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Tuesday, September 17, 2024

She Commits Crimes Then Mocks Her Victims Like A Child That Thinks She Is Making Her Father Mad!


"Well goody goody gumdrops to you too Lori"  Hope you enjoy this post.

Leave it to Lori LaFond to think something is funny that absolutely is not!!!

Ever since I've known her, Lori has been angry with her real parents.  She's always hated her real family.  Why?  Who knows.  I believe she has mental problems that leave her feeling that any attention is better than no attention at all, but as an adult, I know that isn't the case.  I've always had the feeling that Lori wanted to use this system to punish her parents.  She has told people her whole life that she was an "only child" when she was the sibling of five other brothers and sisters.  She would insist that her father was a high-ranking military official when he wasn't that high-ranking; mostly because of the actions that Lori took on the military base.

Lori LaFond is someone who likes to spy on people and when their family is better than the one that she claims her family is like, she tries to hurt the spied-on family.  She makes up salacious rumors, manufactures evidence, and tells lies until she can get the police involved.  Lori then pretends to "know everything" because she is such a good listener, but the truth is that she knows the "evidence" because she alone manufactured it. Lori knows that what she is swearing is true is a falsehood; a lie.  She just wants to ruin someone else's family the way she ruined her own.

I can't believe the hypocrisy of this woman-child who thinks she "works for the police" but is a drug dealer and lifetime fugitive.  She can't work for the police because they can't put her on a witness stand for illegal surveillance.  Technically, if the information is correct, Lori LaFond can't work for or with anyone.  She is a fugitive which means she has absconded from justice.  She should be put in jail sight on-seen.

What I find as offensive as knocking someone out, implanting them with a microchip, and infecting them with multiple STDs, is the way that Lori mocks our families with her phone calls, emails, letters, and text messages.  It reminds many of the victims of the Long Island Serial Killer case (LISK).  This man took these women and tortured them before he dismembered and dumped their bodies.  He joked about keeping them alive for days before killing them.  (Lori talks about doing this too.)  Then he calls their families on untraceable phone numbers, just like Lori, so that she can mock her rape victims.  The stories that she tells our families usually have to do with being infected with HIV to drug usage to sexual deviancy; basically the same stuff she told the police.  She is a pervert.  She's the child molester.  She's the out-of-control drug addict/dealer.

So then Lori starts to mock them all by saying, "They told me not to, so I did it anyway."  As if spite is her newest way to pretend that the victim and his family has slighted her.  Lori makes this shit up!  You don't have to do a thing and she will make an enemy out of you simply by spying on your life.  Believe me, your life, no matter where you are, has got to be better than hers.  She is broke.  She is jobless.  She is running out of needles.  She has warrants.  She has a ton of wreckage in her past with someone else's name on it but her DNA in the system.