Morally Conscious

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Monday, August 12, 2024

I Worked For Lots of Judges, Objectivity Makes For Successful Investigations and Prosecutions


I think we all know Missy Erickson's objectivity is shit which made Jeffrey's objectivity worthless to all of the victims of this crime.  She came into this investigation already a suspect with Bessie Smith and David Chickenhawk.  On bended knee, she left Lori's drug den to Benjamin's doorstep with a former friend of my family's.  Using Bessie Smith as a key to unlock the door to my own investigation, Missy and David, slithered into my team and poisoned all of them with her presence and need to control everything Jeffrey was supposed to find out.  Instead, we got the stripper's point of view.  Remember, 99% of the victims of this crime are gay males, which Missy, David, and Bessie are not.  Automatically it screamed of Lori LaFond's flying monkies, out to do her bidding.  Boy did they.

Years of research and team building with the rape victims were flushed down the toilet so that Missy Erickson's point of view could become paramount in a crime that she blatantly assisted with on more occasions than we can all imagine.  There was no way she walked into an informant's investigation with the idea of stopping the crime...within three days Jeffrey's understanding became, "Don't ever help Kevin or his family," which he followed for the next 17 years...still does.  I guess he never knew that I'd heard that one so many times before that I wrote him off.  If he was going to come into MY investigation with MY informant partner and MY friends and get rid of all of them, then he was the friend of my enemy.  He was the enemy himself.  He wanted to be the enemy.  I believe he is a gaycist, but you can all judge for yourselves.  When not one single person advising him wasn't a gay man that Lori treated like shit, he told me everything I needed to know...he would NEVER help the victims of this crime.  He thusly didn't.

My team had been put together for years by this point.  You have to understand.  I had to build the confidence of victims and team members from rock bottom in most cases.  They'd been raped and prosecuted by a girl and a police department that was illegally using remote neural monitoring to effect arrests by spying on ordinary citizens.  Some were put in prison, some in jail, and others were just harassed to no end.  I would have used some other friends, but they committed suicide because of people like Lori, Missy, David, Bessie, Leah, Brian, and others.   You see, nobody knows the feeling of being raped and left to die better than the victims of this crime.  One of those victims was Benjamin Katzenberg.  Left on the floor, ribs broken, kicked into pieces by Lori Jean LaFond.

Lori tried years earlier to molest Benjamin with her brother, Brian, but only Brian got caught.  Brian pleaded guilty to using a fake name and was given a self-surrender date that he skipped out on.  Of course, the police weren't going to follow up because they were in on it.  The crime of spying on people goes completely unnoticed in Palm Springs, Ca., along with rape, gay bashing, burglaries, theft, bank fraud, and anything else as long as Lori LaFond is the suspect.  If she is the culprit, she gets a free pass in Palm Springs, CA (and apparently Joshua Tree too).  A free pass for a serial rapist/killer is a very bad thing.

Lori is a "revenge" person.  There need not be a past with her either.  If you know someone that she doesn't, you are her enemy.  If you say something that she doesn't like while she spies on you, you are her enemy.  My introduction to Lori was Lori accusing my father of molesting one of Lori's students.  I say, Lori's students, because back then she spied on military kids in high school.  When I was called as a witness in the case, I truthfully testified that it was a lie.  It was!  Outrageous and sickening, but a lie.  Since I testified truthfully, I became Lori's enemy.  This began in the sixth grade, and until now, I'm 56.

Benjamin slighted Lori by not going along with her nasty attempt to molest him across the street from his home.  When he hasn't fully molested the way Lori likes (broken skull, HIV infection, implantation, forcible sodomy) and got away with calling the police, Benjamin "slighted" Lori LaFond.  The fact that Lori was already stalking his family was ignored.  She already left her signature "dirty panties" in their family's mailbox and on the lawn. Lori LaFond tore down Jeffrey's daughter's senior project just as it was being featured during her own graduation week.  Years later she would shit in the living room carpet when she broke in.  She would get her revenge by knocking Benjamin to the floor and kicking him with her steel-toed boot until he couldn't move.  Filmed it all!  She got her revenge on the "one that got away", Benjamin,  by infecting him with the AIDS virus.

The problem with this situation is multilayered but the crimes are individual.  The pattern screams serial rapist/serial killer.  The avoidance of detection comes directly from the police who enjoy autonomy in Palm Springs, CA like no other in California.  If you see the FBI in PS, they re-route you right back to the police chief who was implanted and part of it.  I even spoke to the AUSA in the Western District of Riverside and she directed me back to the police.  What do ordinary citizens do when the police are half of the original problem.  When punishment doesn't follow crime because the criminals run the police, you live in a police state with autonomy.  They aren't going to tell on themselves and they accept promotions for spying on citizens via Lori LaFond.  How do they think Lori spies on these gay men if she isn't implanting all of them?  It is a real racket going on and I told the major crimes section of the Southern District of California, San Diego of the U.S. Attorney's Office when I became an informant because informing on the local police wasn't going to happen.  I said, "There is something very wrong going on here in Palm Springs, Ca."  I told some lawyers too.  They know I'm not lying, right Mark Adams?

So, when I turned my attention to the bigger picture in Palm Springs, I turned away from my own savage beating to Christopher's and then others.  You see, doing it for myself only brought more negativity.  Nobody wanted to help me at all.  Not one single person ever wanted to help me.  They still don't.

Literally, every single friend that I had was told to go away.  Everyone.  This was something that Lori tried to do for well over 30 years at that point.  None of my friends ever listened to her.  Then came Jeffrey and Missy.  Now everyone I cared about is gone.  So I do this for all of you.  You need to have someone who isn't a part of this criminal side on your side.  I've completely changed my team outlook and gone solo for the rest of this investigation.  I don't want anyone falling victim to Jeffrey or Missy.  Two factions that now, have made themselves into the story...neither of which is representative of the real victims of this crime.  The little boys that were raped and infected.  The gay men who were intentionally infected.  The suicides that Lori assisted in causing.  The good police officers who didn't want to work for a police department that spied on the community.  This is for you.  This is for the parents whose son will never come home again.  This is for the sisters that were used to target their own brothers.  This is for anyone who has a loved one who fell victim to the Lesbian Mafia of Palm Springs, Jeffrey Katzenberg, and his family, or anyone who was disillusioned into believing that someone like Jeffrey would ever help you.  He won't.  He steals.  I ask for nothing more than your understanding.

Jeffrey kept me from regaining my career at the Southern District of California too.  He had Missy or Lori call and tell them that I "was being investigated by Jeffrey Katzenberg,"  which is a complete 180 degree turn from my investigation that began as a look into my sexual assault and Christopher's.  He ruined everything and stole almost $40,000 from my bank using my own sister and mother.  He is not to be trusted and should be in jail.

Be objective.  Look closely at this situation.  Read all you can.  Stay away from crystal meth and those in this area that use it.  Love yourself, you are all that you have, and me.