one questionable.  Now all she needs to do is find a "better father" which she thinks she has in Jeffrey Katzenberg and a mother that will act like her real mother won't.  Lori is a psychopath who is creating her own family over again.  This time they are going to do as they are told!! Or else!!!

She's a modern-day Buffalo Bill, ready to kidnap some person and make a meat suit out of them.  Probably a man's meat suit too.  She is just as sick and demented as the real Buffalo Bill and there is a severed finger on a stick somewhere that proves it.  It's time to put the serial in the box.

I've heard that Lori pretends to be Jonathan Mendenhall's sister and Melissa Erickson's sister.  I know she tells people that she is "just like family" to my family and that is so untrue, it's the complete opposite.  She is a sick and demented full-time serial killer with help.

You are not our sister, Lori LaFond, you couldn't possibly know what it is like to be a real sister to anyone.

Saturday, September 21, 2024

"Mistress Jessica", Lori's Alter Ego Thinks She's Some Kind of Dominatrix. Just Wanted To See If Any Parents Out There Have Heard Lori Call You Like Shiela Labarre?


Take a deep breath, everyone...Lori is going psycho again!

I happened to check this case out today and thought to myself, "Now here's a woman who is just like Lori LaFond."  Crazy as all get out, but manipulative of families and people that would help the victim.  In this case, a disabled person whom she could manipulate until she killed him.

Playing the victim while manipulating her slave, Shiela Labarre, is one great big pile of shit.  Here we have a woman desperate not to have the next man leave her.  She literally enslaves this young man and isolates his family from him by simply making phone calls that sound like she knows what she is doing.  I feel so sorry for this man's mom and dad.  They were doing their very best to tell authorities that this crazy woman had taken control of her son's life.  At first, she wants it to seem like they are a couple, but after she kills him, she wants to turn him into a pedophile/drug addict so that Shiela is the victim.  She isn't.  She is the predator who wishes to own a slave to sexually assault and control.  That is 100% Lori Jean LaFond.

Lori is an escaped mental patient.  I know that sounds like something a person would say in passing about an emotionally disturbed person or even perhaps about a person they don't like.  In Lori's case, it is the truth.  She was supposed to attend counseling after some very violent incidents in high school but ran away and balked at all of that; allegedly.  We would have to ask her mother if that is true.  We would also have to do that in person...not over the phone, email, text, or anything but in person.

I want people to understand that this predator believes she can deceive anyone with her lies and with what seem to be numerous audio recordings of conversations with her victim, who is no longer able to speak for himself.

It would appear to people who have dealt with Lori that she is delusional and thinks that her lies afford her things that a fugitive should never have had access to.  Reading minds is a dirty business and implanting children gives her a steady supply of people that she can manipulate over the years.

Tuesday, September 17, 2024

She Commits Crimes Then Mocks Her Victims Like A Child That Thinks She Is Making Her Father Mad!


"Well goody goody gumdrops to you too Lori"  Hope you enjoy this post.

Leave it to Lori LaFond to think something is funny that absolutely is not!!!

Ever since I've known her, Lori has been angry with her real parents.  She's always hated her real family.  Why?  Who knows.  I believe she has mental problems that leave her feeling that any attention is better than no attention at all, but as an adult, I know that isn't the case.  I've always had the feeling that Lori wanted to use this system to punish her parents.  She has told people her whole life that she was an "only child" when she was the sibling of five other brothers and sisters.  She would insist that her father was a high-ranking military official when he wasn't that high-ranking; mostly because of the actions that Lori took on the military base.

Lori LaFond is someone who likes to spy on people and when their family is better than the one that she claims her family is like, she tries to hurt the spied-on family.  She makes up salacious rumors, manufactures evidence, and tells lies until she can get the police involved.  Lori then pretends to "know everything" because she is such a good listener, but the truth is that she knows the "evidence" because she alone manufactured it. Lori knows that what she is swearing is true is a falsehood; a lie.  She just wants to ruin someone else's family the way she ruined her own.

I can't believe the hypocrisy of this woman-child who thinks she "works for the police" but is a drug dealer and lifetime fugitive.  She can't work for the police because they can't put her on a witness stand for illegal surveillance.  Technically, if the information is correct, Lori LaFond can't work for or with anyone.  She is a fugitive which means she has absconded from justice.  She should be put in jail sight on-seen.

