Morally Conscious

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Saturday, August 24, 2024

"Mental Issues" Seem To Keep Getting In Lori LaFond's Way...She Needs To Be Hospitalized Soon!


Lori Jean LaFond wants me to upset all of you.  I don't think that will be very helpful for the USMC, law enforcement, the families, or the victims of this crime.  She is very sick physically and mentally.  I've been listening to her tonight on the microphone and she isn't getting better with all of her druggie friends around her.  They are either thinking she can handle it or that she will do something to them if they try to stop her.  Either way, she represents a danger to herself and the community at large.  That little complex she lives in is not safe for others to be around her.  They probably all know her nighttime shrieking and screaming about drugs and harming others...I feel really bad for them.

Nobody can convince me that this girl who has stalked me my entire life is mentally healthy.  I have had multiple attempts made on my life and it can be shown that Lori has engaged her current roommates into committing more crimes to benefit Lori's freedom in a world that she does not fit into.  She needs better friends and a much more concerned attempt to help her.  If Lori is left to her computers there will be more damage to the public and herself.  Someone from the military needs to take charge of these stolen computers and remove all the residents from Brian LaFond's rented home.  In fact, the two should not be living together.  It is a crime and was ordered that way by a judge way back in 1987.