Morally Conscious

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Friday, July 26, 2024

Ear Witnesses: The Time Has Come To Tell The Things You've Heard


What exactly is the point of implanting police officers?  If this is such an accepted practice, then why isn't the public aware that our police department was implanted by Lori Jean LaFond?  They must serve some purpose, right?  It's really quite simple if you are a drug dealer and you don't want to go to jail, you provide the police with information that Lori gathered from the gay community of men she raped.  That really doesn't explain why police officers are illegally implanted though, does it?

Certainly, Lori could have raped and implanted gay men and just told the police about it through her four-year boyfriend, Bryan Anderson.  Why implant the police?  That is really quite simple too.  Lori loves to control the narrative.  She doesn't want anyone at that police department to look any further into crimes that she has committed than on their face.  Lori can't really afford to have anyone look into her past criminal history because she is a fugitive and was a suspect in the theft of this technology from the beginning.  The real question is why hasn't the military been moved to find her and have her arrested.  Some of the kids she shot at in high school were military officer's kids.  Some were police officer's kids.  Some were civilians.  Why aren't those people relieved by Lori's guilty pleas?  It's simple, she absconded from public view before her self-surrender date.  There should be no more of those ever again for Lori and her brother.

Practically everyone inside Lori's world of terrorists would not have had this in their lives if Lori had been incarcerated from the beginning when she was arrested in high school.  She skipped on a significant sentence.  I should know.  She implanted and infected me in 1987 when she should have been in jail.  This part is annoying but factual.  She should have been in jail for most of her early crimes in this case and it would definitely cut down significantly on the HIV infections in Palm Springs, CA.  Nobody could find her, is what she says.  Well, we can find her now...why isn't anyone?

There is no doubt that over the years Lori has learned to steal without being caught.  There is no doubt that over the years Lori told all of her victims that she was the one to steal from them.  The problem is this supposed "invisible crime" thing that Lori and her crew keep passing off as real.  It's not invisible.  Bullet holes are bullet holes.  Text messages and phone portability are discoverable.  In reality, even phone lines attached to the chips in our heads are also discoverable.  Knowing how the crime is committed, is about making the invisible crime visible.

The problem seems to be a lack of military support followed by a lack of prosecutor knowledge about this crime, but we bring something much more important to the crime.  We bring a viable and likely suspect.  Name and all.  Lori Jean LaFond!  That is who is behind this crime in the Palm Springs area.  Isn't it worth a conversation with the FBI to find out just how far this crime exceeds our desert area?

I can provide the FBI with ear witnesses to the whole crime if Jeffrey doesn't get involved.  Of course, even Christopher Monti can tell the FBI what he's experienced and what he knows about.  Why isn't someone asking him?  Why not Jonathan Mendenhall?  Clearly, as the #3 in command, he should be able to shed some light on Lori Jean LaFond's terrorism.  Anthony too.  Barbara too.  Benjamin too.  Martin too.  Leah too.  We tried Melissa Erickson, David, and Bessie Smith, but they weren't interested in law and order, they were interested in keeping this crime afloat.  We must use our resources to stop Lori LaFond from the way she uses our families and her lies to scare people into submission.  It isn't the same to tell the truth everyone, but you are so timid.

As an earwitness to this crime, you should know two things.  I am not using any type of cell phone for you to hear me and second, Lori LaFond is the person harassing me on the other end of this conversation.  You've heard her night and day for years.  I shouldn't have to continue to hear someone like her if I don't want to.  I don't.  I've already provided everyone with the what, when, who, how, and why.  Lori does this because she is a terrorist with multiple mental problems since childhood, most of which were exacerbated by her use of this system in the first place.  I would suggest that she was probably the worst person in history to have been included in this technology from the beginning.  She needs to be off of it.

Tonight I am hearing Lori bitch and complain even more about how this is her "birthright" to be able to rape gay men and harass them.  What kind of "birthright" is that?  That isn't something that her father or her mother would ever support.  Lori's need to justify what she has done with her life and the lives of everyone she has implanted and infected is only the tip of a very big iceberg.  There are all of the people that are related to these victims.  There is a phone company that allows her to manipulate phone numbers whenever she wants.  There are the billions of dollars spent on continuing care for AIDS patients that she created.  Lori is one of those people who seem to think that what she does, she does in a vacuum.  That's not true.  There are real victims of this crime and they are begging Jeffrey to stop holding this up.  We need to have her arrested and charged. Not let loose to threaten all of them.  Come on.

I can't believe that the girl who made my high school experience (and elementary, and junior high) so unlivable has been given the green light her entire life to come after my family again and again.  Her mother knows this is what she has done to my sister, me, my father, and my mother.  Why wouldn't someone contact the military and stop her?  This is obviously not a complicated thing to do with a case where Lori never served a day of her sentence.  Come on people!

I would also like to point out the "revenge" angle that Lori is working on.  She isn't a person to get over the past.  No, she wants to relive it, only this time she wants a better result than being caught, charged, and sentenced.  Since she didn't go to prison like she should have and was ordered, Lori has taken it upon herself to stalk me and others who were part of her fantasy plan of killing people in a home that was shot up twice in one week during her senior year of high school.  Lori's been seen at high school reunions for my class, a year behind hers.  She confronted people about "telling on her" when she got caught and she swore she would get her revenge.  Remember, I was not at all, involved in either incident at that home, but my best friend lived there.  Lori has since confronted her as well.

This is dangerous for all of those girls who were targeted in that home because of Lori's desire to kill.  Lori's own family knows how dangerous that situation was and still is.  Why can't anyone sleep well at night?  Simple, Lori is still at large with a plan to get to all of them.  I won't lead her to them so she is furious at me.  In fact, I stayed away from all of my high school friends because of this stalking.  Now Lori is back in 29 Palms hoping to find other military-implanted people to stalk me for her.  It's a sad thing that the USMC has allowed.  It shouldn't continue.  I support our military but when they implanted kids, nobody thought about Lori LaFond getting ahold of this system.  Now we know she has and we have to stop her.

The list of people that were at that shooting includes military officers' kids, civilians' kids, police department kids, and lots of people who are in danger but don't even know it.  Two of the people at that party are today, in fact, police officers.   Maybe more.  My friends were shot and there was blood at the scene.  Lori stuck her head inside the home like Jack Nicholson in "The Shining" to scare everyone.  She isn't stable.  Why shouldn't the people she attacked before be notified?  The law does that when a criminal is released from prison, why not when she didn't show up for it?  Sad.  This is a tragedy waiting to happen.

I can tell you this.  Over the years, Lori has asked me about who was at that home she shot up.  She's told me about who she knew was there and how she feels about these people.  She doesn't know many of them and I have said nothing but they are my friends.  She does this to find out information about them.  This is serious.  One of my friend's fathers passed away and Lori began following her.  She called and told me people began following her.  She's had her accounts stolen and emails read.  This is Lori LaFond.

Hunting down her past or people she thinks were her past is Lori's grand plan for doing away with the people that she imagined hurt her.  This is witnessed by the many times she went to high school reunions where she wasn't even a member of the class celebrating.  Lori is looking for people that the military implanted.  She wants someone she can use.  Please help these people.