Morally Conscious

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Tuesday, August 6, 2024

Gaslighting With Real Life Experiences Gives Lori The Edge To Be The Person She Truly Is...A Serial Killer With Experience


From the late 1980s until the 2020s, I want you to think about the LGBTQ+ community as a bunch of gay men and women that Lori committed the worst crimes.  She raped, she robbed, she ransacked, she jailed illegally, and killed many people.  She was violent and predatory in her quest. These were physical acts done by a very mentally ill person.  Without her getting arrested, she believed, wrongly that she had a ready-made full city of slaves that she could go back and use over and over again.  Matches...because they got no justice when these things happened to her, which made them distrust the police.  A whole community that looked at the police as a big part of the problem became an urban legend.

Oh, we all knew she wasn't a figment of our imagination too.  She'd met with and threatened many gay men in person to the point where she garnered the slogan, "She calls herself (Jessica) (or Lisa) but her real name is Lori the drug dealer."  It was a bad joke in our community.  People would put their children to bed saying, "Don't worry, Lori can't get you here where you are safe."  I've heard that one since I was a child myself.

It's true, Lori, like Ted Bundy, likes to break into homes where gay people live and beat the living shit out of them.  If they went to the hospital, the Lesbian Mafia would get themselves involved to discredit the raped and gay-bashed person.  I've even seen two of my friends with their eyebrows shaved off in the middle of the night while Lori yells at them the next day "Don't tell anyone I did this to you, or else."  It was showing them that she can get to them and there is nothing they can do about it.  It's all about control.  It gives her something more to gaslight them into fear.

Gaslighting, like blackmailing, is a type of extortion.  "I'll do something to you so keep your mouth shut," is extortion.  "I know something that I will tattle to the police about," is blackmail.   "I already got to you once, and I'll get to you again if you don't keep quiet," is gaslighting.  There are subtle differences but the last one is almost an admission to a past crime against someone else or the victim.  I think people need to remember if they were gaslit, extorted, or blackmailed....realizing that ALL are illegal types of extortion.  To keep you from doing something...something you ought to do, is what I add.

Yes, Lori raped me when I was 19 and got away with it.  She gave me HIV and got away with it.  She accused my father and he was acquitted, but Lori didn't get in trouble.  Lori shot at me and forced the end of my career.  She's robbed my sister, killed my brother-in-law, and tried to kill me in two states of this U.S.   She has tons to gaslight me about, yet still, she hasn't been able to set me off.  The reason is simple, I know what she is doing and I know to stay away from people that are under her influence.  Lori is as big a bully as she is a fraidy cat.   She doesn't want anyone to dig too deeply into her past or speak with her mother who is well aware of what Lori is using and what she is sticking in her veins too.  Lori is frightened of just about everyone.  You don't have to fear her, you simply have to tell her, you know who she is and you can get her in trouble.  I suggest talking to the police, FBI, or anyone in law enforcement who doesn't have a chip in their head.

You see, Lori held our entire community at bay using FEAR.  Fear of being arrested.  Fear of being killed.  Fear of being robbed.  Fear for others' safety.  Fear.  She is a fear-mongering terrorist.  Ruling by fear is terrorism. It is the definition of terrorism.  Lori has already expressed her desire to kill me with her past actions.  Allegedly there was a judge, while I was still in high school, that ordered her to stay away from me and my family.  She never listened.

Why would any judge order something like that and not notify our family?  It could have been protective, but that kind of knowledge could have also brought a much more swift and less deadly end to this crime.   I know Lori is a violent person.  I know she kills people with her diseases and otherwise.  I know she needs to be locked up as soon as possible.  Everyone has to understand, that I could not get far enough away from her to make myself happy.  My entire life I wanted nothing more than to be far away from this bully.  I couldn't wait to leave this small town because of her and I can't wait to leave this small town again because of her.  There is no difference.  A lifetime of her stalking me has only taught me one thing...she will strike again and I have to be ready for it.