Morally Conscious

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Tuesday, July 30, 2024

If It Isn't Lori LaFond, Then What Were They So Fearful Of? Jeffrey Katzenberg? Marilyn Katzenberg? Certainly Not Me.


Perhaps it was the Boogeyman.  Maybe it was the fear of being successful without using this mind-reading system.  It could have been Barbara, she's been talking shit about me for years and years; she's also the former employer of most of the girls.  Maybe they were all just lying the whole time.  For whatever reason, Christopher, Anthony, and Jonathan made a pact to disappear and never talk to me again.  I can't imagine being that cruel under the circumstances, but they were.

It is easy to see that both Jonathan and Anthony were in on it.  I've heard that Anthony disappeared because he didn't want to lie to me any longer.  About what?  At one point Anthony screamed at me to take his name off of my blog.  I got rid of the whole blog instead.  I wrote a new one.  I didn't leave his name off because it was proof that Lori was using Steven Frey as some kind of moniker for "gay man arrested with crystal meth connections".  He isn't the only person who was ever railroaded into a case and guilty plea under Steven's name.  I don't even think the two ever crossed paths.  I found a docket that proved his name was linked to Steve Frey.  At the time, with the "Frey effect", being used in this crime, it made sense.  For him, a selfish request and one-sided to think that I would say something hurtful to him.   As it turns out, it was far smarter than playing dead.  Go figure.

Jonathan was as odd as he usually is when Lori is about.   He started off by coming to Arizona after Anthony and I went to check in to the timeshare.  Anthony ditched me before we even got to Sedona, opting, instead, to "wait for Jonathan" who was supposed to be coming that night.  After getting money from me, he stayed at the Raddison in Phoenix.  I went ahead to Sedona, to secure our reservation and didn't see the two of them until the next night...late.  Something was going on.  I could tell and I was already wishing I hadn't brought them.

Jonathan then proceeded to act bratty the next day so I told him to go and stay with his father.  He left, taking the key and all of the food I bought to Lori LaFond's rental drug manufacturing home.  I changed the electronic locks so he couldn't get back into the timeshare.  This was part of Lori's plan to abduct and harm me.  Jonathan has been aware of Lori trying to kill me before this trip.  He was with her the morning that she and Brian LaFond came to Steven Frey's home to beat and rape me; hoping that I would die.  That was three years earlier in 2007, this was 2010.

The whole time, allegedly, Marilyn and Benjamin Katzenberg were there spying on me for Missy and David who Jeffrey sent to help Lori LaFond.  They offered no help to me.  They also didn't offer any help to the two boys that were trapped in that rental home where they were raped while people watched on this system.  That is horrifying for me to think that Lori would plan something so sinister on a vacation that I planned to get away from her. 

On the ride back home, Anthony was stoic.  He was acting like I'd done something to him while we were in Arizona.  Nothing could be further from the truth.  It was both he and Jonathan who planned this with Barbara and Lori LaFond.  I've been told that it was Jeffrey and Missy Erickson who told Anthony and Jonathan not to mention that Lori had stalked me to Arizona.  Jeffrey had no intention of ever helping me, he wanted a violent act to occur.  When it did, with those boys, he froze.

When we got back, Anthony completely disappeared.  Remember, at this time I was paying for an apartment so he had a safe place to stay while Lori was trying to put him in jail.  I did the same thing for Christopher.  He ended up trashing my apartment and leaving in a rage.  I have no idea why the two of them acted the way they did, but clearly, now, the three had a plan for each other.

Sedona, Arizona was in March of 2010, and by May of 2010, Lori had Christopher arrested.  Just days before Christopher was put in jail for the next year and a half, I received a hateful letter from Mrs. Monti's "friend", David.  It's been on this blog.  I want all of you to know the truth.  It was Christopher's mother, Marie, who asked me, over the phone, to keep an eye out for Christopher, so I was.  The letter was a scathing hateful misinterpretation of that request.  I think I'd sent both Christopher's mother and sister a pair of angel wings with an opal inside for Christmas.  You would have thought that to be thoughtful, David was acting like it was weird and inappropriate.  My own mother and I picked those out was anything but inappropriate given the jail sentence he received in March, three months later.

