Morally Conscious

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Friday, July 16, 2021

Thanks To The People That Cared


So I'm taking the blog offline today because my family can't afford to have Jeffrey and Marilyn Katzenberg continuing to threaten us with the money they stole and now want to blame on my sister.  It would seem to me that the pair have absolutely no understanding of what this crime has been like for my family or Lori's real family.  What I've experienced was a complete and total destruction of an investigation into my own shooting and rape.  I can't believe that someone like Jeffrey Katzenberg has decided that my life should be ruined so that his girlfriend Melissa can take a month off of a sentence that will see her in prison forever and ever.  This is the trade that Jeffrey made.

I wanted to say thank you to everyone that appeared to care and tried to understand the kind of problems that this has caused so many people.  I know that people will think I gave up, but the truth is that I am being forced to stop telling all of you the truth.  His majesty has spoken and his obstruction has done little more than put a child molester back on the street with her girlfriend that seems to think rape and murder are all a part of drug dealing.

I tried the honest approach with my friends and families of my friends, Jefferey chose to make them not friends any longer by appealing to them on a level of, "What will happen to my family if the truth is known about what I did in Sedona?"  Melissa and David did nothing more than make me the enemy on my own vacation.  His son has paid a huge price for allowing his father to make such piss poor decisions.  Jeffrey insisted on complete control over everything...and the result is just what you would expect from a homophobic man with the desire to change the make up of the city that his wife lives in.  No more gay men...especially anyone that would speak out against him.

I felt bad for Benjamin for a long time, but the time has come for me to let all of you know that this friendship cost me my entire life.  In the Weinstein cases Jeffrey has gone on record saying that he needed proof of their claims either way, but in our case, the proof lived with him in the form of his own son and son's best friend.  That wasn't enough for Jeffrey though, he needed to go along with the most hurtful of all the Lesbian Mafia.  Melissa Erickson has been nothing short of Hitler-like in her approach to snuffing out any person that would speak out against her.  Her shoot first and ask questions later attitude is what has gotten so many people killed in Palm Springs, California.  She is ruthless and cruel to every single family she encounters.  Jeffrey has sung her praises for years but his family has suffered mightily because of that endorsement.

Instead of doing what any father would or should have done, Jeffrey forced his son to live with his rapists.  There is little to no doubt that Melissa is referenced during Benjamin's own rape as one of "Lori's sisters" that will take over his life.  Boy didn't that let Jeffrey into the gang of drug addicted terrorists.

All you have to hear is Melissa Erickson's voice on the telephone while Lori is bludgeoning me to near death to know the sickness of these women.  They are killers, not heroes like Jeffrey has tried to make them.  He is as stupid as any man I've ever heard of.  He refuses to even listen to the veracity and horror of my rape.  Instead of stopping the girl on the phone during my rape, he invited her into Benjamin's home to live with him??? What kind of father would do something so horrific?  Then for him to buy them a home to continue to stalk my sister and me?  For what?  What in the universe would make a man do this to his own son?

One thing is for certain, he blames me for some reason!  I can't understand the bullshit that Bessie, Missy and David laid down on that family but it has cost me and my sister everything that we loved.  There is no excuse for Bessie Smith other than she is a liar and the world's worst choice for a friend for my sister.  There is no excuse for letting David ruin something else in Benjamin's life.  There is absolutely no reason for Missy Erickson to have been where she was, doing what she did, and acting like it was some big joke or that she was forced to do any of that.

I will remind all of you that Missy is the person suspected of taking MRI's from the hospital that kept me from being admitted in a life or death situation.  Not just once, but twice.  She used either her own nurse training or her friend Leah's training to collect any evidence of the rape she is on the phone discussing with Lori during her rage.  It's sick.

What's worse, she seen talking about spitting on Anthony right before the commission of his rape, obviously knowing what was about to happen.  "I should spit on him," Melissa says while Anthony is paralyzed before his rape, implantation and infection.  ALL for drugs. Missy isn't in her own home, no she's inside Jonathan's condo when this all takes place.  She shouldn't even be there.  She has no right.

