Morally Conscious

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Wednesday, August 21, 2024

Hey Mr. Erickson, Why Is Your Daughter Running Around With Her Picture On My Sister's ID?

 One thing I learned while sick with COVID-19 at home is just how much Lori Jean LaFond has become obsessed with my entire family.  She doesn't like it when she can't get to me because I am locked in tight at home.  At one point during the last four days, she even threatened to come into my work and shoot up the entire area.  Lori is becoming worse.  Whether people are aware of it or not, I have to tell you, she is becoming unbearable in her never-ending need to get close enough to hurt someone.  I am terrified for my family and my life.

You would think that someone with Lori and Missy's experience in stalking knowing they are doing this and telling absolutely everyone on the internet that they are involved would keep them at bay, but it hasn't been the case.  Lori loves the attention and Missy loves to sick Lori on people.

Lori LaFond has always stalked me and my sister.  For as long as I can remember, Lori has been coming after different members of my family; one at a time.  She started with my father, then my sister, then my brother-in-law, me, and my friends, and it has grown so far out of control that I can't believe that there isn't anyone out there who is willing to tell the truth about what she has been saying.  It's almost like a foregone conclusion that she will kill me and that is really hard to deal with.

Now, I am hearing that Missy Erickson and Lori LaFond have entered a new phase of punishing the families of the men that the pair have helped to enslave.  I've told you all about their need to talk to our sisters?  Now it would appear that both girls are preparing to use false IDs with our sisters' names on them.  Same CDL number but different spelling of the names in most cases.  I've seen this before with Christopher Monti's id and now I can tell that the girls are ramping up their stalking of our family members.   What in the hell are we supposed to do?  Nobody seems to understand that this could have been stopped at the DMV level.  Missy Erickson could easily have been arrested at a DMV when she got an ID with my own sister's information.  It's way too far!

As most of you know by now, I have recently posted my 10,000th post on this matter.  Do you know how awful this situation has to be for me or anyone to post anything 10,000 times?  There are so many reasons why stalking victims become so agitated by law enforcement and others and it is because restraining orders do not really stop people like Lori LaFond.  She even resorted to getting her own restraining order against me using someone else's job and she still broke that order to stalk me to Arizona.  She won't stop coming at me no matter what I do or say.  The bogus restraining order alone should have gotten her caught...but instead nothing happened.

Multiple attempts on my life have been made and given to the police.  Crime lab reports have gone completely unnoticed and Lori is allowed to continue to stalk my family without any kind of deterrent.  It is really kind of sad to think that simply because she is a female, that nobody believes me or my friends.  I have the bullet hole in my car and the smashed skull to prove that this is the truth.  What Lori has been able to do is nothing short of miraculous.  It makes me feel like less of a person.  I'm a lot more of a human being that she could ever be, but law enforcement, military, crime labs, news stations all make me feel like this is something that either didn't happen or wasn't worth investigating.  I am tired of being stalked by a piece of shit junkie.  Someone somewhere must help.