What I find as offensive as knocking someone out, implanting them with a microchip, and infecting them with multiple STDs, is the way that Lori mocks our families with her phone calls, emails, letters, and text messages.  It reminds many of the victims of the Long Island Serial Killer case (LISK).  This man took these women and tortured them before he dismembered and dumped their bodies.  He joked about keeping them alive for days before killing them.  (Lori talks about doing this too.)  Then he calls their families on untraceable phone numbers, just like Lori, so that she can mock her rape victims.  The stories that she tells our families usually have to do with being infected with HIV to drug usage to sexual deviancy; basically the same stuff she told the police.  She is a pervert.  She's the child molester.  She's the out-of-control drug addict/dealer.

So then Lori starts to mock them all by saying, "They told me not to, so I did it anyway."  As if spite is her newest way to pretend that the victim and his family has slighted her.  Lori makes this shit up!  You don't have to do a thing and she will make an enemy out of you simply by spying on your life.  Believe me, your life, no matter where you are, has got to be better than hers.  She is broke.  She is jobless.  She is running out of needles.  She has warrants.  She has a ton of wreckage in her past with someone else's name on it but her DNA in the system.

Sunday, September 15, 2024

Kevin Christian: Yeah, It Would Be Nice If Someone Was Paying More Attention To Domestic Terrorists In This Election


I'm Feeling Fine Friends! Thank You For Your Well Wishes!!! Procedure Went Perfect and I'm Happy!


I'm half surprised that Bryan Anderson didn't come to the hospital to kick off my respirator and half surprised that Missy Erickson didn't show up to take my test results, but my hospital visit that many of you know about went surprisingly well.

You can't imagine the kind of anxiety I get when I go to the same hospital that bungled up my MRIs twice and told me to go home to heal a severely broken head.  Of course, I got to hear Christian Johnson and Lori LaFond screaming at me from the time they admitted me until the procedure was finished.  Do you think that Jeffrey Katzenberg stepped in to do anything?  Nope, same old thing, use these lesbian terrorists for everything he can, then claim he couldn't do a thing.  A billionaire?  More like a baby.

I'm fine though.  I wanted everyone to know that I was fulfilling a promise I made to two friends who died of cancer this past year.  I went and got my colonoscopy done despite Lori LaFond's continued attacks both day and night trying to keep me from seeking this kind of help.  She is a sick fucking pig and she needs to have her own hospitalization.

My results were clean and I don't have to do another one for ten years!  I love doing the right thing.  I have nobody else but me to do these things for me.  I don't have anyone or anything that supports me like Lori LaFond does.  She has dozens of people kissing her ass all day and night.  One of them happens to be Jeffrey.  As far as I'm concerned the two of them are one and the same when it comes to gay people and electronic torture.  He hides behind this technology just the way that Lori does.  "Who would believe that I would act like he says," Jeffrey is relying upon.  I'll say it loud and clear.  You are a monster!  You are an abusive monster of a father.  You aren't anyone that people should spend their hard-earned money on.  They should arrest you and hold you for obstruction of justice aggravation.  I don't want to cancel Jeffrey, I want to have him charged so he HAS to explain himself.  Let's see if a jury thinks he acted rationally with those two boys from Arizona or me?  I'm betting on me.

Colonoscopy is simple, easy, and necessary to ensure that you don't have cancers starting that can be avoided.  Please get them done.

Promise fulfilled Shannen and Suzy.  God bless you for your inspiration.

Oh Yes, She's Still Talking and Threatening Everyone She Raped and Their Families!


Yeah, she's still opening that mouth of hers hoping to cause another problem.  Can you believe that Lori Jean LaFond is still able to talk when she is a fugitive, a bail jumper, a rapist, and a killer?  How about the fact that she is a notorious pedophile who likes to point fingers at innocent people for the crimes that she commits?  Not surprised?  I'm not either.  She was allowed to continue to rape, harass, and kill because she presented a false id in Arizona a couple of times and nobody pointed it out!  They just let her.  There isn't any hope for the victims of this crime under the current includes too many adults who think Lori isn't presenting an immediate threat to them so who cares?

