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Friday, June 18, 2021

Steven Frey, Jackson Velin, and Mortgage Fraud By Lori Jean LaFond


Initially when I agreed to do police informant work, I was very specific.  I didn't want to work on any other case than Steven Frey.  As most of you know Steven was a friend of mind, still is by the way.  You could characterize our friendship as something that started around 19 years old when I visited Palm Springs.

Steven was working for Scott Lyle, a very prominent real estate agent in our area and he was making really good money.  In fact Steven had a beautiful home to himself right on Sunny Dunes Drive in Warm Sands, Palm Springs.  It's this one.

This house was worth about $1.5 million at the time that I met Steven.  That was in 1986 or 1987.   Steven and I have known each other about as long as I've known Jonathan Mendenhall.  So you can see when I was 18 or 19 years old, Steven was doing pretty well after working for a radio station in Yucca Valley for Gary Daignault.  I liked Steven very much and he was the boyfriend of Jackson Velin, who is also a close friend of mine.  I met him around that time too.

What is wicked about this was that when I met Steven I was staying with my friend Roger, right down the street from this house.  I was with Roger when Lori came into his home, knocked me out, and gave me HIV in the first place.  It was in Roger's home that I was raped first, but didn't notice anything because Lori was using needles back then to infect.  Now she uses frozen blood.  The funny thing is that I introduced Steven to Roger before I went back to college in Riverside.  Steven, I think, blames Roger for infecting him or for getting him implanted.  Lori started following my friends way back then.  Incidentally Steven and Roger could be lookalikes.

So I wouldn't seen Steve Frey again until after I was shot at in San Diego.  We're talking from 1987 to 2003 about 16 years.  In that time something serious had happened to Steven and me.   I was a successful courtroom deputy in San Diego, working for a terrific judge and making good money.  I was being followed for the 16th year by these gang stalkers so I was pretty used to being accompanied every where I went by cars with people glaring at me.  When I got shot at downtown San Diego, I had to leave that job for the safety of the court.  Lori spied on me the entire time and even into my first counseling session that my boss required I go to at the E.A.P.  In that session I told the therapist about my problems, the shooting and how I'd handled it poorly.  It ended up causing a whole thing as Lori listened in and called my boss to tell him what I'd disclosed to my therapist.  It caused a huge rift while Lori pretended to be some kind of law enforcement watching me and telling my Clerk of Court that she was following me everywhere...something he repeated to me and I told my lawyer.  Finally I knew who was following was the new Clerk of Court.  Of course that didn't make sense to me because he was new but he did tell me he had people following me everywhere.  I was already on edge with the shooting and now my boss was following me.  I resigned under the agreement that I was 100% rehirable.

So I moved to Palm Springs and as things would go, I ran back into Steven Frey, but things were dramatically different.  Just like my life had been turned upside down, so had his.  Instead of the $1.5 million house he was in, he was living in a shithole apartment on Chuckwalla on the north end of Palm Springs.  Life hadn't been good for him either.  I'd known him a long time but now he was selling drugs.  No big deal to me.  I was looking for the person that shot at me and drugs were what she was into.  Besides he and I were friends and he would introduce me to other friends that would look out for me.  Chuck Cheeld, the former airport commissioner and his friend Gary Bowman.  They were all friends and all were implanted, but they didn't talk about it.

I immediately liked being around Steven because he and I are similar.  He's really intelligent and loves to listen to music and sew and upholster.  It started off weird though because I think he was interested in having more but I didn't want a drug dealer for a boyfriend...and I told him so.  So we became close friends.  His apartment, he told me was owned by two lesbians in Long Beach but he was moving to a new place behind a vacation home on Compadre, near the police department.   I helped him move.  The new place was really beautiful but a guest quarters for the main house owned by Arnold Kassoy, a tax attorney from San Francisco.  Arnold and his boyfriend met me so that they knew I would be around and they had no problem with it.  It was Steven's way of protecting me.

