Morally Conscious

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Friday, August 18, 2023

So Bryan Kohberger Kept An Id From One Of His Victims, Lori LaFond Lives In Her Victims' Homes, Wears Their Clothes, Spends Their Money, and Acts Like She Works In LaQuinta, California


I was watching Nancy Grace, one of my favorite prosecutors, when I realized what she said makes total sense.  Nancy is interviewing one of my favorite guests on her show...about the Idaho suspect in the murders at the University of Idaho.  Bryan Kohberger is suspected of killing four people in their sleep or getting ready for bed.  Lori tried to do that to me as well.

Apparently, during the killing of the four students, Bryan took the time to grab a trophy from one of his victims.  If you do the work that I do, you know that trophy-ism is part of the makeup of most serial killers.  They like to relive their conquests and take a moment from the crime scene to remember their night of total abandon.   Doing all the things that their criminal fantasies have seen in their minds for a long time.  What would it be like if...if after 20 years of stalking and not being able to get close to Kevin, something Lori orchestrated could be done to put Lori LaFond in Kevin Bond's path without him being able to fight back?  If you asked my friends from high school this, "If you knew that there was a situation that would allow Lori LaFond to be in the same room as Kevin Bond, while he was incapacitated by a barbiturate that she's drugged him with, would you be in fear for his life, hers, or both?"

My high school friends, some of them, live in fear still from 1982's on.  Lori was threatening to kill them and their parents even then.  Lori has a tendency to involve other people in her problems, then force them to keep her huge role a secret or she uses her threats to kill to extort them.  Why do so many people forget that it was Lori that went to them with horrible stories about my life?  Private things that I wouldn't tell anyone, but might think about since I am a human being.  Before I knew I was being stalked via my own thoughts, there may very well have been things that I wouldn't tell other people.  I know people that wouldn't even give out their names and Lori wanted me to tell everyone that I had HIV.  She was so excited that she could watch me deal with the problems that she caused, she didn't think about what that would sound like to the people that have seen her gripe about me for decades.  Everyone knows Lori lied about my father in high school.  They don't know that she ran around saying that we were "practically family", and now she wants me to tell you that I know nothing about her, but she's been stalking me for 35 years and never shuts up.

My friends would not believe that Lori being around me would ever end up good.  On that fateful morning, after Lori LaFond broke into my friend's home she intended to rape me with her frozen blood.  She brought it to the crime scene.  That blood was in her freezer, taken from her body, frozen to keep it for a purpose, and then taken out to the home I was raped in where the frozen blood was next found inside of my body.  The only reason she kept that sick blood is because it kills people when she does this.  This is no different than BTK or Jeffrey Dahmer or especially  Ted Bundy, who also thought he could fool everyone with charisma.  It didn't work because the evidence was solid, and so is ours.

When you hear Lori on the line with me I want you to remember that this is the same girl that texted, "I want him dead by my birthday," to her brother who complied in effort and shot at me.  Lori's own uncle fixed my car for me with the bullet hole in it.  It was the same uncle that was forced to protect himself and shot my brother-in-law.  Lori has this need to use her own family members to commit these crimes.  Sometimes they know they are doing it for her and sometimes she forces two people into a fight.  This has been her life since I first heard of her.  If you can't see it, you can't.  I lived it, I know it's the reason things are so horrible out here.

We are dealing with six really mentally ill people in that home where she hides from the law.  Why can't law enforcement say to her, "Are you Lori LaFond?"  Why can't someone that knows her, identify her? They live in a disease bubble, they have contact with the public that can spread diseases.  When they left Palm Springs, with all six of them gone, tuberculosis rates and HIV infections went down 85%.  This means that our rates here will increase by 85% and she's already started in her own small 8 plex of tiny houses.  I'm really unimpressed with the public safety aspect of this investigation.  Lori's departure from Palm Springs dropped crime in the gay community down to next to nothing and our infection rates dropped....this is a noticeable cause and effect.  911 calls went down because Lori couldn't make up stories and have people arrested.

The problem that I'm noticing is her continued lack of understanding of the word, "NO!"  Small word, but very powerful.  When I said, "No more, I meant it."  Now she has taken to her usual tactics and I'm not happy with the pace of any of this...she said she would kill me, and she is still trying.

As for the trophy-ism, Lori mocks her victims by stealing their possessions and masturbating to them while she talks to them in their microchipped heads.  If this isn't the sickest serial killer in history, I don't know if I could think of a worst-case scenario for her own family, mine, and yours.

She's not only getting worse, but she's also unabashed about it on her system of mind reading.  She is acting like she doesn't care what people know about her.  I want to remind everyone that reads this blog of one very important thing, it was Lori Jean Marie LaFond alone that told me while being raped, "You're going to go out there and give this to everyone (HIV and her other frozen STD's) so that THEY KNOW WHAT I'M(Lori) going through."  She wanted me to tell you what she is like.  I'm doing just that.  She is a mess. She is a controlling and manipulative serial killer looking to kill.  If you don't believe me, someone is going to die because of her.

How hard could it be to sit her down in a police station and get her on the record denying everything about this system and then showing it to the PSPD who let her implant them?  Lori can't deny her whole life and she is getting away with stealing mine.  I'm going to make a change soon.  I hope you all know what position I am in.

To Cold Case Investigative Research Institute Founder, Sheryl McCollum, I wanted to thank you for the second time for reminding me of who I am dealing with and what they are like.  Nancy has Sheryl on from time to time and every single time I am just reminded that no matter what the speculation is about Lori's problems, we are dealing with a textbook serial killer using completely unconventional means to keep contact with the people she's raped and ready to kill.  She created her own hunting field on an internet chatroom-style venue.  These people can be hunted down by people looking for drugs or money.  Perhaps even the money was stolen from wealthy Hollywood types or pawn shop owners.  It's a real shame we keep looking away from the killer trying not to get involved.  I have no choice.

I have to set up a trap to catch her and her friends.  I hope she is ready.