Morally Conscious

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Friday, October 11, 2024

Can You Imagine The Size Of The Rug The PSPD and OTHERS Must Have Trying To Sweep All Lori's Crimes Under There?


Crime lab reports, witness testimony, cell phone texts about murders, videos of Lori confessing, pornographic child depictions, bank accounts with names misspelled, admitted relationships with decision-making cops, and so much's hard to believe that anyone would want to help Lori LaFond continue to threaten me and others.  Yet, day after day, Missy Erickson continues to try to find the people Lori committed illegal acts upon to terrorize them into silence and when that doesn't work, she pulls out Jeffrey Katzenberg's name like a "get out of jail free" card.  There is no such card.

It's truly disheartening that I exerted so much effort to preserve evidence, which, disappointingly, is not being utilized to deter a woman who seems intent only on committing murder.  It's frustrating to have invested so much time and money emphasizing the importance of the people involved, only to have them leave the rest of us in the lurch.  There was a great deal of enthusiasm about Lori's trip to Sedona, Arizona being her last ditch to try to kill witnesses to testify against her. Over the past fifteen years, that enthusiasm has diminished. It has become nearly forgotten in the Katzenberg household. Once again, she has evaded consequences.

Now there is some new movement to not say a word about anything.  I just wanted to let you all know that this is the exact opposite of this investigation.  I guess that blackmail and extortion are parts of your daily life when you have money.  They aren't part of mine.  I think that pushing off your serial killer or rapist on to me is a shameful act.  I also think that there should be penalties for anyone that knowing and willingly does that.
There was really no way of foreseeing the types of bribes and threats that would come from our own parents.  It's sad to think that your own problems, caused by you, are more important than the families that were never told the truth.  In fact, you relied on the lack of transparency just like Lori's Lesbian Mafia did.  It's sad.  There aren't enough jail cells for some people.   

There is a massive cover-up going on in this investigation.  Someone has usurped all of the factual materials necessary for a conviction.  The lack of transparency with the U.S. Attorney in San Diego about my own shooting is part of that cover-up.  There is no reason in this universe why someone couldn't have made the effort to tell a police officer, defense attorney, or an AUSA.  The ONLY reason this hasn't been done is because of greed and apathy.  What it has done is put a hole right through the middle of my family.  When I think of friends and family, I no longer include the same people.  It isn't a good idea to do more for someone who would do far far less for you.  Life lesson learned.  Helping rich people is not worth it!  Period.

How much time would it have taken someone to say, "Kevin was shot in San Diego on the orders of Lori LaFond.  She told her convict/fugitive brother to do this.  He even has admitted to pulling the trigger?"  I ask you, how much time would that have taken knowing that Kevin told you exactly who to talk to?  Why isn't that enough?  It just makes every single person that I know, hurtful, and not who I thought you would be.  It will never be enough to know this has happened.  That will never change.  What I was forced into was terror for the last fifteen years.

I think when people realize how avoidable the last fifteen years has been, they will also think about the needless loss of life that occurred, the needless loss of money that happened, and most of all the needless and horrible way that friends reveal themselves to people that showed love.   It isn't appropriate for me to comment on what other people decided.  So I'll leave this here.  If I did what you did, would you still think you did nothing wrong? 

When you go looking for me and my swept under the carpet life that all of you decided for me...don't be surprised when I'm not there to help you explain an of it.  I've grown tired of your constant need to hurt me.  Sorry, I take that so personal.  It's me afterall.