Morally Conscious

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Friday, December 27, 2024

So You Want To See The True Crime That Is Most Like Lori Jean LaFond and Missy Erickson? This One Is It!!! In Our Case, Lori Pretends To Be A Gay Man...

Every once in a while, I come across a true crime story similar to Lori Jean LaFond and her crimes. Now, this story does not feature the mind games played through a microchip, but it does show the kinds of manipulation that Lori causes between two people. Lori is not a fisherman, but she sure loves to catfish.

When you realize that Lori steals information from your thoughts via a brain-computer interface that she has installed in the heads of her victims, then the sky is the limit when it comes to what she learns about you.  In this case, these two women were friends and one knew all about the other.  When one girl made up a catfish account as a man, she then used it to manipulate her best friend into suicide.  Lori has done this before.

Another aspect of Lori's crimes is Lori's ability to steal phone numbers and use them so that they look like they are coming from the owner.  Usually, the target of Lori's hate thinks they are getting texts from the real person when they are talking to Lori.  People who don't know this are often confused by the hateful messages coming from a friend or someone they talk to online.  Remember also, that Lori loves to take over gay men's accounts on gay men's websites.  It isn't easy to understand when you are new to Lori's manipulations.  After a while, Lori shows her true colors by luring this target to their eventual implantation and sometimes suicide.  Lori loves a good suicide which is an oxymoron.  No suicide is good; only for Lori.

In particular, the part of this story that I like is when the female, pretending to be male, tells the victim to "sleep with the female".  The victim says an emphatic, "NO"!  The manipulator is really trying to get this girl to sleep with her own best friend who is behind it all.  

Enjoy this story and remember, Missy and Lori just love to hurt people via text message.  Always remember, just because you get a text from someone you know, it might not be them at all.  Don't be fooled by a psychopath that wants to hurt you.  Do your best to keep all the messages and when you see the REAL person, ask them about the confusing messages.  Don't assume that they know anything about them.

Catfishing in California is a crime, but what the manipulator is doing can lead to many other charges.  Starting the ball rolling, is their fault and what happens because of it, should be too.