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Sunday, July 7, 2024

Finally, A Diagnosis That Fits Our Urban Legend! This Is What I Use To Explain Lori LaFond's Actions Using This Brain Computer Interface! (Wonder What Steve Frey Would Say?)


"Who would have the kind of hate and time to do what you are saying is going on," is the most common feeling that I had when I began journaling about my initial experiences with "gang stalking" which eventually turned into "Voice to Skull" harassment.  I couldn't believe that ANYONE would have the kind of anger towards me that was necessary to commit this kind of crime.  Then, of course, who would have the ability to have so many people stalking me and my friends?  I think my team and I have some answers now.

If you are one of the victims of our crime in Palm Springs, CA, you know that this harassment is around the clock.  It never stops.  The persons that commit this crime in our area work in teams.  Usually, the main contributors to this stalking are a female and two males, but there are other team members as well.  In our case, the female appears to be the ringleader.  She refers to herself as "the most important person" and "the only person that talks to the police".  On more than one occasion the female will tell you that these people with her are her "family" but it is clear that they are not blood relatives except for the female and one of the males.  These two are brother and sister with a father who was once the source of their knowledge of this system.  Their father once had some kind of proprietary ownership of the hardware either through work or somewhere else.  Remember, this began in the late 1970s, so only someone like me, who has known the female suspect since 1979-1980, would have the kind of past to tell you about this crime.

In fact, the female lead suspect tells friends of mine that she knows me from high school.  She knows my family.  She knows about the neighbors that I had growing up from age 1 to 15 years before we moved to a new home.  She also likes to talk about my father's court case where he was accused of sexually molesting a student.  My father was fully acquitted, but what came out of that was that a female who lived near that student was behind all of the false accusations.   This, I believe, is our female malignant narcissist, Lori Jean LaFond.  It is clear from my experience that she DOES suffer from a dual personality disorder and, like this video above shows, she uses her femaleness to fool people into feigning the victim while inserting herself as the know-it-all.  Lori will even tell people, "I like to be the first person to tell someone the bad news."   What I would find out later is that she likes to also cause the bad news she reports on, way more than just your run-of-the-mill car accident or medical diagnosis.

Our urban legend likes to infect people with her own deadly diseases.  I was, for example, infected with HIV in 1987 without having had sex or using intravenous drugs.  Later, as a member of the LGBTQ community, I would hear about the Palm Springs Urban Legend who would use gay men's dating sites to lure victims to parties where she would infect them when they were knocked out.  I was in San Diego when I learned about this crime and could immediately believe that it was true as that was where I was infected.  I've heard from gay men from San Francisco, Los Angeles, San Diego, and Palm Springs about "Jessica/Lisa" which is the name that our female perpetrator used on the microphone when she was speaking to these gentlemen.  Similar to a radio DJ using a surname.  The key to this crime seemed to be identifying her.  Since she told everyone that she knew me from high school, I was the likely candidate for the job.

Watch as this professional explains the unique behaviors of the FEMALE Malignant Narcissist:
  • Difficult to Identify because of their femaleness.  "Poor defenseless woman" syndrome
  • Mirroring/Hate/Love Bombing: Use what they know about you to lure you in (brain linking is a big advantage) Professional criers.
  • Smooth Liars: Will lie about what others would never lie about for ex: my child has cancer when they don't or I'm married to Bryan Anderson with his kids.
  • Two-Faced:  Drug dealer on one hand/works for police on the other.
  • Highly sexual/seductive: Uses her femininity and sex as a weapon
  • Humiliation: The more she can publicly humiliate you the better for example, Lori's comments on the news through a police officer's statement.
  • Fiercely competitive: Sees life as a competition with others who have no idea they are competing.  Win at all costs.
  • Escapes Responsibility: "I've done nothing wrong" but escaped from jail and plea agreements.  Shot up a home.  Attempts on lives.  Stole MRIs
  • No understanding of how others think and feel:  Why don't people do what I tell them to do?  Isn't everyone just like me?