Morally Conscious

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Thursday, March 11, 2021

There Are Others That Need My Help More...People That Actually Are Friends


Ok, so who can I help next?  Lori, of course is squealing with delight like a pig in her own shit (perfect reference) because she thinks that I am going to find people that she can hurt.  It's not going to happen that way at all.

I want to be very clear here so as not to repeat the mistakes I made before.  Jonathan, Anthony, and Christopher are my friends, but they aren't the friends that I thought they were.  There are friends that tell the truth to their friends right off the bat about this system and there are friends that pretend that they don't know a thing and lie to your face.  There isn't any reason to believe that my friends aren't nice people, but I am not really involved in their living situation nor am I planning to be in the future.  There are too many things that make me think that it would be for all the wrong reasons and I feel like they traded my friendship for security for themselves.  That's another kind of friend that you get in this crime...the ones that only think of themselves.

11 years ago, Barbara, Anthony, and Jonathan lied to me and set me up in a very dangerous situation in Sedona, Arizona.  While Anthony was given all the information that he needed to keep himself safe, he did nothing to help me to understand that my life was in total danger.  Then he pulled a classic Barbara move on me and acted like the whole trip was my fault with his pocket full of cash that he'd stolen from me.  I'd never see or hear from him ever again two days later.  This, I've found out was Barbara's idea to keep me in a position for Lori and her former employees to hurt me and my sister/mom.  For years Christopher, Anthony, and Jonathan would continue to live and work with Barbara who continued to keep them away from me for as long as she could.  It might be forever, who knows.

Remember way back when I was moving out of the home that I was forced into living in?  Well, at the same time, Barbara was moving out of hers.  The story I got was that Barbara and my three friends were moving to San Diego because of the danger here.  Barbara then passed my life off to Jeffrey Katzenberg with this: "I have to do something for Kevin or I'll look like I did this on purpose."  What a fucking line of bullshit that was.  What truly transpired was that Barbara had finally substituted all of her lousy assed money grubbing strippers for all of my friends, something that Barbara has been doing behind my back probably for the last twenty or so years.  She has been finding my friends on this system and one by one telling them this little secret but her only request was that none of them should be a friend of mine again.  I'm kind of thinking that she stole that idea from Lori Jean LaFond who has always wanted to have my friends as hers.  Oh they all fall at her feet like she is the queen of benevolence but the truth is that she used the fuck out of me and sent my life to the man that tried to have me killed or arrested in Sedona, Arizona.

You don't see Jeffrey in charge of Jonathan's life do you?  What I see is Jeffrey trying desperately to cause a problem between my sister and me.  I also see where the person that stole my money is living....with Jeffrey.  The other two people that came here with Bessie are, in fact, living with Lori Jean LaFond.  Mind you this money was stolen 5 years ago putting my sister in the awkward position of having to be lied to by Jeffrey and his wife who still haven't been honest with her, me, or my family.  It's a concerted effort by Jeffrey to make me as miserable as he possibly can.  Missy and David's role? Find a way to hurt Kevin that will either result in death or prison.  I'm not really happy with the hand off of my life to a man that tried to have me killed, ambush style, in Sedona, Arizona.

Mind you, if you did do this to me, you got a free place to live with Alice Mendenhall.  In fact, if you hurt me, you get a free place to live with Jeffrey too.  Now Alice and company have contacted my other friends in San Diego and are using them for various things like real estate and insurance issues.  Not only is this rude and ungrateful, it's absolutely classless and intentionally hurtful.  In my life, I've never seen a group of people use someone as horribly as I've been used after all I'm the person that told Alice, Marie Monti, and other parents about this crime without any prejudice because I thought these "friends" were real friends, not just ra-da-da friends that use and steal just like Missy and her friends.  It's true, Jonathan is in receipt of more stolen items of mine than anyone else.

I would like to remind all of you that it wasn't any of them that found the illegal storage container in Jonathan Mendenhall's name.  That was all me.  I got it from some guys in San Diego that don't even like Jonathan or Anthony...something that they could never have done.  I did that for Jonathan.  The response?  Silence.  In fact, it's been nothing but silence except to let me know that everyone that I considered a friend now lives in secret with Jonathan.  I thought I'd finally found the group of friends that would be loyal to the person that did the most work to help them.  Indeed, the smartest thing I did for Anthony was to have him report the kiddie porn and show him that his court case was rigged.  Far more important than painting Barbara's house.  In fact, Barbara did nothing to help any of these three with the real problem, she just took my friends and ran away.

