Morally Conscious

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Monday, August 26, 2024

She Just Told Me She Is Looking For Lesbians To Join Her Terrorist Group! What Is Carson Palmer Doing In That Druggie Complex???


Guess which one is Lori LaFond?

First, she isn't, then she is, and now she wants to hire a whole gaggle of lesbians to move into her housing complex to help her run a terrorist organization.  I have had enough of the indignity.  I am a member of this community and I am tired of the way Lori LaFond uses all of us to further her anti-gay agenda.  I am done listening to everyone tell me that she isn't who I say she is.  I know how she talks to me.  I know how she has spoken about me.  Now I am on the offensive for the rest of my life.

Do not ever come at me with one nice thing to say about Lori Jean LaFond.  If you do, you will regret it.  This girl has tried on multiple occasions to kill me and my friends.  If you have something good to say about her...or her family...tell someone else!  I don't buy it.

I will be going to the local sheriff's department and I am going to tell them about Bryan Anderson and his relationship with electronic harassment and Lori Jean LaFond.  I'll use her own words.