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Friday, July 19, 2024

How Did Lori and Brian LaFond Escape Arizona Prison? They Got Out With A Lot Of Help From Their Friends: David and Missy Erickson


Boy, there must have been some HUGE whoppers told in those Arizona courtrooms way back in March of 2010.  Epic whoppers.  The kinds of lies that I've only seen from people like Missy Erickson, David, Lori LaFond, and Brian LaFond.  I have some experience with these four people and I can tell you from my own courtroom experience some of the things that had to have been lied about.

Setting bail, surety examinations, bail packages, and releases are all things that I am very familiar with.  As a former courtroom deputy from the Southern District of California, USDC, I was in charge of lots of the setting of bail reviews and the content of those kinds of procedures.  I don't know if there is anyone, other than the judge, that knows more about bail and release.  Perhaps the attorneys that represented the bail surety brought forward on behalf of the defendants might be pretty good too.  They would, at least, know who the sureties said that they were.  My experience is more in the examination of sureties.

The first question I have is this, who did Brian and Lori LaFond say they were at the time of their arrests?  What proof of identity was given to show that they were the people they said that they were.  If I know Brian and Lori, I am assuming that there were several IDs present at the time of their arrests.  Then it was a matter of picking one each.  Clearly, they did not indicate that they were brother and sister.

They intended to lie about their identity from the original arrest.  My experience tells me that this is a common occurrence for Lori and Brian LaFond.  At the point of arrest, they present fake IDs.  With Lori and Brian LaFond in custody, they had to turn to two friends who were in the area to bail them out.  I know that both David and Missy Erickson were in the area because they allegedly went with Marilyn and Benjamin Katzenberg even though both Benjamin and I protested their participation.  It is rumored that both Missy and David left the Katzenbergs to go to the rental home where Lori and Brian were staying in Sedona, Arizona.  These are the likely two bail sureties.

The siblings were likely arraigned the next day and bail was set.  I am surprised that bail would be set for either if the charge is that they were both in a stolen car from out of state, but nevertheless, bail was set at $350,000 each.  This means that 10% of the bail needed to be presented for each sibling for release.  The sureties had to come up with $70,000 in cash and show that they had $700,000 at least in the bank.  The siblings also had to come up with local Arizona addresses where they would be staying because they were from out of state.  Lori and Brian don't have any Arizona IDs since they exclusively use fake CA IDs.   When the bail was set, they were made aware of the Arizona residence requirement.  I believe that the siblings had to go with the IDs that they had with them.  Brian would use Jonathan Edwin William Mendenhall's ID and Jonathan's father's address in Dewey, AZ.  Lori would pretend to be Laura Katzenberg and use her grandfather's address in Seligman, AZ.  Both David and Missy were aware that both of these IDs came with relatives in Arizona.

The sureties have to swear that both defendants are who they say they are under oath.  Surety number one would vouch for fake Jonathan Mendenhall (Brian LaFond) and surety number two would vouch for fake Laura Katzenberg (Lori LaFond).  The likely choices for sureties would then be Jonathan Mendenhall's and Laura Katzenberg's family members.  It is alleged that David already has a fake ID with David Katzenberg's name, but who would Missy Erickson be?  Some have speculated that Missy Erickson pretended to be Dr. Alicia Elmore, Jonathan's sister, but whomever she pretended to be, Missy lied.  David Katzenberg (movie director) and Dr. Elmore (could easily have this kind of money in the bank) but did Missy have the information she needed to show that?  Seems odd.

The more likely scenario is that Missy Erickson pretended to be Jessica Erickson with money transferred from the Katzenbergs accounts into an already existing account with Jessica Erickson's name on it.  Remember, Lori has been pretending to be Jessica Erickson for decades opening accounts with her name on them.  Nothing says that the sureties have to be related to the defendants.

Missy and David then proceeded to steal the money from Jeffrey Katzenberg and his father's accounts at a Phoenix-area bank.  Armed with the IDs of David Katzenberg and Jessica Erickson, David, and Missy then went into court to vouch that the defendants were Laura Katzenberg and Jonathan Mendenhall.  All four intending to defraud the court of this bail.  They never intended to return to Arizona and didn't care about the criminal records gained by two people who had no idea they were used.  No matter what names they used, all four were under oath and were told about the conditions of release and their next court date.  Some of those conditions were to break no laws while under release.  They didn't waste any time breaking that condition when they were arrested for child endangerment in Sedona, Arizona a few days later.  I believe they pulled the same bail fraud in that case too.  Lots of money was at stake and defaults on that bail money were in effect when the siblings failed to return to court.  Warrants were issued.  None of the defendants were at their respective Arizona residences when probation was checked but Jonathan's father and Laura's grandfather were notified.

In the meantime, Lori, Brian, David, and Missy high-tailed it back to Joshua Tree, CA where they got back to the business of terrorism.  None of the people that they used to escape were wiser but there was a problem!  In addition to using fake names, Lori, it is alleged, had her real father's military ID with her.  This is used to access the brain link system that the group uses to stalk and terrify their victims.  Neither the Katzenbergs nor the Mendenhalls would have access to this identification.  Only Lori or Brian LaFond would have this.  Since they are brother and sister, their DNA will match to show that they are Lori and Brian LaFond, son and daughter of Sgt. Maj. Eugene A. LaFond whose ID was on Lori LaFond at the time of arrest.  (Lori also has LaFond tattooed on her big fat ass, nobody checked?  Brian LaFond has a really bad Mickey Mouse tattooed on his shoulder)

Since Brian LaFond was allegedly arrested in a yellow two-piece bikini, his tattoo should have been visible and recorded by Arizona police.  Jonathan Mendenhall does not have a tattoo.

If this tattoo is present in the arrest pictures, and we know that the DNA shows that they are siblings, this would make the defendants Lori and Brian LaFond!!!  Lying about some of their victims.

I would also like to point out that when Marilyn's home was burglarized, before Sedona, Arizona, Lori left her DNA all over their home.  That should also match the two defendants in both Arizona cases.  This DNA should also match my rape clothing and blood which also showed a brother and sister with HIV.

Someone needs to do the DNA workups on these cases to show that the defendants who were all over the place were in fact, Lori and Brian LaFond.  It is unclear if the two boys who were molested in Arizona had DNA on or inside of them for the child endangerment charges that were brought.  There is a good chance.  Also when Benjamin Katzenberg was 11 or 12, he was molested by a man that also contributed his DNA when he was prosecuted.  That should also turn out to be Brian LaFond.  This shows a pattern of behavior that is centered around Lori and Brian's victims.  Jonathan Mendenhall, Benjaming Katzenberg and me.

If you have been listening to Lori harass me for the past 15 years, you also know that she calls Jeffrey Katzenberg, "My father."  This is a tongue-in-cheek nod to the fact that she pretended to be his daughter multiple times to rob her jointly held bank account with David and Benjamin.  Then she pretended to be Laura in Arizona.  Lori just loves to harass the victims' families and parents just like the Long Island Serial Killer (LISK).  Taunting her victims is part of Lori's biggest crime of terrorism.