Morally Conscious

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I highly recommend Ella Free's website FFTI: Freedom For Targeted Individuals
This website is amazing and comes with lots of information for people from credible sources. It's one of the best I've ever seen and Ella is a really great Podcast host as well!!!

Sunday, July 29, 2018

The Vast Difference Between Lori and Me: Night and Day

I've been really fortunate in my life to be the kind of person that I am.  I am always positive when it comes to who I am and my friends.  I know that what I am about is helping other people to understand that there are things that can't be changed and lots of things that can.

Lori, today, wants you all to HateLouder.  This is the kind of person that thinks she is so cute for talking to the victims of rape and disease with a mouth that is as dark as midnight.  I think most gay people know the kind of intolerance that we've experienced in Palm Springs.  We all have heard the comments, seen the stares and felt the anger from people before too.  I think that it is amazing that people like this are still able to hurt us on any level.  This is why they get violent.  They sneak into our homes and beat us nearly to death.  They put electronics into our bodies and listen in to our conversations.  They steal from us.  They put us in jail.  They discard us.  This is who Lori LaFond is.  She's a hateful mean horrific girl with a mental illness.

The opposite end of the spectrum, is what I've tried to do for all of you.  For years I knew that something was wrong and I wanted to fix it.  People gave up so often that I decided not to count on them.  It's not like the entire gay community of Palm Springs doesn't know what is going on, it's that there isn't anyone there to protect us. There isn't anyone stepping up and saying, this girl isn't just talking hate, she's demonstrating it with disease, arrests, privacy and most horrible, violence and rape.  The fact that it took me to be the person that said something about this problem seems odd.   I wasn't living here and I didn't know that this was happening the way it was.  When I found out, I couldn't accept it.  I'm the opposite of Lori.  I don't want to know your personal lives, but I want you to experience them for yourself.

I said above that I would rather have been in Utah today as a gay man, than in Palm Springs, California.  That is a huge tribute to Dan Reynolds and all the people that worked so hard to bring LoveLoud to the stage.  AT&T is proud to represent our gay community and to save lives.  We all know how Verizon is...not very secure with their phone numbers and accounts.  In some ways, I think that what has happened here was simply because nobody was willing to say something.  They either feared repercussions, which I know happens or they thought that they couldn't get that kind of attention.  So for the first time as a gay person, I'd much rather have been in Utah than here.  That is something that we should all think about.

Six hateful people living in one home, using drugs, berating all gay people...five of them gay themselves.  This just goes to show you that if five people try to spread hate, there need to be ten people to love that all away.  It is true that we have made people understand that this is a problem here.  I'm just going to say, I did that.  That's the way I am.  I want to help one of the kids that was infected and filmed by Lori.  I want to be the kind of person that tells others, "Yeah, I know what she is like and I grew up living in a world that she tried to control, but I stopped her because we all deserve better than Lori LaFond in our lives."

In a way there is a huge similarity between what is happening in Utah and what we have here in Palm Springs.  We have an HIV infection rate about 8 times higher than anywhere comparable in this country.  This is largely due to unconscious infections of 650 gay men and women.  How in the world can people not understand that we have a problem here that is far bigger than unsafe sex, it is a monster that is spreading disease and getting away with it.  We all need to understand that our infection numbers are way too high.  We have the best AIDS project in the world...because someone was spreading this disease like wildfire.  Our police department doesn't understand that epidemic numbers aren't representative of our community without someone going around and intentionally spreading this disease.  The problem, you see, is that most of these men don't even know they could have been infected.  We have got to be the knock out drug capital of the universe here.

Lori keeps telling everyone, "Nobody thinks I'm like this."  We all know the urban legend wasn't started because they thought she was some kind of merciful angel.  We all know that Lori's reputation was hideous long before I came here.  I just called attention to who it was and how she did it because that's the beginning of stopping her.  The police will say that "crime has been down in Palm Springs" and they are right, but it isn't because they were doing a better job.  It's because I Pied Pipered Lori out of town where she couldn't hurt people any more.  Someone had to do it, but nobody says that to me.  I did it because I knew I had to leave that area and I had to say something because nobody was ever going to help me.

I know that one very important aspect of her crime has been destroyed.  The new HIV meds put a huge dent in her need to infect people.  The cure for Hep C is also cutting into her sadist desires.  The issue isn't whether or not Lori did this, it is whether or not we are going to continue to turn a blind eye to why it happened in the first place.  People lost their lives, not because they weren't careful or safe, it was because someone raped and tortured them.  We all know it is true.  Most of the victims have been tortured just the same as I've been.  I've lived through so many of Lori's mini-dramas that it is obvious to me where the problem is.  It's her.

What I do know is that for every hateful message that comes from her mouth, there is someone that is willing to say the exact opposite, that's me.  She's hated my sexuality since I was a freshman in high school.  She didn't want me to be me.  She wanted people to hurt me.  She tried everything she could to make my life something that wasn't good, but she failed.  She stalked my life like an obsessed ex-girlfriend when I never knew her at all.  Now it is time for love to take on hate again and we all know who the winner of that is going to be.  It's not going to be her.

