Morally Conscious

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Friday, April 5, 2024

What's The Deal With The Warrants? Holding Something Over My Family's Head Has Become Way Too Normal For The Katzenbergs!


Are his hands as tied behind his back as his actions would indicate?

If so, then shouldn't he step out of the way and stop telling people not to do things that would capture a dangerous felon and her criminal organization?  If what Jeffrey Katzenberg is going for is that he can't do anything because of his own criminal activity, then shouldn't there be an arrest warrant for him too?  If he isn't doing the right things with warrants from another state, shouldn't he also be arrested?  My own team has a warrant that isn't being served, allegedly, but I'm still receiving threats from Lori Jean LaFond. What I am wondering is, where is the law enforcement that we have earned for this investigation.  We worked hard.  Someone in law enforcement should be more impressed than they are and someone should have more courage than to have to listen to the whining and crying of a billionaire who has done less than nothing for the victims, especially me.

I am unimpressed.  I spent the last three days off and I woke up tonight to Lori Jean LaFond still free, screaming about how she has two bullets left to use...on me?  On her mother?  On Missy Erickson?  Who are they for?  Since she has already had her brother shoot at me, I can assume that she is talking about me and someone else in my family.  I wanted to let Jeffrey know that if he has a warrant and isn't serving it on purpose, he is likely involved in this crime much larger than we first thought.  He has definitely stolen from me and my family.  What he has allowed Missy Erickson to get away with since Arizona in 2010 is a complete burial of his head in the sand hoping that when he raises it up again there won't be any problems.  He is wrong.  These kinds of problems only exist because of his incompetence as a father and as an investigator for Missy Erickson.

Three days of a warrant sitting in his son's home where Lori could have been arrested were ignored.  He sat and waited until another threat against me and my family could be made.  I am unimpressed.  He is unimpressive.  I'm not even going to be angry.  He isn't capable of serving a warrant or even taking it to the police for them to do their jobs.  It's a disservice to all law enforcement, the gay community, my family, and his.  Whatever his mental condition is, I don't care. He doesn't belong in an investigation where he is the sole voice saying no to serving a warrant.

I remember the two kids that were raped and filmed in Sedona, Arizona.  I was there in the State of Arizona and Lori was stalking me.  That these boys were used as some kind of substitute for my own planned rape makes me iller than ill.  I don't like being told that this happened.  I really don't like that they were ignored by the Katzenbergs and were lied to.  I really don't like that Jeffrey sent my friends away for a year then fourteen years later, I'm still not able to speak with them.  He isn't doing anything but helping the terrorists.  This whole thing is a joke to me.  I can't believe what a cruel man he has become in favor of a terrorist.

For as long as I can remember it has been hanging something over my head like Christopher, my stolen money, Jeffrey's relationship with my sister, and so many more that I can't count.  I'm done with this constant game of "Look What I Can Do To You".  I'm finished with it.

He can try to hurt me as much as he likes, I get it.  He has no responsibility to anyone or anything.  I get that too.  Jeffrey is failing to recognize that I have a right to have him arrested for it.  Period.  He doesn't have carte blanche here, this isn't Hollywood.  I think that if he can't serve a simple warrant for the arrest of two or more domestic terrorists, then he should also be put in jail.  I'm a law and order person and his obstruction is illegal and dangerous to innocent people.  He is not one of them; an innocent person, I mean.

Toying with a person's mind is a terrible thing to do.  This man and his wife continue to toy with my mind and others.  It isn't decent nor is it a situation that they would allow for their own son who is a victim of this crime.  Whether he has a problem or not, a judge has issued a warrant for the arrest of Lori and Brian LaFond.  Period, final word.  He doesn't get a say any longer.  That is the final word.  Do not pretend to work on my team when there is a warrant for the arrest of this suspect and you aren't pursuing it to the arrest level.  Period.  I'd rather work alone than with a group of people that doesn't know that a warrant is the final word.  Does everyone understand?  Do not work with me if you can't figure out how to get a warrant served.  It isn't funny.

This game of "keeping away from justice" is not something that a father of a victim should involve himself in.   He needs to step out of this investigation and talk to a prosecutor about his problems with Missy Erickson.   Lori continues to try to blame the Erickson family for some odd reason.  Listen, folks, if you want to see your daughter again alive, you need to get her away from the serial killer, not the advocate for the gay community that the two girls demolished.  Come on.

I wanted nothing more than to inform all of you what Lori LaFond is like.  I should know, I've dealt with her since I was 9.  I became an agent for the justice system because of Lori's behavior.  My whole life was based on the concept that no matter what, Lori LaFond would never be able to hurt me again.  Now here all of you are helping her to do just that.  It's illegal and it is immoral.  Find your own lifetime serial killer to mess with.  This one is mine.

I don't believe that the Ericksons are involved like this, but even if they were, I wouldn't think that they would want Jeffrey to continue to protect a daughter in danger.  Living with Lori LaFond is deadly.  There is plenty of proof.  All of the people living with Lori were infected with her HIV virus.  Do you need more proof?  None of them slept with her.  This is a dangerous situation that Lori is now bringing a gun into.  She's said she wants to kill and she's killed.  Will there be any more discussion?  Stop the killer or more people will die.  That simple.

There is nothing more that I can do than tell you that if a federal judge has signed a warrant for the arrest of the LaFond siblings or an alias that they used, they need to be arrested.  If anyone knows a federal prosecutor or a federal judge simply contact them and let them know that Jeffrey is refusing to serve the warrant sent to him.  He isn't God and he doesn't have the right to put this or any community in danger.  Serve the fucking warrant or have one issued against you.  It's that simple.

When it comes to this crime it is a situation of "abuse, apologize, and repeat".  This is a cycle of violence and grooming that Jeffrey has continued with my family and me since the beginning.  It is a learned behavior that Jeffrey and Missy Erickson must have worked out.  I won't be a party to it.  Abuse me, apologize, and go to jail.

This crime is lasting longer than it should because of ONE MAN!

Let's try not to blame.  Let's try to find a professional with the kind of experience it takes to arrest a fugitive drug dealer with a federal warrant.  The court will do the rest.

So, once again, I am reminding everyone out there that Lori said, "I still have two bullets," last night.  That would imply that she still has a gun to use them with too.  I've fulfilled my obligation to the families that still have members living with Lori and to the rest of the people that Lori wants dead.  My conscience is clear.