It's not uncommon for these operators to think only of themselves.  They do it all the time.  I was thinking, today, about living with Christopher wherever they have him hidden.  Then I thought, wait, if he doesn't want me there and he hasn't said a word to me, then why would I want to?  I'm not a charity case like Anthony or Tracy...but Jonathan somehow values their friendship far above mine.  In fact, he set up this neural network near my family so that Lori would be closer than ever to all of us and it's been a Hell of a bad idea.  You would think he would have better sense, but that's the kind of friends that I have.

Someone mentioned the business opportunities that Jonathan's family has for people, but I wanted to let all of you know that it is a good idea, it's just got nothing to do with me.  They have homes and land and they are letting people live there and invest.  I am certainly not on the list of people that has been invited but Missy and Bessie told my sister that I was so that they could steal all of my mom's money out of our bank account.

Tonight I heard Mrs. Mendenhall's comment, "I've done so much to help everyone!"  She's done everything she can think of?  Really?  I've miscalculated my friendships with these people.  I was under the assumption that I was their friend, but after years and years of Barbara's brain washing, they all sing her song.  None of them acts like a friend to me, but they all fall all over Barbara who could have cared less about Anthony and Christopher for years and years.

You see it is easier for Barbara to blame me for her mistakes than it is for her to tell the truth.  It's odd how all the girls that lived with her now live here and do nothing more than steal and lie.  She, on the other hand, ended up with every friend of mine in the her choice of now friends with Christopher's family...and still she has never done one single thing to help me or my sister in this situation.  It's as if she has completely changed into Lori LaFond.  Mean and nasty...conniving and cheesecakey...and in the long run still trying to make it look like she didn't do exactly what I said she did.  But she did.  Doesn't she have any friends of her own?

I'm just wondering if it ever dawned on her that moving to San Diego with all of my friends would effect me?  How can she possibly do that and not have a single thought about what doing this would do to me emotionally, personally, financially and on a trustworthy level.  What she did was hijack my friendships with well over twenty gay men.  What she did was obstruct justice and took away the other informant in the case advising him not to ever talk to me again.  I think that it's just another bitter old maid from the strip club trying to live out her gay fantasies with friends of mine thinking that she could take my place.

The rumor was and is that Barbara went behind my back multiple times to do the same thing with other friends of mine.  She used these gay men to keep the girls safe until they all broke bad.  Instead of being safer with my own friends, she sent me a truck load of worthless old hags that like to steal and lie.  She got all of my friends in exchange for all of her father's former employees.  It's a really terrible thing to know that your friends sold you out for the woman that is known for stealing Kevin's friends.  Barbara had more than enough opportunities to talk with me while she lived next to Jackson Velin, she decided she would rather not.  If Christopher wants to know why I don't want to live there, you can look to Barbara for the answer.  It's awkward and they are all in love with her.  What they don't realize are all the people that Barbara poisoned against me while I did the work that none of them did.

It was indeed Barbara that set me up in Sedona, Arizona by prepping Anthony and telling him to lie.  Jonathan knew that Lori had tried to kill me in both San Diego and Palm Springs, and he led me into a death trap that he never spoke of again.  It was a group effort and he made the most out of making me feel like a bad person the entire time that I was there.  Anthony supplied the razor sharp anger at me for doing nothing more than trying to thank him for helping me in Palm Springs.  He literally blamed me for things going awry in Arizona when HE WAS THE ONE THAT KNEW IT WAS GOING TO HAPPEN.  He has only himself to blame for the way that turned out.