So she can surround herself with small minded nitwits that use drugs all day and night then complain that they can't get their lives together.  Maybe you should love God more than Lori.  Drugs are a part of many peoples lives until they stop or don't.  The problem is the constant pushing of these drugs into our community that opens the door for police bias and Lori's disease and experimentation.  There is a war to be won here.

We can't afford to lose this one again.

Lori has spent days trying to threaten all of my friends, their parents and me, then, in the same breath, she tells everyone "how she's changed."  You can't possibly believe that a woman that is this far gone is going to become a "productive member of society" at this point do you?  She isn't absolved from all of the crimes that she's committed against our community with her hateful attacks and human experimentation.  There isn't any justice for our community if she continues to get away with this.

What I know irritates most of you has to do with someone not doing what he should have and Lori thinking that we are all stupid and she can get away with this.  I don't believe for one second that this situation can't be fixed.  I know it doesn't take a decade to stop this monster.  I also know that when it comes to effort, I'm the one that makes it not someone else.  I worked with good people inside this organization that wanted to end it, not the evil ones that put Lori above all else.  There isn't any precedent for helping the criminal to understand the crime is there?  I know for certain that nothing that has been done has been done correctly.  This situation needed action not time.  It needed someone to listen not ignore.  This situation needed a leader as big or bigger than Lori's reputation, that person isn't Jeffrey, it's still me.

You don't see him or his kid sticking their necks out to help our community do you?  You don't see money being spent in our direction.  What you see is the status quo and that isn't how things get better.  The status quo got the gay community put in jail.  This should have been handled with support and love and instead is was handled with secrecy and lies.  We don't need another person telling us what to do, do we?  I'm tired of living under the control of a girl that hates us and a man that doesn't care.  This isn't going away because we aren't making it go away.  We have to stand up to this man and this girl and tell them, "NO FUCKING MORE!"  

It's not like ten years doesn't show patience, ten years shows uncaring and unfeeling.  What I know is that when you put your faith into someone that doesn't care, you can expect no result.  How long do we have to wait to count to someone?  How long does it take to say, "This is the girl and I want her arrested?"  How many more people are going to suffer because one man said, "Don't do anything to help Kevin?"  How many more times are we going to let "No" be acceptable?  We needed to stand up for ourselves a long time ago with this man and this girl.  The problem is his time frame is based on his income level.  We're AIDS patients, not movie stars waiting for some role to come along.  Did we really need another lesson on "Lori"?  I know I've had enough.  Education about this crime and who committed it takes one thing, communication.  Dividing us up into little pieces was her idea and his enforcement.  This has to end.

We can't LoveLoud with a man telling us to shut up for ten years can we?  This silence is killing more people than he could ever imagine.  The criminals get away with everything and we suffer again?  Not any more.  We need someone to stop Jeffrey and have Lori arrested once and for all.  The plan to hand my family over to the criminals and watch what happens needs to end.  I've lived with his lies for the last time.  He is supporting the criminals far too much.  He refuses to tell their parents what they are doing, is that what a parent does? Nope, it isn't.

What kind of man supports a woman that kills for entertainment?  What kind of man hires her friends?  This isn't going well because we still haven't found someone that isn't willing to bow down to Lori's lies.  I'm finished listening to "wait until I'm ready".  He's never ready.  He's never stepped up and done anything.   What he has done is gag all the parents that wanted to do something a long time ago.  We waited, for what?  His lack of effort gives this sadist too much confidence.  His lack of caring took away too many friendships.  He knew what he was doing, don't let him lie to you too.  Lori thinks that he supports her even though he says differently because of his relationship with that other lesbian that hates the gay men of Palm Springs.  Why is she here in the first place?

Come on parents of my friends, tell him we're done waiting for him.  It's time that we mattered more than Missy, Lori and David.

Jeffrey's mistakes shouldn't cost another life in the gay community.  His lack of concern shouldn't keep parents from helping their own kids.  What does he think he's doing?  That just more of the same one person control that we've had to live with before.  There is no difference without change.  Who is going to stop Jeffrey and do what the law requires?  It's been a fucking long time for him to tell us to be patient again...and that takes a lot of nerve on his part.  He is the person that stabbed us in the back and when we tried to forgive him he ignored us again.  Good people don't watch bad people torture others, he's done that for 9 years.  That's not what we needed.   We needed a father that cared, about something other than money.

Lori's friends go more financial help from him than any of the between the lines folks.  This summer shouldn't have happened again. We shouldn't be hearing from Lori LaFond still.  This crime has been so much control by other people that we aren't getting the work done.  I can't tell you how many deadlines Jeffrey has set and missed.  I can't tell you how many times he said, "No more" and all we got was tons more.  This isn't his reality...he doesn't know what poor is any more.  What he can absorb as a loss, would kill most of our families.  He doesn't understand because he is affected by his emotions for someone that burned him.  We all told him it would happen, he didnt believe us, she burned him and now we are sitting around waiting for him to help us?  That's not who we needed.   We needed someone that cared about US from the beginning.  We needed someone that told us to work together.  We needed someone that didn't differentiate between this victim and that operator.  We needed a man, but we got a billionaire.  There's a big fucking difference.  A billionaire has financial concerns, no community concerns.  He's stalled this long enough.

I took action...I intend to take more.