All in all it is Jeffrey's bad attitude and worthless fathering that has caused so much pain. I can't talk to my friends, my family, or anyone simply because he is incompetent as a father.  He literally made his family the center of why this crime can't be solved and sold that to everyone of my friends.  "If you tell the truth, my family could be in trouble," he tells Christopher and others.  IF YOU DON'T LORI WILL KILL AGAIN!  So, once again, a man that has shown an utter disdain for his own family's safety is begging for people to hurt me to help them.  It's bullshit.

Bessie Smith is still living with him and obviously still not in custody for stealing from my mother and me.

The man stole $37,000 from me, point blank.  There isn't any other reason why he would do this other than to extort favors from my sister in the future.  She can't get the money back and NOBODY WILL APPROACH HIM!  It's ridiculous the kind of powerplay he's made on behalf of the terrorists.  If he does this, what makes any of you think that some of his movie proceeds also fund other terrorist organization here and abroad?

Just how diabolical is Jeffrey's plan?  We all know he's been slipping in his business deals of late.  We know he needs some kind of advantage and perhaps this is it?  Who knows?  All I can tell you is what Lori has made obvious to everyone, Jeffrey's money is all she cares about and even if she steals it, he's going to give her a free pass because of Missy Erickson and her family.  The Erickson Family should know that Missy has actors playing her parents on this system.  They aren't her real parents, just actors on a radio show but boy have they been representing the Erickson's like garbage.  They don't really do what parents would do or say.  This is a really bad human being and her life is a miserable wreck of thefts and family destructions.  It's her specialty.  She ruins the kids in the family first, and tries to make herself inexorable.  She's already tried to befriend my own sister and then you hear her on my rape video....there is no comparison between the two.

If any of you heard how she talks about my sister and me, you would understand that the act put forth to steal my money is Oscar worthy.  She's so phony and fake, you can't believe how pushy she is.  It's almost like Jeff has forced her to do this.  After all, Jeffrey used to call Bessie, Missy and David his "three amigos"....and "my friends".  These were the people that tried to kill me and his son.

Lori's friend Missy is the perfect compliment for a rapist of Lori's caliber.  She gets the need for drugs and pumps Lori full of false information to get her to act.  There isn't anything normal or natural about their relationship, it's simply a drug dealing organization with two women that hate men.  They hate Jeffrey too, but he is loyal to them to the very end.  He's told everyone he won't help me and it's pretty clear that the more truth I tell the more is taken from me.

The funny thing is that I never asked him to be here or for his help.  Period.  He took it upon himself to become this monster of a human being that thought it better to abuse his son and my mother, than to stay out of it or help us out.  He got involved then said to "keep his name out of it".  How can you hire people to rob me and then keep his name out of it?  How can Benjamin even justify this?  How exactly can he take this money from my sister and keep his name out of it when it was HIS NAME that got the money from my account???  I don't know how this local team could even think that what they are doing is better than what Lori's friends have done for decades to me and my sister.  Remember, this crime is about a murder and several attempted murders in my circumstance, of members of my own family.  Jeffrey seems content to cover this up for the girls.  His wife, the same.  Apparently his son isn't any different.

This is the only case where I've seen that the criminals have every single advantage and the victims, though many and broad, have nobody.  My friends abandoned them.  Barbara abandoned them.  I didn't abandon them and I paid the highest price of all.  This is a warning that the girls want you all to is a flexing of their criminal intent.

This crime is run like the mafia...police officers, hospital employees, and so many more people that have "acting jobs" on a terrorist network.  This isn't a game for the real victims of this crime.  It's not a radio show like you think.  No this is a rape culture in Palm Springs, California like no other.  As long as the victims shut their mouths, this rape culture will continue through your children, David Beach's children, and so many others.  It sickens me to think of all the advantages that Jeffrey handed the criminals, from cars, to homes, to vacations, to Christmas', to all kinds of treasures and burials.  I can't imagine rewarding someone who calls during the middle of a rape to see how it's going?  He's fucking nuts.