I told his mother that "a girl" was following us around trying to cause problems for the both of us who were already police informants.  A dangerous job that I knew would only help Christopher in the end, but that fell on greedy ears.

You see, by the time that Christopher was imprisoned falsely, which I proved all by myself, Jonathan was already "dead" or as I call it, "playing possum".  It was after Christopher's release a year and a half later that Jonathan, Anthony, Christopher, and Barbara would all escape to where they are still hiding Jonathan.  Built-in friends with a secret to keep Jonathan hidden.  For that, they were given a place to live, food, clothing, and so much more.  Christopher's entire family was offered places too.  They all agreed to live someplace where the Mendenhalls had something to do with.  Barbara took a job dealing with the Mendenhall family.  Christopher, allegedly, agreed not to speak to me, shirking his responsibility as an informant.

So what were they all so afraid of?  I'd provided each of them with information showing that Lori and the judicial system with the police were in on an illegal scheme to arrest and jail gay men.  The whole thing stinks.  It smells of Jeffrey Katzenberg.

Fourteen years have passed without a single word from any of them.  My time with them was completely wasted while I proved friendship was more important to me than following Lori's orders.  They disagreed.  So they all continue to aid and abet one another while keeping items of mine stolen.  I want them back.  All of them.  Diaries, jewelry, medicine bottles, everything.  I would also point out that since July of 2008, Jonathan was well aware of what the Riverside crime lab had shown.  The labs showed that a brother and sister raped and beat me nearly to death.   Jonathan already knew that though, he'd spent the night before with Lori preparing to rape and kill me.  He knew from the stolen MRIs just how bad my injuries were.  Even I did not know that.  It was kept a complete secret by Barbara and Jonathan.  Once again threatening my life by keeping a secret.

It should be said that all along I tried to keep everyone aware of what Lori and her friends were doing here in 29 Palms, CA.  It's doubtful that Barbara and the three men were in much danger while they were in Palm Springs, CA.  Lori was here, she doesn't drive, and they have about an hour head start if she even thinks about going to Palm Springs, CA.  The danger was nowhere near them, because it was here with me.  More dangerous than I ever believed as Missy, Bessie, Leah, and Lori planned on uprooting my sister from her home so that Jeffrey could control her every move with lies. Everything they did was known by Barbara and the boys, they kept their silence and promise.  After all, a cheap home is worth so much more than a family's safety.  Isn't it?

With all of them gone, Jeffrey went to work on my family.  Setting up the elderly abuse of my mother and father with the theft of my bank account.  Robbing my sister's second husband after setting up a lie about my sister.  Lori was hoping to recreate the killing of my brother-in-law with her uncle living right up in Big Bear only half an hour away.  It was Lori's uncle who was confronted by my brother-in-law and killed him in self-defense as he tried to keep his family together.  Lori had "successfully" killed my brother-in-law using this system and lied to him which frankly, drove him crazy. Lori fed him full of drugs and began spreading this rumor about her being "practically family" before he was killed. Before this happened he told me that Lori was after me and my sister and to take care of things if something happened to him.  That is what I did.  When I was shot in San Diego, I came back to Palm Springs to find her.

I'm writing this to tell a prosecutor the same thing that my brother-in-law told me..." if something happens to me, it was Lori LaFond behind it all".  I'll add that it was Bessie Smith, Missy Erickson, David, Christian Johnson, Leah Fauntleroy, and Brian LaFond behind my death.  They've been trying for years and years.  When they began coming after my sister using the same techniques, I lost all faith in my friends and Barbara.  They clearly had only themselves in mind.  They still do.

A prosecutor should know the truth.  Since those people are not willing to say anything, then I'll say it.  Lori LaFond with help from Jeffrey Katzenberg and his family, are behind this continuing crime.  A crime with no end.  A crime that will break your heart and show you just how far someone is willing to go to hurt a family that had absolutely nothing to do with Lori LaFond.  This makes her mad, but there is no reality where Lori would ever be trusted by my family.  It took someone like Jeffrey to believe all of her lies.  Someone that already has a homophobic past and a past filled with stealing other people's money.