Steven literally had nothing.  He was selling drugs and at the time I was mostly concerned with finding my own job and seeing if I could find him legitimate work.  I know Steven as a hard worker, not a drug dealer at that point and I told him I didn't want anything to do with it.  He was cool.  I was mostly spending my time writing in my diary while we would hang out.  Our friendship was non-sexual...and later it was more me that wanted a relationship and not we stayed friends.  I could tell he was hearing the same voices I was...but he was not going to tell me anything about it until he said, after years of silence that "Peter was a hit man for the mob and he was going to kill his parents if he talked to me."  This is probably in my diaries but when I talked to my father...he wanted me to go and see Bryan Anderson.  We did and he brought up Lori LaFond's name, calling her a friend.  She is not someone I talked about because I don't talk shit about people's friends, so I said nothing.  Instead I asked Bryan if his department would use one drug dealer to turn in all the others...he said no.  Lori LaFond's name was stuck in my mind then because the female voice behind Peter's was sounding like Lori's; my high school bully.

Right after that conversation I was raped and gay bashed inside Steven's home.  Lori LaFond lived about a block away in LaPalme in apartment #74; the apartment she was in bore the name "Fry" and the female voice was, at that time, saying she was "Steven's sister" and that what I was experiencing was her father's invention.  If you look up the "Frey effect" you will see that this is named just like Steve Frey's name.  Lots of it was developed in the Riverside and Loma Linda areas.  It made sense.   I went to LaPalme and discovered on the kiosk that "Fry" was in apartment #74.  Steven's real sister doesn't live in Palm Springs, she's somewhere else.

The story was that Steven's family had set this up with the police to catch other drug dealers and that Steven was protected.  This is, only one block from police headquarters.  That's why I asked Bryan the question I did.  Even some of the police officers that I ran into would say stuff like, "I know what Steven is doing over there," and shit like that.

After the rape, I was getting arrested at an alarming rate and Steven was hospitalized with 4th stage syphilis and he was almost dead.  I literally reported the rape, after saying that I was going to do that with Steven, and the very next day I was arrested twice.  The second arrest was on Steven's property while delivering Arnold Kassoy's mail; something I was allowed to do.  I was going to feed Steven's cats and deliver his mail.  I had been arrested the night before and taken to jail naked and when released in the morning I was walking home in October in paper jail clothing.  I remembered Steven wanted me to do those chores, and this place was on my way home.  I set off the alarm when I used the key that "Steven's sister" had put under the mat.  The police came and I was arrested again even though I told them I had permission to be there.  They didn't check.  It was the beginning of my understanding of the police link to the courthouse to Lori LaFond.

Remember, at this point, Lori was telling me that she was "Steven's sister" on this system.  So being arrested at Steven's home, at his request, seemed like a set up.  I was sent to Indio and went to jail for the first time in my life.  At my arraignment, something very odd happened, I was allowed to plead guilty and was sentenced.  I was the last guy in the courtroom after waiting all day...and the judge sentenced me against the advice of the defense counsel that said that he could have everything reduce if I wanted to wait two more weeks, but my mom and sister were there and I was offered release that day if I would agree to three years of probation and the completion of a drug diversion class.  The crime I was charged with was burglary and two drug tests at the hospital showed I wasn't on drugs.  Remember, my skull was smashed in and I wasn't thinking drugs.  So this is an illegal sentence and since I was a courtroom deputy clerk, I know that it's illegal to sentence at an arraignment (first appearance) and you can't send someone to drug diversion unless there were drugs involved and there weren't.  It was a stiff sentence, way too stiff, and I could tell that Lori was in on it.

So I started doing research as an informant at the county recorder's office right next to the police station at that time.  What I found was interesting to say the least.  I found that over the years Steven, the subject of my informant work, was in debt to the IRS for over $412,000, a huge amount for someone with absolutely no income.  I knew something was up then because Steven and I lived pretty much hand to mouth barely able to keep our own apartments.  Further checking showed that Steven was the owner of the home in Cathedral City that Jackson Velin lived in.  Honestly I was dumbfounded.  This home was located right next to Barbara's and just up the street from where Lori had been squatting.  Jackson has a full time job and I couldn't believe that Steven was the owner.  When Steven got arrested for drugs finally, I showed Jackson this information so that he could prepare for a drug seizure due to back taxes owned by the home's owner, Steven Frey.