He insisted on sending Missy and David to Sedona, Arizona during a restraining order filed by Lori.  The pair immediately left the site of our investigation to help commit crimes, felonious crimes, in the State of Arizona.  The restraining order was a complete work of fiction that Jeffrey watched.  He watched Lori create some fictional job and file a fictional restraining order so that his friends to go to Arizona and try to put me in jail.  He watched Lori prepare a fake Riverside lab report that completely contradicted the first and saw the conversations between the Police Chief and Lori when it came to this crime.

What he allowed was one person to be stalked incessantly while warning away all of his friend and their families not to stop him.  He literally pushed everyone aside to see what he wanted; a complete and planned destruction of a person that dared to help his son and his best friend.  That's the kind of sick man that he is.  What was his point?  Because he felt sorry for someone he played judge, jury, and executioner...she's a professional liar and scam artist.  He killed all hope of my happiness.  Literally told them to play dead...that's the honest truth.

What we did to his, Jeffrey's, family.  That's what he used.  I didn't rape his son.  I didn't rape Martin.  I didn't stalk his family nor did I break into his wife's home and poison the food.  I didn't lock their son in jail without any of the protections that were previously set up...ignored.  His anger seems to be pointed at me, and I did none of these things, but his friend Missy and David did.  David allowed Lori to rob the Katzenberg home and Jeffrey felt sorry for him?  How in the fuck did that happen?  It was far more important to ruin my damaged family than it was to protect his...and he has the nerve to say "what we did to his family?"  Ludacris.   

Right now there is a little man suffering...his own son...and he's so absorbed by hurting me that he can't even attend to those feelings or the feelings of anyone he screwed over.  It's excruciating to hear.  It's impossible to feel anything but anger at his tunnel vision and his lack of empathy for his own son.  I think Jeffrey believes that he knows how to best help Benjamin by hurting him.  That's horrible thinking.  THIS IS MISSY ERICSON'S FINEST WORK.  SHE SAW THE WORLD'S WEALTHIEST AND EASIEST MARK AND DESTROYED EVERYONE SHE COULD WITH HIM.

So thanks to the people that cared, and to the people that didn't, I pray that this never happens to any of you.  If it does, I'm no longer the advocate for the Katzenberg Family...they seem to have it all worked out!

The worst part is that Jeffrey's decision to Missy-ONLY this investigation was based on a conversation that he had with two people that pretended to be Missy's parents.  Actors.  Only available when Missy would hand the phone to Jeffrey for a conversation....Missy's rule.  He promised my life away based on a fake conversation with two actors...because he's an idiot.  Two actors that, when caught, will face charges of aiding and abetting an attempted murder or two.  Including his own son's rape and attempted "daddy" is that?   That's the kind of father we can all do without.

That Christopher actually felt more sorry for Jeffrey and Marilyn than my own family is a tragedy.  That he still doesn't have the heart to put an end to this for me, even worse.  What I do know is that this adventure wasn't worth the time I put into it for him or myself, because in the end, it was just myself that got penalized.

That Jonathan would give a man like this a second and third chance to hurt me and my sister is undeniably horrible.  There is nothing less appealing to me that what has happened for absolutely nothing.  Not one single gain came from knowing or helping Missy Erickson or Bessie Smith.  There isn't a single person in this universe that had a better chance of stopping these girls than Marilyn Katzenberg.  Instead of "mama bearing" for her son, she handed him over to the very girls that hurt still lives there.  It's the saddest thing I've ever heard of.

The danger is real.  The story is true.  Whatever Jeffrey has to not say about a crime.

And now pipe bombs?!?!  That was today's conversation with Lori who has allegedly already sent out a wish list to bomb my car or blow up my family.  Pipe bombs!!!  This is an act of terrorism...whether it is true or not the mentioning of it to her victims is like robbing a bank with a bar of soap.  It's still the same armed robbery whether the soap is gun, real or not.  It's the state of mind that Lori puts people in that is the crime, something Jeffrey knows little about.  The bank teller doesn't know that a finger in a pants pocket is a gun or a finger so her actions at the bank are based on her state of mind!  A finger gun in a pocket can send you to prison for an armed robbery, just like sending messages that say, "I want $5000" can be a threat if it is made by someone with a violent past or not.