Never mind that she has committed crimes against them.  So many crimes it is darn near impossible to count them all.  So she is allowed to sit in her drug den spewing endless amounts of lies to everyone who can hear her while she hopes that Jeffrey will hire a soldier of fortune to help her out.  What difference does it make?  Well, the money to hire a hitman would come from the tons of money that was shown to the court to exist to allow Lori and Brian to walk free.  Only ten percent of that actual money was used to secure Lori LaFond's release or should I say Laura Katzenberg?  Who knows?  All I can tell you is that a crazy person is loose on society and nobody cares again.  Thanks to the huge efforts of Jeffrey Katzenberg, fewer people know than should.  He did everything to keep Lori's mouth on a microphone to help him.  Now it is going to backfire.

He wanted her free which is evidenced by the multiple times Missy Erickson stepped up to the microphone in Arizona.  He wanted her free as evidenced by the stolen money from my mother's account.  That money would have found an attorney to stop her for good.  He wanted her free to terrorize as many people as she could.  If he didn't then why didn't he show up when she got arrested again for a crime she committed in Arizona with Margie Miller?  She didn't seem to have a problem reporting Lori LaFond as Lori LaFond.  Why does he?  In fact, she was right down the street from Jeffrey in a courtroom lying again about who she was.  He blew it on purpose so that the rest of us still have to hear her day and night.

If Margie won't tell you the truth, there are plenty of others that went with Lori to Sedona so that she could stalk me.  These girls and their husbands know exactly who Lori said was coming to Arizona.  Lori told them her brother would be there!  This is a direct violation of Lori's own restraining order and it proves that she is stalking me.  I had no clue that Lori would be in Arizona for the first time and from what I heard, she acted like she was just let go from prison when she crossed state lines.  I've heard that she acted like someone running from the law.  If that is true, then we know that there were tons of lies that she spread about me and my sister the entire time she was in that vehicle.  These are my friends and they won't lie under oath or otherwise.  So Lori has a lot of problems coming her way.

I've heard rumors that Lori had drugs in that vehicle.  Lucky for my friends, they would report Lori LaFond for those kinds of actions.  I know my friends aren't criminals.  I know them.  When I saw that Lori was with them, my first thought was that she must have lied to get them to take her.  They would never have brought her there to stalk me.  Never in a million years.

There are many witnesses to Lori's trip to Arizona.  Since she doesn't drive, then she had to find someone going that way so that she could, "Take care of some unfinished business."  Jeffrey knew that.  He heard her.  He told my friends not to mention that Lori LaFond was there.  Setting up an ambush?  Call it what you want.  It was dirty and deceitful and just about cost me my life, again.

I've heard her constant crying about how she can talk anyone into just about anything.  I am not one of those people.  Her mouth is her biggest enemy.  Her life is her biggest problem.  Her friends are the next big problem to tackle.  They need a defense for their actions and coming after me isn't going to provide that for any of them.  One more death isn't going to help them either.  One more scam isn't the answer.  One more toot of crystal meth could be their last.  I'm done dealing with this problem without law enforcement on my side.  This is a dangerous person.  She is a danger to herself and others.  I won't stand for another problem that she causes that I don't go to a courtroom for.  I will defeat her in the courts of law wherever she goes.  From now on, it's Lori vs. herself.

As far as I'm concerned many people can put Lori LaFond in a prison cell.  There is the homeowner whose house was destroyed by Lori and her drug-making friends.  There are the home owner's police reports of a huge pile of shit left behind (just like your house Marilyn but with concerned homeowners), the police officers that arrested Lori and Brian LaFond in both Phoenix and Sedona.  There are still all the players in the courtroom that saw all of these buffoons inside the court lying about where Lori was and who she was.  There are the jails that know who Lori and Brian are.  There are a ton of people that can be used to secure Lori and Brian's arrests, not just Jeffrey.  Anthony and Jonathan can tell you where Lori was and what she was saying.  Then there are all of the operators who are on this system that know Lori was there, including Rae Fernandez/Dallas who was told where Lori was.  This whole mess has to do with a lack of caring and a dulling of the senses.  This is a criminal killer on the loose, are you going to be responsible for the next Shawn Parrish?  I won't.

Lori gave him a killer pneumonia right after we got back from Sedona, Arizona, when she shouldn't have been out of jail in the first place.  She was already on pretrial release and violating her bail conditions when she decided to sell her Arizona-made drugs to my friend Shawn.  A lawyer.  Nearly all four of the people that resided with Shawn Parrish ended up in the hospital with pneumonia.  One died.  Shawn, my friend, was that one.  I will never let his name go in vain.  He was a terrific person whom I cared for very much.  Lori killed him. It's that simple.

