Morally Conscious

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Tuesday, August 15, 2023

She Threatened My Sister AGAIN!!! Listening In At My Work And Texting Co-Workers Again!!! One Delusional Woman And All These Families, Who Knew? I DID!!!


She's at it again!  The world's biggest nosy neighbor is Lori Jean LaFond.  She suffers from Gladys Kravitz syndrome.  She spies on everyone and then tries to cause a problem whenever she can make one up.  I'm done.  I'm still the child witness in my father's case that Lori dreamed up.  Her need to threaten me into changing my story all these years later isn't even a consideration.  I even have the emails where Lori tells me that this is what she is trying to do.  What more do we need?

Every victim of this crime knows one very truthful thing...Lori Jean LaFond LIES!!! A LOT!!!  If she can't find something to piss Jeffrey Katzenberg off, she's going to use me to do it, she thinks.  Not going to happen, I say.

Once again, Lori Jean LaFond has taken to making shit up again and she's trying so hard to make herself feel better about the charges that she has against her from the State of Arizona.  All anyone has to do is ask Margie Miller-Hoy about whether or not Lori got arrested when she was in Arizona.  She didn't stay there and she wasn't jailed for any kind of term, but she did use a fake name and tried to pretend that she was working for the Katzenberg Family while in Arizona.  What a joke.  Lori can't even drive a car and she still thinks that she is wealthy enough to hire a full-time driver because she is SO IMPORTANT!  Are you freaking kidding me?

It is so obvious that Lori Jean LaFond is stalking me that I've decided that the next event will be her last.  I will be heading to the local Sheriff's office and we will be giving a call to Bryan Anderson about my informant work and Lori's continued harassment of my family.  As recently as tonight Lori said, "He better tell his sister to watch out!"  I'm not really thinking that Jeffrey has done the full job of protecting people out here.  I am not about to get into helping her get away by becoming complacent.  Lori has this problem with believing that her big fat mouth can get her out of trouble all the time.  No matter what the situation is.  I don't buy it and neither should you.

One of the people involved in her crimes used to work for my father building cabinets.  Lori apparently has scared him into not mentioning to my sister, who he knows, and my father, what Lori has to say about me and how she has tried to use my work as some kind of example of her tremendous power!!!

Lori thinks she has this omnipresent personality like God.  No matter what you do, Lori has to approve of it.  Who in the heck thinks that way?  She thinks things like if my sister listens to her lies, that makes her "family" to Lori.  My sister is no more family to Lori Jean LaFond than Jeffrey's family.  She just loves to pretend that she is a sister to the victims that she has raped.  She's even gone so far as to have fake IDs made in their names.  Where does she get this information?  Simple, when she rapes she robs.  Benjamin Katzenberg's sister, Laura, was once used by Lori with a fake id, but the banking information for the account they shared was stolen from a deposit bag when Benjamin was raped.  I don't even think Benjamin knew the account number but when you steal a deposit bag with the deposit slip, you have the info you need to steal hundreds of thousands of dollars.

Lori is a liar.  She's lied her whole life and she isn't going to stop.  We have to stop her!

Lori is lost without any kind of evidence that she is a real person with a real job making money from any kind of legitimate employment.  I've warned this drug dealer before that this isn't a good way to get away with distributing drugs.  Even her own cousin was arrested for trafficking drugs for her.  She is the ONLY person that could have planted drugs in his car and had police waiting for him at Lori's aunt's home when he got back from Lori's house.  Lori is using her own family to commit crimes.  I've had it.

Lori wouldn't dare to threaten my sister in person, but my sister has suffered the losses of Lori's lies probably more than anyone.  Lori has been "determined" to hurt her over and over again with lies, robberies, threats, and death.  My sister would have had to suffer a second death if her brother had been successful at killing me in San Diego in 2003.  That wasn't Lori's last attempt.  She tried again in Palm Springs by beating my skull in and putting her frozen-dead blood inside my body.  Who do you think called my sister to tell her that I was in the emergency room for the rape?  Good old Lori LaFond.  This makes her eligible to be the person that caused my MRIs to be stolen and replaced by healthy x-rays of someone else.  That's why I didn't get admitted twice when I went there with my badly damaged skull.  Lori knew what I was doing and she knows that if the police get involved with the hospital it causes problems for her.  So she kept me from being admitted.  Lori did all of this.  She wants my sister's attention.

Right now, Lori thinks that Jeffrey Katzenberg will save her.  I have no idea why she would think this way?  I'm pretty sure it would end up becoming a lifetime of Marilyn and Jeffrey taking care of all her problems in Lori's mind.  I'm also sure that Benjamin's parents aren't down with Lori's desires.