I was wondering why some of my friends have been calling Lori Jean LaFond, "Angie", like the Rolling Stones song. So I did some research...here's what I found out.
The reason they call her Angie is because Lori has been known to have cut the finger off of one of her victims that refused to have sex with her or refused to pay her for drugs. The consensus is not clear so I'm reporting both as an either/or. They call her Angie "Phalange" (Fuh-lanj-ee) because I am hearing that there were body parts left in the apartment (#74) of the LaPalme Apartment Complex in Palm Springs, California. I'm not surprised.
So what do Galileo and Lori LaFond have in common? See this picture above? That is Galileo's finger. Yes, someone actually cut the finger off of his corpse and hid it for about a century. Why? Who knows? Lori also has a similar situation, in that, found inside her apartment, was the finger of a human being. Similarly, when Lori raped me, the second time in Palm Springs, she broke out my tooth and later stole it from me. It's silver backed cap with a post and DNA inside the pulp of the tooth. You can see from this picture post rape, that it was knocked loose during that violent encounter. Take a look.
You can see from this picture below that her attack broke my nose and jarred my front tooth loose. By the time she had me arrested, the day after reporting the rape, my tooth was gone. It ended up in Lori's possession:
What you are not seeing is the tooth is missing by the time I report the rape at home to Officer Fieux. Then the front tooth is allegedly found in one of my prescription bottles in Lori's possession. How could this happen if she wasn't involved in the rape? She also showed even more of my stolen items to Christopher Monti too. She was trying to concoct a story about how she and I "dated in high school". That is completely false as you can see from her restraining order where she says, "I know nothing about him since high school." Yeah but she has the tooth knocked out from my rape and another person's finger? Come on, this is a sicko!
If I was a police detective, I would go to the hospital to check for logs or a video tape of someone stealing my MRI's from the radiology department. It's easy if you think about it. The MRI photo above came directly from my MRI's taken after the rape. For someone to know I was at the E.R. and was getting an MRI that needed to be stolen to keep her safe, Lori had to send someone after the MRI was taken and before an E.R. review. The time stamp of the MRI IS ON THE MRI ITSELF WITH MY NAME. For example, if someone stole the original MRI's from the lab, it would have to have been after 1:55 am (I couldn't sleep through the PAIN) on September 29, 2007 but not long afterwards. It had to be taken after the MRI but before the ER doctor got a look at it...minutes of difference. It takes someone with that hospital's particulars and procedures for MRI's. Perhaps a nursing student like Leah Fauntleroy or Missy Erickson. Someone unnoticeable because they were there all the time and wouldn't cause a stir.
This happened twice too. You can check the date and time of the second MRI and see the same stamps...you would look for the same behavior twice!!! Two times someone knew I was there and knew how to steal them to keep Lori from being investigated.
I want everyone to know that this HAS happened to other victims. Someone is stealing MRI's or Xrays to keep from being reported as a violent crime...remember, whoever was behind it also called the police and told them not to come to the E.R.. I was there waiting for a LONG TIME, nobody ever showed up after the E.R. called the police automatically. Someone kept the police from showing and stole the MRI's. Wouldn't it make sense that the rapist was behind that? Who else would know or care?
So who's finger did Lori chop off? She always calls these attacks and shootings "warning shots". You never know what she is warning you about, it just is. I keep reminding Lori that you can't make someone respect you by acting disrespectful...it's the opposite. You also can't cut someone's finger off without any conversation and expect them to know who or why it was done.
Someone told me it was her father's finger that she cut off as a warning to him not to turn this system off again. Lori has a whole lot of her father's military id's and we are assuming that she uses them to log into the EBL (electronic brain linking) system. Once her father found out, he called the Marines and shut her down. Lori then called them back and had it turned back on. This would go back and forth for a while until Lori cut his finger off. She's been known to abuse the elderly in the past so...this isn't out of character for her.
Someone with some kind of police skills should have the finger DNA tested and compare it to the DNA in the needles from her apartment. Lord knows there was enough DNA in that shithole! Someone needs to find out why Lori would have her own father's severed finger and when did she take it?
In the long run if they compared that finger's DNA with the DNA inside my body, they may find out that the rapists were related to the owner of that finger. Wouldn't it be hilarious if Lori's own father's finger is the one that pointed to the rapist?
Total true crime fantasy story right? Maybe not. I would love for Lori's father to be the person that cracked the case!!!
In the meantime, Lori pretty much threatened Missy Erickson's family and Jeffrey Katzenberg's family yesterday morning. It wasn't funny to let people know that their own family members are now part of Lori's cult of personality. Are they being held against their will? Lori's threats come in all kinds of shapes and sizes, and there is no doubt her friends are involved, but we may have to have prosecutors working with others that have been in a similar situation in order for the right prosecutorial calls to be made. In Lori's opinion: "We're going to get caught, we might as well do whatever we want." There are levels of culpability to some of the charges...why give yourself time when you don't have to?
I can't believe she has turned into such a weird person. I mean, she was always trying to physically hurt me. She was the most verbally abusive person I've ever encountered, and I've been in court. Lori has a problem controlling her anger and she goes blind with rage. She is, as far as I know, still sought after for the car incident in high school where she pushed her friend under a bus....er...I mean...a moving car. Is that foreshadowing for Missy and the rest in Lori's home? Words have power, violence is not an option.