The money used to secure Lori and Brian's release from the Arizona legal system is from Jeffrey and his father.  Whether it was stolen or given it happened twice in a week...there was plenty of time between the first release and the second for Jeffrey to have stopped her.  It never happened because he wanted a different outcome.  The one where I was killed and Missy Erickson became some kind of anti-hero.  She's as evil as Satan and as bad as childhood cancer.  She's a manipulative brothel madame who uses her straight friends to seduce and steal from whomever she sets her ugly face on.  She's a crystal meth addict with barely any financial past.  In fact, all of the people that Lori lives with and Bessie Smith have a spotty income record, to say the least.  How did so many adults survive this long without any income to speak of?  Who would have the kind of time to spy on everyone that I know?  These are the people.  Nobody should doubt that.

Missy, or as we call her, "Heidi Fleas", thinks of herself as a master home wrecker who has expertise in ruining marriages with her stable of non-sexual (sometimes) prostitutes who will do anything for drugs or money or both.

Marilyn and Jeffrey delivered the bond sureties to Arizona where they bailed out both Brian and Lori LaFond.  Benjamin, a genius, didn't figure out what Missy was doing?  I don't believe that for a piece of a second.  He was on a mission to help destroy my family for no reason at all.  His sister, brother, and he funded terrorism and drug dealing by allowing Lori to steal this money without putting her in legal cross-hairs.  They funded terrorism, indirectly.  Jeffrey, his father, Marilyn, and her father not only funded terrorism, but they courted it and gave it life.

Jeffrey and Jonathan want me dead to keep their secrets.  No matter what I want them to come out.  Dead or alive.

For those of you that understand or know better ask yourselves this.  Why would Jonathan, Anthony, Barbara, and especially Christopher, be on this system watching everything I do?  Clearly, they aren't helping me.  So are they on here to keep their own families safe from Lori/Missy or are they watching just to keep ahead of everything that I do to stop this crime from continuing so that they can stop me from succeeding?  Either way, it isn't the least bit impressive to me.  It's an afterthought and in no way to report the crime that they are a part of.  They are sitting there watching my thinking on a chat site...they know what needed to be exposed, but they didn't do that at all.

I will also say this to anyone prosecuting this crime. My family did nothing to these people mentioned above.  They are completely victimized by Brian and Lori LaFond; some their whole lives.  If anything should cause harm or death to anyone in my family, they should all be prosecuted for what they failed to do to protect the public from a crime that they took part in.  I have to make sure that the correct people are charged and that they each, in every way possible, made this crime harder and more painful on me and my sister than humanly conceived.  They aren't to be trusted.

Their families also know and should be questioned.  Jeffrey did everything he could to protect who he wanted...only.

I want prosecutors to ask Marilyn about the drugs found in her home.  Ask Maddison, David's sister what she saw and how she was told to deal with it?

Find the two young boys, now men, raped in Sedona, Arizona, and find out what Jeffrey told them and their parents?

Ask Jeffrey's father about the money used to bail out Lori and Brian LaFond posing as his grandkids.

Ask David Katzenberg, Laura Katzenberg, and their spouses about Mother's Day in 2010 and see who was in attendance and where she was before that lunch?  Why would she even be in that hospital with your grandmother?  What did your grandmother know and say about Jeffrey and this crime?

Lastly, check with the Clerk of Court in San Diego in the Southern District.  Find out if he left messages about Jeffrey Katzenberg investigating me and what reason was given?  Did those messages get saved?  What does Tina Bancroft remember?  Ask anyone there if they got a call about me when I re-applied to work there as a reliable clerk?  Ask the Clerk of Court why he didn't rehire me, an experienced professional he knows very well? Wasn't he interested in hiring the best candidate possible?  He actually trained me.  I house-sat for him and his wife many times.  So the issue isn't trust or professionalism, so what was it?