I took all that information and the information about a whole lot of aliases for Steven and Sheree Frey to the police before he was arrested.  I know that homes can be part of drug forfeitures and that home of Jackson's could be lost to the IRS.  

The police, as usual, did nothing and even when Steven was arrested, he was still given a surrender date on a rather medium drug case.  He wasn't given a first offense chance to go to drug diversion, because Lori had used Steven's phone number to threaten me and I prosecuted him for it.  "U r a deadman" showed up on my phone when my mother was with me in a car coming back from Indio.  I knew Steven didn't send it but it was the way I thought I could have him in enough trouble for him to meet with Bryan Anderson to talk about what happened with my rape.  I wrote Steven's mother and father, his attorney, and others about how I knew he didn't send this and that I needed him to let me speak at his sentencing.  Lori pulled more strings and I didn't get to.

All the while, I never really wanted Steven to go to jail.  Once I knew he owed so much money I then also knew why he had to sell drugs.   Afterall, Lori had just had me fired after getting a promotion at a 5 star resort in Desert Hot Springs.  So having a job isn't something Lori allows and Steven was her drug dealer as I saw him making trips without a car to the complex she lived in.

From what I understand Lori has had problems with putting her name on other people's homes with the information she gleaned from this mind reading tech.  My friend Brian, his stage name is Morgan McMichaels, is also from Palm Springs and I've heard that Lori once put her name on his mother's home and tried to have him kicked out.  You all know Brian from RuPaul's Drag Race.  He is a friend of Benjamin Katzenberg and Martin.  He was once the target of all Lori's hatred too.  His friends went through the same thing my friends did...all framed up for drugs or burglaries and sentenced to the harshest sentences.  His story should be recalled by the police that tried to have him removed as Lori told them, "I'm the owner of this home."  

The scam apparently is using a victim's information and refinancing a home once they are not upside down.  Lori then contacts the bank, refinances the home, and skims off the money that they make when they refinance.  You can also refinance by switching the names of the owners back and forth.  In Steven's case Lori did this between him and his sister.  This is why both Steven and Sheree Frey have multiple aliases...of course the owed money to the IRS is probably from capital gains taxes that are owed when you sell a home before three years.    It wasn't that Steven owed all this money, it was that Lori had pretended to be his sister and traded home ownership back and forth so many times that he ended up in huge debt to the IRS.  This should have been caught when he was eventually arrested in Cat City for drugs but for some reason, he escaped what should have been kicked to federal court to explain.  There was also GHB involved in that case that mysteriously drops out of site in the sentencing.  It's a high drug schedule and should have gone to the federal court in Riverside.  Lori manufactures GHB, so getting rid of it was smart for her.  She allegedly put this drug at Steven's home, and called the cops...

So this whole situation was pretty horrible for Steven.  The reality is that he was forced to sell drugs to Missy Erickson and Lori LaFond or they would turn him into the police.  I remember getting him legit work doing cement and Lori would go ballistic.  He also found cement work on his own.  The problem is that if you do this kind of work, and they pay you for it, the IRS will take every single dime.  He couldn't do anything without this happening.  It's an evil world when you are Lori's supplier.  I should know, I was living with him.  Once Lori had the nerve to rob Benjamin Katzenberg and steal $150,000 she finally had enough money to buy a huge quantity of meth from Steven.

I told Bryan Anderson  about this and gave him information, but he didn't do anything about it.  Lori is still living off of that meth supply.  Steven knows how much she spent with Missy Erickson...and he knows that there were movies and entertainment discs given to him by Lori that were stolen from Jeffrey Katzenberg.  Steven didn't know where they came from but I would learn that later.

I just want everyone to know that I'm so sorry I couldn't have done more for you.  I have all the connections and all the right attorneys to do this but there were circumstances beyond my control that ruined that whole plan...stealing the money I'd saved for an attorney was the final straw.  There is an easy and provable case and I know that my friends in San Diego would stop this crime without a single doubt.  I trusted the wrong friends and they fucked all of us over, but I am still willing to help someone like Brian (Morgan McMichaels) and his family as long as they don't involve themselves with Jeffrey Katzenberg.  He's really taken all of the life out of me.