I found that there are now some declassified Russian papers on Project Pandora and Bizarre. These were some of the early stages of modern electronic surveillance and how it is done by Lori Jean LaFond. I am certain that I know some parents that can teach me the inner workings of this system. Why shouldn't I know them, I am every bit as military as Lori Jean LaFond is. In saying that, I mean that neither of us has a military connection into our adulthood though we both grew up with military, the USMC, all around us.
Lori's father, a personnel services officer, was in charge of having families microchipped for their safety in public and abroad. This was something that was being done in the 1970's. From what I can gather, this was a program that did not do well, mostly, in part, because of Lori and Brian LaFond's theft of this technology that they then used to run a drug dealing network in Palm Springs, CA, for the next 40 or so years.
Both Christopher and I have a very healthy respect for all arms of the United States Military. Mostly all of my friends from my childhood were military and their families are really special and terrific people. To think now that some of their kids were implanted as some kind of experimental surveillance is really odd, but helpful. Many came from Camp Lejeune, North Carolina or from Okinawa, Japan. I never knew why those kids had an odd dislike of Lori LaFond but now it is fairly obvious. She was suspected of stealing this brain link system and used it for spying on military kids for information. She would then get them in trouble with their parents so she could watch what happened to them.
But, if you want to look at the history of these types of psychological weapons used against Americans here and in our Embassies around the world, take a look at these: