Morally Conscious

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I highly recommend Ella Free's website FFTI: Freedom For Targeted Individuals
This website is amazing and comes with lots of information for people from credible sources. It's one of the best I've ever seen and Ella is a really great Podcast host as well!!!

Saturday, February 4, 2017

On The Inside Looking Out...Laurie Thinks She's So Smart, But Her Attention Span Reminds Me Of A Goldfish In A Small Bowl

In order for Laurie to harass me day and night, she has to sit at home and look at the big world from a tiny fish bowl.  I, on the other hand, have lived in the REAL WORLD where REALITY is the standard.  She can put on make up and someone else's stolen clothing, but the truth is that the REAL WORLD doesn't pretend nearly as much as they do in her living room.  In the REAL WORLD there are fingerprints, DNA and lie detectors.  There are years of IRS documents and a history that follows a person around that has a REAL life, not just one that she makes up on the telephone or one that she pretends to have on a restraining order.  You see in the real world there are co-workers that see you every day.  Parents that know your children.  Insurance, hospital bills, cable bills, tax forms, social security earnings and a whole lot of neighbors that know you as who you REALLY ARE, not the name you gave them when you were lying.  You see the REAL WORLD isn't make believe.

When you live in a fishbowl of pretending, there isn't a whole lot of room for these kinds of mistakes.  There aren't a whole lot of people out there willing to say that you work with them every day of your life or that will swear on the witness stand that your kids and their kids go to school together.  There aren't any people out there that will say that they were married to you for a period of time and there really aren't a whole lot of people willing to take on witnesses like Jonathan Mendenhall and the police that were implanted with these devices.  You see, the REAL WORLD doesn't pretend nearly as much as Laurie would like for them to.

In the REAL WORLD when Laurie is on an alleged video tape with children, it will mean a whole lot more than when she says that she's "had children" to an attorney.  The semantics won't be nearly as funny then.  "Having children" on video the way she allegedly has, isn't like having children through child birth.  This isn't funny to the rest of the world the was it wasn't funny to Anthony Dabiere when he reported it to Chief Bryan Reyes of the Palm Springs Police Department (I have the email Chief Reyes).   In the REAL WORLD when you say that you were married to Bryan Anderson and his wife finds out, she isn't going to think of you as her rival, she's going to know you are a psychopathic liar.  In the REAL WORLD people won't find your running around spreading HIV rumors about me the day you found out I was positive funny when they find out it was YOU that gave it to me on purpose.  It's not nearly as funny when the REAL WORLD finds out it's you, not me.

So sit in your fish bowl swimming around in your own waste Laurie, with your own waste swimming friends.  When the time comes it will be obvious that you never were who you said you were. You were just another gold fish with a short assed attention span and a life long obsession with me.