Morally Conscious

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Monday, August 9, 2021

Sometimes I Thinks She Is Making A Skin Suit OUT of My Life: How The Fuck IS Lori LaFond Going To Pretend To Be Me???

Hey everyone, yes, I am back and writing posts.  I just took a couple of weeks to re-inspire myself with the athletic feats of the U.S. Olympic team and I wanted everyone to know that I'm doing...marginally well.  I think that what most people get from athletics, that use them for inspiration, is different than what I like.  I am very proud of people that overcome, over achieve, excel beyond expectations.  That doesn't always translate to a gold medal, but something that they do that goes beyond the personal achievement and grows into legendary.  This Olympics was full of that...

Lori, on the other hand, has been strange.  Once again she is doing a lot of wanting to be me.  She's been telling her mother or someone that Christopher was once her boyfriend.  Um, that's really not possible and definitely not the case.  If Lori knew what it takes to be Christopher's partner, she couldn't handle it.  Then Lori has been overheard talking about celebrities know...this girl seems to think she knows everyone that I am friendly with and thinks that her life is the same as mine.  This "parallel universe" theory that she is selling isn't what she is noticing, it's something that she has forced.  I live my life and she copies it.  She then uses stolen pictures and made up stories to try to relate.

I'm pretty certain that this is something that Lori has done all of her life, since my sister is the person that she lusted after for so many years.  I can tell you this, she thinks of my sister as a friend, but my sister isn't really up for it.  Apparently lying to my sister and brother in law is something Lori thinks of as a success since Lori got involved in his death to hurt my sister.  Then Lori got involved with my sister's second husband...and ruined that.  What I am wondering is why doesn't someone point that out and realize that it isn't a coincidence, when Lori provoked it.

I'm not exactly sure when Lori's mental break began looking at my own life like a success that she wanted to take over, but whenever it was, it doesn't include my friends, family, or boyfriend.  She's not really man enough to handle that kind of scrutiny.  In fact, she's living with photographs that seem to keep her locked into some kind of catatonic state where she is trying to become me...I don't think it's working.  More important, she never did the work that I am doing, she's what we call the suspect or criminal, not someone trying to protect the innocent.

When Lori goes around telling people that she is "saving my friends' families" what she is failing to mention is that they only need saving from her.  No Lori, no problems to be saved from.  You see, my life is in a life or death situation and Lori is the cause.  If she wasn't around, there would be no need to save anyone.  Lori has this thing with switching the victim with his criminal, Lori in their place.  Lately she's come up with "becoming a Christian woman", and to me, very offensive but a choice that I would support, if it was real.  Since we all know it isn't, it's offensive.  Christopher and I are very religious people and Lori's intrusion into that sector of our lives is unbreakable, and pathetic at the same time.  Our strength is that we know who we are, but this psycho-girl isn't really able to raise her game to the level of mature adult in her fifties.  Christopher and I both feel mature, Lori is just doing what she always does, taking what works for me and making herself appear that way...poorly.

For example, I was thinking the other day that I'm somewhere in my 15th year of sobriety, while Lori is in her 45th year of her addiction to crystal meth.  It's important to realize that she needs a team of so called friends, to make her a person at all.  What I am noticing is this "sister attack" mode thing again.  She's thinking her "body model" girlfriend, Missy Erickson, whom I call Melishka Harrgitay "A SPECIAL Victim's Unit" (designated by Jeffrey Katzenberg), is able to secure some kind of friendship for Lori out of some need to survive.  I'm not really up for another Missy Erickson assault on my family....I'm really done with that.  The last thing my sister needs is more bitch-foolery from the Lesbian Mafia.  I'm kind of disappointed in people that are allowing this monster to fantasize this way without redirecting her to the fact that she is under investigation for serious crimes against humanity.

Now we all know that Missy Erickson thinks of herself as an SVU unto herself, but that's what makes her Missy Erickson.  Selfish, self-serving, single minded, and not very bright when it comes to the victims of rape.  Of course, nothing could be worse that what Lori did to Missy Erickson, but there are lots of things that are.

What I am telling you is this...Missy and Lori are scamming people again.  My sister and I have some circumstances that would lead Missy Erickson to believe that if she plays Bessie Smith the right way, that both Lori and Missy Erickson will be able to steal something else from my sister simply by playing the woman-card.  What my sister doesn't realize is that she is being worked over by a professional band of Lesbian Mafia that has done this for years and years.  Jeffrey won't intervene because he's already been involved.  What I'm not liking is Missy thinking that she has some "in" with my sister when what she has is a desire to rip her off.

Unfortunately for the girls, I get a say in that situation that neither can deny.

I don't need Missy Erickson and Lori becoming entranced with this idea that my sister is an easy target for them.  The pair is not stable enough to make their own lives work and the addition of Bessie Smith isn't what it looks like.  It's been a disaster of a friendship for my own sister who doesn't realize what Bessie Smith isn't telling her.  Bessie, Missy Erickson, and Lori LaFond have a HUMONGOUS SECRET,  that they aren't really telling her and the reason has some kind of financial windfall for the three.  Afterall, we are 100% certain that after Lori LaFond effected the death of her husband, my brother in law, that insurance monies were stolen and used by both Lori and Missy for drugs and paraphernalia.  Bryan Anderson was once approached about this stolen insurance money and Lori LaFond is the suspect.  Murder for insurance money is the motive.  My brother in law's daughters are owed that money back.  Missy has already introduced herself via Bessie Smith to my sister and nieces.  This is uncomfortable for me.