They all entered into an agreement with Jeffrey to keep my attempted murder a secret.   His girlfriend, Missy Erickson, is the woman that went to the hospital emergency room, TWICE, to remove the MRI"s of my smashed skull and injured brain.  The first time she saw how bad the damage was, so did Barbara.  How did Barbara get my MRI's?  Missy stole them.  The second time I went to the emergency room, my brain was about to explode and knowing my injuries, Missy stole them again.  This shows that Missy was involved in the attempted murder either after the fact or in the commission.  Barbara literally allowed me to go to someplace remote where Lori and her friends came prepared to kill me.  Anthony said nothing.  Jonathan said nothing.  To this day I wonder what the two of them were thinking when they knew Lori was there during a restraining order that was falsely filed against me for the City of LaQuinta and Lori LaFond.  The same Lori LaFond that Barbara knows from the strip club and knew would be in Arizona.  It's just more of a coverup than anyone realizes.  Forget that Barbara was once raped by Lori too...she couldn't have cared less about what was going to happen...and when I got back she told Anthony to never talk to me again...and he didn't.  So much for fair weather friends.

They literally let the woman that filed a restraining order against me, the same woman that beat my skull to pieces, follow me to Arizona for another attempt on my life then had the nerve to act like it was my fault for asking them.  I wish I'd never gone there with either of them.  It was a huge mistake.  I wouldn't make it again ever.  My intention was pure, their was evil.  I wanted Jonathan to go and see his father who was less than a half an hour away, instead he and his son are now both playing dead and acting like they've been oblivious to the obstruction of justice that cost me my life savings.  Barbara made the decision for me.  She handed me over to Jeffrey and Marilyn so that he could continue to torture me, my sister and worst of all, my elderly mother.  Proof?  Bessie Smith, the thing that stole the money from my sister, is living with Benjamin Katzenberg like some kind of hero.  Is that what a hero is?  I've heard that Jeffrey was ecstatic that Bessie Smith stole this meant that he would continue to control my sister and me for as long as he could.  It was over five years ago that Bessie stole this money...that money was for "protection and a home" is what I was told.  So far I've lived in a garage, a box, and at my parent's house....he's a billionaire and this is what he did to me.

Every single time Jeffrey tells Missy, "I still haven't done anything for Kevin, Missy," which is a signal to her to keep trying to find a way to hurt Kevin some more.  They used to use other signals but everyone caught on to their little tryst.   Afterall, after Sedona, he bought David, Missy and Bessie an entire house to live in.  He bought Missy a car too.  That sounds like a reward to me, but he says it isn't.  I guess the home that Missy and Bessie were talking about wasn't for me, it was for them.  It was a bald faced lie.

Like I said, I am forced to call these three friends of mine.  I am supposed to be understanding and loyal to them, but they've shown absolutely zero loyalty to me and my family.  I found all the work necessary to have kept them out of jail, they weren't smart enough to know how to use it.  Instead they ended up in jail because they listened to Barbara instead of their friend, me.

I was perfectly willing to share my friends with Barbara who has told many people about this system and how to protect themselves.  The problem is that Barbara wasn't willing to share them.  She wanted them only and made that point very clear.  They bought into it and now I feel like I'm just a problem for all of them.  Literally, I saved their lives and told their families and Barbara took all the credit for it.  I did the job that Barbara always wanted someone to do, she just decided that I wasn't good enough for her friendship.  Cest la Vie.

So, although I still consider these people friends, they aren't the kind of friends I thought they were.  They sacrificed me for themselves.  In military terms, they left a man behind to die.  The thing is that I'm not really very good at disloyal friends.  I'm trying to understand how Christopher and his mom could have done this to me when it was his mother that asked me to help?  How is that possible?

It hasn't escaped me that Jonathan wasn't who Marie Monti asked to help her son.  It hasn't been overlooked that Jonathan usurped my relationship with Christopher to befriend him and his family for the last 11 years.  This is really not a good feeling for me.  I've known him for 35 years and a frightening trend has arisen with him and my friends (usually mutual friends).  He has been a source of backstabbing and hurt for me for decades, but to my face, he ACTS like we're friends.  Behind my back, he's tearing up my apartment, stealing my files, making copies of my work, stealing my belongings, and is one of the people responsible for the theft of all of my property from a home where Mark and he entered and stole it.  It's really not a surprise that this has come down to his problems again.

