Morally Conscious

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I highly recommend Ella Free's website FFTI: Freedom For Targeted Individuals
This website is amazing and comes with lots of information for people from credible sources. It's one of the best I've ever seen and Ella is a really great Podcast host as well!!!

Saturday, July 28, 2018

Great Show, Great Cause, Incredible Dream: LoveLoud Festival Total Success!!!

Love and acceptance, pride and family, music and happiness!!!

This was an amazing show today and to think it was all done in Salt Lake City, Utah!!!  It's a credit to AT&T and Dan Reynolds for the second annual LoveLoud Festival where you can be who you are and the word love isn't restricted!

To everyone that participated in helping LGBTQ youth have a safer chance at happiness and performing their hearts out.   This was streamed live today and I wanted to thank Dan and everyone for allowing the world to see how much love Utah has for our community.

I'm hoping to do a similar type of thing out here for the victims of this crime.  There are so many families that were hurt by Lori LaFond and her terror machine.  Giving back to the community that we all are protected by.  I would much rather have been volunteering in SLC today than listening to the hate spewed from the mouth of a terrorist that hates gays so much she tried to kill them.  Not the same, but love is still the best.
If Dan and At&t want to know if LoveLoud works, I can tell you, I would much rather have been in Utah today than in the Palm Springs area of California.  Lori just told me she "hatesloud" which is what I get to put up with again.  This shows you that even in the most "gay friendly" area there is more hate than we all know.  Palm Springs is in need of more love than ever.