I know that Missy Erickson thinks of herself as the ONLY VICTIM of Lori LaFond but honey, she isn't even in the line to get into the line of victims that have a real case against Lori.  You see, Missy is trying the Patty Hearst approach where she'll keep committing crimes for Lori then, when it is convenient, Missy will feign her lesbian victim.  YAWN!!! These girls are "pulling a Missy" again.  Meanwhile her own family is thinking that Missy is tirelessly working for a man that can't seem to come down on the side of the victims because he has some Amazonian lesbian informing him of some story that he seems to keep buying over and over again.  Get a clue Jeff, this bitch is ruining your family.

In the meantime the girls think that I'm playing some emotional game with them where Christopher is concerned.  We are men.  Different than women.  We can separate our emotions from the reality of this case.  It's kind of important to be able to do that in criminal investigations.  Missy likes to hurt me, just ask Steven Frey and the countless others that Missy has warned away from me in the past.  Missy has difficulty accepting that it is wrong to continue to help Lori while planning to feign the victim.  It's a very bi-polar response to her lifetime of crime and punishment that the two girls seem to meld into one.  I will remind Jeffrey that it was both Missy and Lori combining to make my brother in law's death and subsequent cover up happen.  Then they robbed my nieces' bank account.

This is another area where Jeffrey hasn't really lived up to his hype.  He's really slow to realize when he is being used.  In a way it's simply his daddy need to protect the "princesses", but what happens when princess turns out to be a worthless cunt?  Neither Missy, nor Bessie, nor Lori are his why is he still so protective of their criminal activity?

This all goes to "side drama" that I am completely sickened and tired of repeating.  This "cycle of the bitch" only perpetuates itself because of one person telling people not to state the truth openly and in public.  Personally, I have had more than enough experiences with this overdone group of bitter women that can't find love.  The fact is that these women along with the weak assed men that they live with are criminals playing like children with other people's lives.  This "side drama" is a smoke screen and a time wasting tool used by Jeffrey to stall justice.

Unfortunately I don't see it that way.  I see it as him giving this group of terrorist the right to fuck with my sister and me.  He's been green lighting this kind of behavior for 14 years and the Lesbian Mafia has done nothing but cost him money, put him in prosecutorial danger, and make his wife and son look bad.  At some point you have to pull the tampon, am I right?

The girls have under performed.  Which is what I've expected would happen.  It's hard to look like a crime fighter when you are a criminal like Lori Jean LaFond.  There are plenty of retired Chiefs of Police and fired cops that will tell you that these bitches are crazy and they cause problems.

It's time, once again, to refocus our attention on the real crime of rape, implantation, and infection.  Whether Missy is having cramps or not is not an issue for our investigation.  If one of her titties is bigger than the other, that's something that we, as professionals, do not care about, Jeffrey.  We can't be so concerned with Lori unusual menstrual flow, that we don't see the river for the stream.  I'm not really happy with the way Jeffrey has forced my sister to look, or my team, and lastly myself.  It's a constant game of "keep away" because of him.  That's obstruction.

Lori then pulls out this shit about how I am not nice to the Katzenbergs....which is extortion considering all the things that Jeffrey took from my investigation without a single word to me.   I won't be forced into saying something nice about someone simply because they stole money from me and demand it.

It's a constant battle between Jeffrey the Silent and Lori the Big Mouth.  Could there be a more horrific situation?  NO!

Why we haven't busted that home full of crystal meth or the storage unit that they usually store their drugs in, God only knows?  I feel like everything I did to expose this crime and the evidence there was to show it, was simply erased because Missy Erickson "got cramps" one time and Jeffrey had to flee to her bedside.  Gross.   He's married, I'm sure upset with his association with Missy and David, it's not a sexual affair, it's just a father that thinks he knows best, but he doesn't.  This is a life or death situation for me out of a criminal act.  Missy's life or death situation arises out of being a part of that criminal act.  There is a huge difference.

Perhaps "pull the tampon" is a bit not serious enough for what I mean.  Missy and David spent a lifetime stalking Jeffrey with Lori.  In that time they ingratiated themselves to Jeffrey, Marilyn, and tried to tie themselves to Benjamin.  Now the exposure should prove that there was no emotional or real tie to the Katzenbergs, just the desire to rob them, and in Lori's case, kill the Benjamin.  We need to cut the cord that emotionally binds Jeffrey to his three fuck ups...Bessie Smith, David Chicken Hawk, and Missy Erection.  These three have made a mockery out of an investigation that they weren't smart enough to know how to prevent in the first place.  So if they couldn't stop my friends from becoming informants or employed by us, they did the next best thing, they mocked us with Jeffrey's support.

They made a joke out of very serious charges and allegations that are supported by fact.  MRI's, postcards, disappearing crime lab reports, and a bogus restraining order all aimed at making me look like some kind of liar.
In fact, one of the most serious infractions in this case was, indeed, that trip to Sedona, Arizona.  The girls and David, made light of what they did.  My team is appalled at the lack of professionalism and danger that my life, and the lives of others, were put in.  This should never have continued beyond the year 2010, but for the "cheesecaking of reality" of one Missy Erickson and David the Chickenhawk.  There should have been police waiting for them when they got home or FBI members.

I'm hoping that someone will get the message that the picture above better be happening...because this clandestine relationship between Jeffrey and the enemy, is not something my life should depend upon while being held financially hostage for six and a half years.  What the fuck is up with that?

The solution to the Lesbian Mafia is not more Lesbian Mafia, it never has been.  The solution must come from the victims of this crime that never helped Lori LaFond.  The "Innocent" victims that are buried in their graves or homeless or still penniless or still fighting a criminal record or tax debt all racked up by Lori and her friends.  The girls are partying and the boys are begging for help.  It's sad.