At any rate, I have other people that still need my help but know if I do that Jeffrey will steal them too.  It's become a source of great entertainment for him and Marilyn to see just how isolated they can make me.  Jeffrey literally asked my good friends to stop being my friends and they complied.  All of them.  Christopher too.  He once told them it would be a year and "if you are still friends with him" then I will do something.  That was 11 years ago, he's done nothing more than abuse my mom, lie to my sister, and treat me like a common piece of shit.  He's proud of not doing anything to help me.  Just ask him.  It is a source of great happiness for him.  You should hear him talk about it.  It is so contrary to what I agreed to help his son with that it is completely the opposite of what Benjamin and I shook on.  This wire is a deadly weapon used to hurt my mother and sister.  It hasn't gone unnoticed.

What started out as a good idea turned rotten with his father's involvement with Missy Erickson and Bessie Smith.  It's no wonder my life is in shambles, they made it that way and planned the whole thing.  What I want to know is "Where is the home you promised my sister Jeff?  Where is the protection you promised my sister Jeff?  In fact, where is any of the stuff you said you would do?"   I just wanted to point out one major thing, I don't want to live with Christopher at Jonathan's family's place, if I did it would be for the wrong reason...because it's nice.  Not because they felt like I deserved it.  It's not because they wanted me there, Barbara took care of that.  It would simply be because they had to and I'm not going to be anyone's "pseudo-boyfriend" just so that they don't look like the assholes that Barbara has turned them all into.  Of course they sing her praises like she is some kind of angel, but angels don't steal friends and send devils to assist an ogre.  Barbara took advantage of me and now she is taking advantage of the Mendenhall's.  She didn't do anything about the Sedona situation 11 years ago, but send me into the lion's mouth without so much as an, "I'm sorry for doing that."

There are lots of kinds of friends.  Christopher calls this living situation, "his family", but he doesn't include me in that.  It's true, it is his family, not mine and I feel like I was friends with Jonathan for 35 year for absolutely nothing.  This group of parents has completely dismantled my dreams in favor of theirs.  I'm not going to be an afterthought for anyone.  I'm my own man and I will find other ways of helping people that don't involve screwing someone else over it.  I don't Barbara my friends, she does.

Nothing was ever good enough for Anthony and Christopher.  I supplied an apartment, they opened it up for Jonathan to steal.  It wasn't as good as what Barbara could provide...and she made sure it didn't last.  She didn't give a fuck about what Jeffrey did to me after she handed me off.  He, in turn, has been so proud of doing nothing to help me that he tells everyone, every day, how little he's done to help.  In fact, he's in the hole to me for $37,000 for absolutely nothing.  I got nothing out of it.  He says the money isn't stolen.  I can't use it and it's mine, how is that not stolen?

These three friends sold me out.  I did this all to help them and they sold me out.  I don't think that there is any other way to look at it.  It was, after all, 11 years ago and there hasn't been a word from any of them in 11 years...not a single word.  Who is responsible for that time period Christopher?  Who is behind this obstruction that will eventually end in my death?

I want you all to ask Alice Mendenhall where the gratitude is for what Kevin did for your son, Christopher, Anthony, and especially Barbara.  You see, it's just like this weak assed team here...when the girls saw an opportunity, they jumped at it and lived with my friends.  Friends that not one of them would have been caught dead with before Jeffrey got here.  Missy, Bessie, Barbara...none of them wanted anything to do with us when the times were tough.  Nope, we weren't good enough for them.  It was only when our parents with money were involved that we started looking a whole lot better.  Of course, that doesn't include me now that Jeffrey made me broke.  Paid for protection is what the girls told my sister...and Jeffrey has reneged on the entire idea.  Not one single thing he told my sister was true.

You would think that priority one for Barbara would have been someone trying to help her with her rape.  Not true.  It was far more important to find a free place to live than it was to help someone out that she knows was brutalized and left for dead.  Obviously the girls don't think about rape the way I do.  They all seem to set it aside for a bribe.  It shows me that unlike myself, they are willing to live there for the wrong reasons, not because they earned it, but because of my work to free them from Lori LaFond.

I obviously have other friends that I value more than these three.  I will never allow Lori LaFond to know who they are and what they do.  I also won't let Jonathan, Anthony, or Christopher know them either.  The way that Barbara has these boys trained is just like Lori always wanted.  A fag hag with all of Kevin's friends.