This female should never have left the State of Arizona.  From what I understand she was supposed to be living with Jeffrey's father-in-law in Seligman, Arizona.  That's where Lori agreed to be.  This is also what Missy Erickson presented to the court.  David, Jeffrey's neighbor, is allegedly the person who told the court where Lori would be living only the name he gave was someone else's.  David pretended, allegedly, to be David Katzenberg, Lori's twin.  This person knows Mrs. Katzenberg's father and gave him up as a residence for his own granddaughter's crime.  This was a lie to the court and Jeffrey let it slide.  My friend is dead because of it.  My friend is dead but David's friend is still alive and full of disease.  Jeffrey, it is alleged, even had his own home full of Arizona-made drugs, he refused to report where they came from.

I can not sit by and let someone go around killing my friends with disease.  I can't.  If you could, then I would question whether or not you are a friend in the first place.  This isn't a question for me.  She should have been sitting in an Arizona jail when she committed that crime.  Now she sits screaming and yelling at just about everyone hoping that it will somehow make her less guilty.  Sorry, that's not the way it works.  Shawn was a good person.  A talented lawyer that Lori couldn't stop, so she killed him.  If his mother and family want to file a class action law suit or wrongful death suit, I am 100% here for them.  I know what Lori LaFond does and she shouldn't have been able to on that date at that time.  She was already a fugitive from justice!

Shadowing My Every Move To Try To Be Happy and Causing Problems Whenever It Would Happen!


You can corner him on just about anything when it comes to his undying devotion to chaos and terror.  When it comes to stalking members of my family, Jeffrey doesn't have a foot to stand on.  He refused to tell the truth to anyone and blamed it all on his lawyer.  Now we are all looking at what he did and wondering, "What's it to you old man?"  You don't care about this crime and you obviously have ignored all the crimes committed in your name.  What we don't understand is your endgame?  Why are you trying to take away every opportunity and all of my money?  Why are you stealing when you are a billionaire?  What could you possibly gain by killing an informant?

Either Jeffrey Katzenberg can't control his girlfriend that he coveted and moved in with his son or he has a death wish for me and my family.  Either way, why has this monster come after me when HIS SON asked for MY HELP?  I want him to know that when he starts treating my life and career like it is shit under his golden feet, he will lose.  He is trying to use me as some kind of bait for Lori LaFond's crimes.  I want to be sure to let all of you know that when I apply for a job, Jeffrey gets himself involved so that I won't get it; even when I am the most qualified of all!

This kind of hatred comes from a lifetime of homophobic hatred of his own father's best friend.  We all know it.  We all know that Jeffrey thinks that every gay man is interested in him.  I have news for him, they aren't wanting you or your fucking money!  It was your bad decision-making that cost you any money in this investigation and it was YOU at the helm.

You, Jeffrey, at the helm of a problem that you can't solve any longer because of your poor decision-making and your funding of a terrorist organization.  You funded their release and your children funded their drugs.  Whether you knew it or not, which we all know now, you know, your family funded terrorism, and when it wasn't funding terrorists, you were watching while they stole money from my family.  The Katzenbergs are a farce of a family.  They don't like you, they don't like your kids, and most of all, they hate anyone who would question their authority.  If you do, you will be crushed financially and opportunity-wise.   Isn't this the message that you sent to the Clerk of Court???  You are at the helm of an investigation into my own sexual assault and you are helping the girls that raped me.  There is not one single other explanation that will suffice!!!

Jeffrey was jealous that anyone could find an opportunity like that and still be able to inform the federal government that Lori LaFond was behind my shooting as a federal agent.  This is something else that Jeffrey threatened people not to tell the San Diego Police Department or the United States Government.  My friend Kenny Davenport should be arrested for his obstruction of justice and for stalking members of my family.  He took money from my sister touting protection from Lori LaFond.  It has been anything but that.  He has given her carte blanche to rob, steal, set fire to, and anything else she can think of when it comes to my life.  This man supported her release.  He should have at least been questioned by authorities but he provided the most minimal of information to law enforcement.  He deserves to be jailed for as long as the law requires.  Don't blame me, it was his choice to sleep with the enemy!!!

