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Monday, May 13, 2024

How To Notify The U.S. Attorney For The Central District of California (Same Form For Western District of Ca, Riverside)

 I went online and found out where you can send complaints and tips about this crime to the U.S. Attorney's Office on Spring Street in Los Angeles, CA.  If you have information that would be helpful to a prosecutor, please fill this out and send it right away.

You can download this form from this window.

I have been the victim of stalking for as long as I can remember.  There is a police report in San Diego, CA from the morning of my shooting.  In the course of my investigation as an informant for the Palm Springs Police Department, I uncovered evidence that would lead a U.S. Attorney to the perpetrators of that crime.  Why the U.S. Attorney?  The reason is simple, at the time I was shot, I was an agent for the U.S. Department of Justice.  A Courtroom Deputy clerk for the Southern District of California.  We dealt with all kinds of federal crimes and a variety of criminals.  This shooting was during a period of gang stalking for which I wrote diaries that are in the custody of the other informant, Christopher Monti or Jonathan Mendenhall.

Normally that crime would be reported to the Southern District of California, but since I am now living in San Bernardino County, and so are the suspects,  that would fall into the jurisdiction of the Western District of California which goes to the Central District of CA in Los Angeles.  

Lori Jean LaFond and Brian LaFond were stopped and arrested in the Phoenix area of Arizona in the second week of March 2010.  They were stalking me and two of my friends on vacation.  To secure their release they provided the court with cash bonds and fake identities through Melissa Erickson.  This was a person who was delivered to the Arizona area to assist Lori LaFond in stalking me and my friends.  Marilyn Katzenberg and her son, Benjamin Katzenberg were the two individuals that brought Melissa Erickson to the area to assist Lori LaFond.  Neither has come forward.  There were statements made in court as to the relationship between Melissa Erickson and a man named David who also provided false identification to defraud the bail surety proceedings that mention their relationship with the Katzenberg Family.  The entire proceeding was marred with lies deliberately told to the court to defraud the bail proceedings.  The suspects then jumped bail with the help of Erickson and David.  They provided false Arizona addresses and were not able to be located in Arizona at the time of their next court proceedings.  The two have resided in a home owned by family members in the Joshua Tree area ever since.

I have uncovered that it was both Lori Jean LaFond and her brother Brian LaFond were the suspects in that case.  These are the two individuals who are suspected of the shooting in San Diego in 2003, seven years before the stalking in Arizona.

It is alleged that Jeffrey Katzenberg, executive movie producer once lived with Missy Erickson and David in a home owned by Jeffrey's son, Benjamin. They lived in that home just before the Arizona trip and for several years afterward.  This relationship is clandestine as Benjamin Katzenberg was one of several informants working on the investigation of both Lori and Brian LaFond; both Missy Erickson and David are co-conspirators in this crime.  The pair were delivered to Arizona by Marilyn Katzenberg to assist Lori LaFond and Brian LaFond in the stalking of a police informant across state lines.  Both are fugitives from justice in separate cases that arise out of California for which they plead guilty and jumped bail before serving their sentences.

It is alleged that it was Jeffrey Katzenberg who threatened witnesses to the San Diego shooting to "not comply" with requests to report this crime to two San Diego police officers that I am familiar with.  Officer Kenneth Davenport and his wife are both San Diego officers who are familiar with the report to the SDPD on the night of my shooting.  This demand by Jeffrey Katzenberg is an obstruction of justice and a threat to witnesses and is in alignment with delivering both David and Missy to Arizona to stop me from investigating this crime.  Jeffrey has gone on to assist Erickson in further crimes including elderly abuse and bank fraud of a savings account that was held in my mother's name and mine.  It is alleged that Jeffrey did not want me to hire an attorney with this money and he came up with a plan with Erickson to steal it from my mother using my sister and mother's Alzheimer's diagnosis.  This money was specifically earmarked for an attorney for Christopher Monti, my informant partner, and myself.  This was known to Jeffrey Katzenberg, his wife, and son.  The reason for stealing it was simple.  He was a co-conspirator to my continued stalking by the LaFond siblings.

In the end, I would ask that ANYONE with information about Lori LaFond and her brother Brian's violent stalking come forward.  The shooting of a federal agent is a serious crime that was followed by even more serious crimes that included rape, a beating that left my skull severely fractured, and the trip to Arizona where Lori fully intended to end my life and the lives of my friends.  Please help if you can.  I need someone to stop this emotional blackmail of the Katzenbergs to consider that human life, no matter how non-celebrity it is, is still important.

Remember both Lori and Brian have felonies that they have BOTH pleaded guilty to, but were never incarcerated due to self-surrender dates and a complete disregard for public safety.  This cost hundreds of lives and millions of dollars.  Please help to fix these mistakes.