So as far as I'm concerned we are friends for this case but that's about all. I really have no desire to keep these friendships beyond a trial and conviction of Missy Erickson, Bessie Smith, Lori LaFond, and the rest of the people that took my place with the friendships I earned.  I'm saddened by the lack of loyalty they all showed.  I'm the one that tried to help feed these boys. I'm the one that did the research.  I'm the one that informed these ungrateful parents.  I'm the person that tried his best, but apparently that isn't worth much.  Lying.  Stealing.  Putting people in harm's way.  These are all more valuable to the Mendenhall's and Monti's.  It sickens me to think of all the time I spent worrying about their safety when clearly they didn't spend one second thinking about mine.  Not one single second.

I don't know but I'm pretty sure that some of these people can be charged with accessory to an attempted murder.  I'm pretty sure that Jonathan can be charged.  I'm pretty sure that Anthony can be charged with obstruction in Sedona.  I'm pretty sure that Christopher can be charged with a variety of crimes related to his bribery taking and silence.  For her part, Barbara knew the dangerous situation that I was walking into and she did nothing but hide and lie.  It's sad.  These were people I trusted with my life, it was a big mistake.

Of all the people that Mrs. Mendenhall allowed to live in San Diego, she sure didn't think about what it would mean if I didn't.  11 years of letting Jeffrey take pot shots at my mom, dad, sister and me was responded to with a really loud, "Fuck you" from my friends.  Jonathan has yet to prove that he was anything but Lori's partner in crime with Barbara.  Now it would appear that they are trying to make me the bad guy because I spoke about it.  I would have to though, wouldn't I?  They sure as Hell aren't going to tell people what they did.  Jonathan has yet to appear before a U.S. Attorney....I doubt he and his "family" ever will.  They are too rich to care about someone like me, after all, who am I to question the Almighty Barbara's intentions.  I guess I've gotten use to her fucking me over.

Personally, I wish Jeffrey would just give the kill command already.  His constant bickering with Mrs. Mendenhall is ridiculous and childish.  His need to make Missy Erickson into some kind of reverse hero is impossible because I simply won't let it happen.  If she is ever in a position to take the credit for having stopped Lori, I'm going to show a prosecutor just how she and Bessie Smith did it.  Elderly abusing my mom and tearing apart my's sickening what Jeffrey has done to me.  His wife was responsible for the information I gave her about my account that he stole.  She knew what I was saving it for...she did nothing to stop her husband's obvious hatred for me and my sister.

I'm trying really hard not to be anything like Barbara, or Bessie, or Missy, or any of these strippers that think of my friends' families as some kind of piggy bank.  It's offensive to me.  These people I actually cared about.  I actually love my friends, but they don't love me.  It's tough.  It's a harsh reality that Jeffrey has mocked since he got here.  Imagine saying, "I don't want you to talk to Kevin or be nice to him for a year....and if you are still friends with him..." what a fucking dick thing to say to someone.  What's worse, they went along with it, for what?  A home?  It saddens me that I use to believe that these people were deeper than that.  They aren't.

So we're hunky dory friends in practice, but the reality is they ended our friendship a long time ago. Barbara insisted upon it.  Jeffrey insisted upon it.  Marilyn insisted upon it.  So glad they were here to help me Bryan Anderson...I've never been fucked so good.  Sending a Lori friendly family here to protect me?  What a tremendous idea super cop.   He used me as some kind of bargain to get his whole crew of people homes with the Mendenhall's, as if he had anything to do with it.  He didn't but he used me as some kind of faggot bargaining chip for everyone else.  I think there is probably nowhere I would rather not be more than wherever Jonathan is now.

If there is an attorney out there looking at this, please understand that I was the subject of two attempted murders.  Barbara and Jonathan knew all about both of them and said absolutely nothing to anyone about them.  For them to end up living with Christopher, the other informant is a clear bribe to keep anyone from finding out what they knew.  It would seem pretty obvious why she would send me alone into Sedona with Lori LaFond lying in wait for me.  I will remind you all that it was Marilyn Katzenberg that knew Lori was there stalking me during her own restraining order.  She was ordered by her husband not to say anything even though she supplied two of the people there to put me in jail.  It's not like they have ever wanted to help me.  They've lived here for over twelve years, the only contact they made was with my sister to steal my savings account.  Does that sound like they are here to help?  I think it isn't the kind of help I needed.  I'm just going through the motions of acting like a friend.