Just in case you aren't counting...that means that so far, Jeffrey, Marilyn, and Benjamin Katzenberg have taken every opportunity and shoved it in the trash can for the victims of this crime.  First there was the hostile takedown of my investigation into the crime of electronic harassment, then there was Arizona in 2010 when Lori was arrested more than Donald Trump.  Then there is the bailing out of my rapist that stalked me on vacation.  Then there was the theft of my mother's bank account.  Then there were the multiple trips to my parent's home to rob them.  Then there was my niece's automobile.  Then there was the job that he wouldn't let me have.  Then there was the attorney he wouldn't let me hire.  Then there was the boyfriend that he terminated.  Time after time Jeffrey and his family have failed the U.S. when it comes to protecting victims of this crime.  He alone stands with the concept that he can solve everything.  He can't.  So now that I've already been damaged to the point of fear, he wants to push me to do more?  I don't think so.  He ruined my friendships, tried to ruin my relationship with my sister, and used his own position to steal and take away every single opportunity that came my way.   For what?  For the freedom of his whore!  That's who this was for.

I want you all to know one thing.  I have never and never did want to get rid of Benjamin Katzenberg, Jeffrey did.  He wanted his son to do whatever it was he told him to do.  His son complied, now it is time for them to answer to all the lies they've told.  Apparently, they include Lori raping Benjamin and Martin.  They lied about working for the police with me.  They lied about helping the victims of this crime.  They lied about the theft of their business money.  They lied about the drugs found in their home.  They lied about the theft of their car.  They lied about stalking me to Arizona.  They lied about providing Lori LaFond with staff in Arizona there to make drugs and child porn.  They, in fact, lied about everything.  They even lied about Lori living with Jeffrey's father-in-law during the pendency of Lori's case in Arizona.  They knew Lori pretended to be the Katzenberg's daughter and they let her get away with it anyway.  This is a conspiracy that goes all the way back to Jeffrey trying to take over this case.  He is a liar and a thief.  Lie again Jeffrey, it's only going to take one more!!!

Jeffrey hates gay men so this is how it has manifested itself.  In his family, in his life, in his mind, he thinks that I am somehow the bad guy.  I have only one thing to say to him.  Go see a therapist.  You are clearly delusional and a threat to society.  Good riddance.

Without my consent and with Bryan Anderson allegedly warning them, I paid for my protection with my mother's bank account.  Jeffrey then proceeded to show everyone what he could do to hurt them if they didn't believe in his godliness.  I don't.  My religion doesn't allow it.  I believe he is a monster out of control with lies and stories about how to rob little old women and the court system.  He bailed her out.   Need we say more?

Failing to act, it a sign that this man is working for the terrorists.

Failing to prosecute shows that he is working with the criminals.

Failing to serve a warrant is a sign of weakness.

Taking away another man's/victim's opportunities is a sign of cowardice.

What exactly are you afraid of Jeffrey Katzenberg?  Are you afraid that without me you won't have someone to constantly harass?  Are you afraid that when the truth is told you won't look like a father of a victim?  Are you afraid of the choices that YOU MADE?  I tried to help you and your son.  It wasn't worth it.  It was the opposite of any kind of expected response.  What you did do instead was stalk my sister, her family, and me.  What you failed to do was tell anyone of significance that your son is a victim of this crime and that you and your wife have a long past with Lori LaFond stealing from you.  Fuck the rest of us.  You can't even stand up for your own family.  If ruining my life is your biggest goal, then you are a smaller man than I could ever put into words.

If you are of the mindset of Missy Erickson, then what I've just said sparks her need to rub up against Jeffrey like a cat in heat.  It's been well over 14 years since the Katzenbergs funded terrorism...that is long enough to sit silent.  Not one god damn thing has gotten accomplished for the victims since Jeffrey took over.  Not one!!!!  Think about what 15 years of extra freedom has given to the criminals.  That's the kind of man he is.  He gives opportunities to killers.  He ruins the lives of victims that won't let him.

I am in the middle of Christian and Lori screaming day and night trying to yell their way to freedom.  This is torture that doesn't even affect me any longer.  I've heard this girl scream and yell constantly for over 20 years and I know what to do with her now.  I just wanted you all to know that I went through my hospital stuff yesterday and the day before and everything is fine.  I am fine.  I have completed the next phase of my health concerns.  Going forward expect there to be lots of Jeffrey pushing back against the victims of this crime.  He will never admit that he was wrong to anyone.  This is narcissist versus narcissist.  We can only hope that one will destroy the other.