It's official, there are members of the current and past presidential cabinets that are now aware of our problem with domestic terrorism as it pertains to Lori Jean LaFond and her stolen brain linking system. Honestly, it took this long to get the real message about this crime into the ears of the people that deal with domestic terrorism and I couldn't be happier.
Remember a few years back that President Obama put together an exploratory committee to look into incidents of remote neural monitoring and electronic harassment issues. Those hearing have a resonance with the current administration apparently. I don't want to give too much away but the federal government is now aware of Lori's torture and human rights violations and they know where this technology came from.
My team grew up in the 9/11 era...we know what domestic terrorism looks like and what we are supposed to do when something like this is occurring. I mentioned to someone recently that Lori Jean LaFond has used this spying technique to keep our local FBI Office from doing anything to help us; she reroutes any complaints to the FBI field office back to the Palm Springs Police, which is worthless to the victims as they are implanted as well. I doubt that the FBI would think that was a good idea. Moreover, keeping a citizen from reporting domestic terrorism to a federal investigative agency, is a crime. In our case this is the crime itself. That it was done through the FBI without any results, isn't done in a vacuum. Lori watched everything we say and do so if one of us steps out of line, she'll call the FBI office and act like she is Rae Fernandez and that she is assigned to looking into electronic harassment cases. Of course, Lori then tells the FBI agents that whoever reported this crime is a suspected crystal meth user....which isn't true. Lori is simply trying to keep them from, as she says it, "sniffing around", but the FBI should be aware that officers at the PSPD are PART OF THE CRIME...and are implanted with these chips. It's highly illegal and accesses the U.S. Navy's brain linking system. This has to be stopped and we've finally made contact with members of the Biden Cabinet.
Another aspect that we intend to prove to the federal government is the gang stalking aspect where people are contacted to "follow" a victim of this crime. Hundreds of cars were used in my stalking and we have the names and addresses for many of the stalkers. We intend to prove to the federal government that this kind of stalking on our freeways and in airports is highly dangerous and illegal. A group of cars flying down the highway trying to surround one person in a car is very dangerous. It's an act of terrorism.
We also intend to show illegal access of the Verizon Wireless system through overcharged phone bills for the victims' families and an excessive and criminal use of our families portable phone numbers. A number of people have been LifeLocking their accounts which includes phone numbers, email addresses, web sites (like this one), bank accounts and other things...some of their phone bills have been investigated and I'm hearing that the IP Address is all coming from Joshua Tree, California where Lori is living with her brother.
We can prove this is a military connection which is being accessed illegally by the daughter of Sgt. Maj. Eugene C. LaFond, (deceased). Lori has continued to use her father's id's illegally even after his death. The rumor is that she is also obtaining syringes though his VA medical benefits...this is also synonymous with crystal meth use and sales.
There is still the lingering issue of sex trafficking of minors during our vacation to Sedona, Arizona and whether or not Lori Jean LaFond can be linked to the items left behind which included drug paraphernalia and drug precursors as well as crystal meth. Drugs in conjunction with children possibly raped aggravates the charges especially if there was child pornography created while in Sedona. These allegations would all fall under the violation of federal law with regards to a police informant (me) crossing state lines all while Lori Jean had a restraining order placed against me for a job she didn't work and a person she isn't. So there's a lot to go...
The FBI needs to know the names of the implanted officers so that they may make inquiry. Of course, the police officers' answers are going to be interesting since they can't use these devices at work by local law. How then are they not violating local Palm Springs law?
We already have one former police officer ready to testify as to his own implantation and disgust with the use of this type of information gathering. There will be many others.
I'd like to thank everyone for making the effort to be better Americans. We've just lived through what it is likely to happen if citizen vigilantes get ahold of the government before we do. My team is primarily LGBTQ but our hearts beat American first...and we love being a part of the solution to a domestic terrorism that has spread all over the world.