Morally Conscious

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This website is amazing and comes with lots of information for people from credible sources. It's one of the best I've ever seen and Ella is a really great Podcast host as well!!!

Thursday, February 23, 2017

Jeffrey vs. His Sister Won't Turn Into Kevin vs. His Sister: I Won't Become Jeffrey Katzenberg

First of all, Jeffrey, my sister isn't being told all of the information about what you have advised her to do.  Second, if Bryan Anderson, Christopher Monti and Ken Davenport don't give her all of the information along with your wife, they will all be in very big trouble.  Third, my attorney will be advising her about what you, Missy and Bessie are doing and what she is doing and I will never get into a fight with her about the money that you advised her to remove and lie about.

There isn't really any excuse for you to use about removing my finances from the bank that they were in except that you didn't want me to be able to use them for myself and for my family.  My sister may not understand that, but I do.  Missy and Bessie did not really explain why they had these monies removed from that bank thoroughly, but if she thinks about it, why wouldn't she allow me to use my own funds?  Why couldn't I access my own funds when I needed them the most?  I needed them for four months so that my own parents wouldn't get mad at me.  I had plenty of money to use, instead they've had to help me out and that put them in a very bad place with their own money and their own finances.  Why, when I have plenty of money to use wouldn't you let me access it?

This isn't helping my family is it Jeff?  This is your way of hurting my family without letting my sister know that she is doing this.  You've single handedly hurt my family without telling her a single thing about it.  You have taken this money to hurt me personally.  You did it punitively and with malice.  You don't want me to have it because I plan to move and you want me here so that I won't do the job elsewhere.  You want to hurt me or have another member of my family hurt.  I don't know why exactly what your wife has planned, but I need to get out of here.  I need medical attention and I need you and your wife to leave me alone permanently.

What you are trying to do is make my sister some kind of friend of yours.  She shouldn't be.  Bessie and Missy are not friends.  They knew about issues surrounding her husband's death prior to his death and said nothing about it.  Now they want her to be friendly about it so she won't have them prosecuted.  It isn't going to work.  I am not that person. Now that they have stolen money using her, I am beyond letting that happen.  My sister may have been scammed, but it isn't her fault and I'm not mad at her.  I won't get into a money fight with her until she knows the truth.  Everyone deserves that much respect.  My attorney will explain that to her nicely.  She'll understand and you'll look foolish.  You bought Missy a car with my stolen money.  My sister won't like that.

Just because you and your sister don't like each other doesn't mean you are going to cause a problem between me and mine.  Grow up Jeffrey.  I won't let you come between me and my big sister again.  There will come a day of judgment Jeffrey, today is not yours.  It will come though.  I hope it stings.